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I am not a Kenyan but for the past 35 years I have watched Raila. I do not think he is an Angel. But objectively I would say that he is the best presidential candidate compared with the other lot. He has paid enough price to become the President of Kenya and I am convinced that he will do good for Kenya.
Herment A. Mrema
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 13:31:46 -0700
Subject: [wanabidii] Ooops!......Raila: I am best in reforms, protecting new Constitution
Cidi and JaGem,Remember, two weeks ago we had a bad Tornado storm and welost all power and communications.I was therefore in the dark behind news but it is better late than never.These are matter that touch on life and security we cannot shelve.Cheers !
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
USA On Fri, 7/6/12, Jagem K'Onyiego <> wrote:From: Jagem K'Onyiego <>
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Raila: I am best in reforms, protecting new Constitution
To: "" <>, "Judy Miriga" <>
Date: Friday, July 6, 2012, 4:06 PMEeeeeiiiih!!! Bi Naomi, zingine zina tatiza!! Hata hivyo ninachoona hapa ni hasira kama ya ile samaki roho mbaya iitwayo mkizi. Sina uhakika jina la hili samaki kwa kimombo. Walakhin ninachoelewa ni kuwa ikishika ndoano huwa inajaribu kuimeza na hasira tena mzima mzima. Mwishowe, mvuvi huwa ka kazi raisi ya kuivuta inje toka majini. Au siyoo.Jagem
From: "" <>
To:; Judy Miriga <>
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Raila: I am best in reforms, protecting new Constitution
Week mbili zimeisha dada:)-?
Naomi.Sent from my BlackBerry®From: Judy Miriga <>
Subject: [wanabidii] Ooops!......Raila: I am best in reforms, protecting new Constitution
To: "Judy Miriga" <>
Date: Friday, July 6, 2012, 2:58 PM
Raila is not a REFORMIST as he wants many people to believe. Raila is a selfish self-seeker with special interest ego, who joined politics with a mission to build his wealth empire by hooks and crooks through public wealth and resource which was acquired from illegal deals and maneuvers. Everything Raila acquired in money worth, he used public wealth and resources with taxpayer money swindled through irregular political shifts which he lobbyied to build his wealth in Oil, Land and Mineral business trading. Therefore, Raila did not make his riches in a clean business smart enterprising. Many people have a notion that, his political maneuver with Moi granted him the Molasses Plant in Kisumu which many people believed that he under-cut Robert Ouko for the same to be rewarded ownership. Both Molasses and Luo Thrift were initiated and funded by Luo Community contributions for the Community's Project which later is now wholly and fully owned by Raila & the Odinga family. What Raila has written in the Standard is a lie meant to fool the world.
This media statement by Raila expecting people to believe that he is a REFORMIST is fake. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. A Reformist stay the course to the end and does not engage in scandal practices of the corrupt in stage-managed conspiracies.
Over the years Raila from his corner-corner political schemes and maneuvers clearly show signs of extreme corrupt, illegal and irregular deals. Raila flip-flops and causes scare tactics in instances when he orders people not to speculate and discuss freely about matters of death or those of shoddy deals by whistle blowers. Many people believe that vision 2030 which he participated in marketing and signing deals (MoUs) at the United Nations' International and Regional Financial Institutions; the World Banks, IMF, IFAD, UNESCO, COMESA, AfDB etc., is a big scum meant to steal public wealth and resources including the taxpayer collectibles to enrich the corrupt Politicians in the Coalition Government. The transparency and accountability of the same, have not been made public according to public mandate for National Reform Accord.
These are matters that put public in a much dengerous disadvantaged position to pay accruement of debt deficits consumed by those who who conspired to engaged into such corrupt dealings maneuvres. Legal justice must protect public interest before more damage bring Kenya down to Economic Crisis from acts of thievers.
When Raila order Member of Parliaments not to speak to investigators about what they know except for Mr. Kimunya, this was a big blow. It was clear to many that Raila knew more about the helicopter crash of Saitoti and Ojode with the rest of its occupants, and he was obstructing people from discussing or speculating possible reason for the helicopter crash. This made those with information coil back and went underground for fear of being intimidated.
Unless proved otherwise, the truth is that, Raila with those politically corrupt have been engage in a conspiracy to defraud and steal from the Public Wealth Resources; and so, this is how Raila build his wealth. It must go on record that, Raila has all along been making irregular deal of illegal nature scheming through the International Offshore Oil companies making corrupt deals over Public Wealth Resources in Land transfers and Minerals ownership to unscrupulous International Investors for self gain using taxpayer money carelessly and unwisely and have not disclosed to public or made it official; it is a matter known between the two Principal leaders with their network at the Coalition Government. The extreme corruption in Energy, Oil, Land and minerals put in the hands of the Chinese and Iranians etc., under shoddy MoUs and corrupt deals will continue to push the poor and disadvantaged to a point of no return.
This are reasons why the New Constitution is receiving a death blow and has been severed and watered down under their watch in the Coalition Government leadership,
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