Well Bw.KM.
A disadvantage of opinion poll surveys is the public's tendency to go bias. In opinion poll surveys, a huge number of respondents have the tendency to support the "leading option" indicated by the researchers. For example, a respondent is asked about who is more likely to win an election. If the researcher reveals which candidate is currently leading in the opinion poll surveys, there is a bigger chance that the respondent will choose the "leading option" as the likely winner. Other disadvantages of opinion poll surveys include vulnerability to sampling error and selection bias.
Further,our research teams and respondents may be guided by our deep tribal belonging,stereo types and deliberate witholding of information where i dont know whether a margin of error equaling to +/-5 applies for scientific purposes.
Non theless,when my person is ranked above yours,then the opinion poll is ok.The contrary is not applicable u know!
On the case of denying results,it all depends on credibility of the process.Once upon a time,President Kibaki was supposed to serve a sitting president with summons to appear in court for an elections results petition - was that possible!
Where and what time did Mzee Moi swear himself!
The wisdom of the Nzamba commission limited the swearing in to a public place between 10a.m to 2p.m to control mischief if any.
Should we abolish opinion polls!
There are other subjects covered by pollsters on research - how applicable are the findings!
From: Kuria-Mwangi <kjmwangi@gmail.com>
To: uchunguzi online <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: progressive-kenyans <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>; WanaKenya <Wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; Africa-Oped <africa-oped@yahoogroups.com>; VVM Vuguvugu Mashinani <VuguVuguMashinani@yahoogroups.com>; YP Young Professional <Youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>; kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:39 AM
To: uchunguzi online <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: progressive-kenyans <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>; WanaKenya <Wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; Africa-Oped <africa-oped@yahoogroups.com>; VVM Vuguvugu Mashinani <VuguVuguMashinani@yahoogroups.com>; YP Young Professional <Youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>; kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:39 AM
For the sake of those who are challenged in digesting points from a long story, here is what ndugu Ahmednasir is saying kwa mukhtashari (sp). I am sure those who admire Rao wont like his opinion so read Prof. Makau, the ODM spiritual leader or our best prophet of doom instead. I suggest Jubilee use this piece as their article of faith.
-Jua Kali opinion polls by Infotrack, Ipsos Synovate, et al, should stop. Pollsters play a critical role in predicting elections. But in many developing countries, pollsters simply don't have the capacity to conduct scientific polls.
-We don't want false predictions that will later create an impression that the polls were rigged.
-We don't want leaders to refuse to concede defeat and shout loud that their imaginary votes have been stolen.
-foreign observers like the European Union must realise that their primary function is to observe the election. It is not their business to act god. They must learn from their calamitous mission in 2007.
-the American, British and European Union embassies should respect the desire and will of the Kenyan people. Kenyans are tired of diplomats on temporary visa who pretend to know or love Kenya more than Kenyans.
- --
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 7:29 PM, Kuria-Mwangi <kjmwangi@gmail.com> wrote:
Did I read Ahmednasir right or what? He says a biased foreign brigade caused the violence, and Kibaki won narrowly. This is the first time I am hearing of European Union causing the mayhem with their biased support of Rao. The same stuff are being thrown here and there again, thanks to the work of Uhuruto and now we are back to 2007. Fortunately, Ahmednasir does not agree with knuckleheads like Prof. Makau who see doom in post 2013 elections and predicting violence.Prophets of doom, what do you think of this article?http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/The-roadmap-to-a-peaceful-March-4-election/-/440808/1676112/-/117gsb0/-/index.htmlThe 2007 polls were shaped by the politics of Narc, allegations of betrayal and the noxious fallout from the failed attempt to enact a new constitution.In 2007, Mr Kibaki won re-election from a narrow ethnic base and was greatly helped by voters from smaller tribes.Finally, the 2007/2008 violence was sparked by a biased foreign brigade, clueless electoral body and election observers who simply made up their mind that Mr Kibaki stole the elections.One of the least interrogated facets of the violence remains the role the European Union election observers played in sparking the 2007 post-election mayhem.-- Veritas liberabit vosThe truth Shall set you freehttp://www.kuria-mwangi.blogspot.comhttp://www.facebook.com/kjmwangi __._,_.___
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