Friday, 1 November 2013

[wanabidii] Re: [PK] Sad Indeed but we asked for It

Truely sad  indeed........... !!!  But pressure from people should tighten bolts to root in for demands that must never see them go back to dark days.  Pressure for peoples rights.
Freedom of Speech and Information is your right.  Which is why, Peoples Referendum
must wake up to demonstrate for immediate repeal and and replace.  Never allow defeat from special interest whose intention is to make your lives more painful and misserable. 
Stand up for your rights and the world will join with you in your demands..........Make
noise as far as the end of the world and get going beginning now........The Truth shall
set you free..................!!! 
If people unite and do what is right in the urgency of now, help is on the way.............
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

On Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:09 AM, Mburi Eric <> wrote:
PARLIAMENT PASSES new draconian Media-Law including punitive fines of up-to Sh20m, reregistration of journalists and freezing of bank accounts.
We have continuously and repeatedly warned the kenyan media against fornicating with the Jubilee regime but they have always told us its only meant to uphold the media freedom and improving working relation with government for nation building.
Today Tyranny of Numbers worked out to pass a law that will take kenya back to dark days of KANU.
It took us close to 50 years to fight for this fundamental human rights but has only taken 6-months to overturn it.
The suffering the heroes and heroines of 2nd liberation underwent has not yielded any fruit yet.
As Gitobu Imanyara , Raila Odinga and Co. Take a brake from legislation parliament has sacrificed their suffering.
As George Anyona Oginga Odinga and co. rest in the grave all they suffered for has been over-turned by the Jubilee regime.
Who will stand to safe this Nation? from the hands this greedy regime?
The media said they just want to form a working formula with government....mhmhmhm good for them

Nyakwar Mburi
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