George Odhiambo,
Plan for Raila it to finish Luos.
1) After Raila and the Odinga family benefiting from Luo Thrift which includes Dudi shopping Centre in Gem that is Luo Thrift, Tom Mboya Mombasa, these are Luo Thrift; Makasembo Hall, these are Luo Thrift, .......etc.,.......then the Odinga family negotiate in a conspiracy during Kenyatta Administration to silence Tom Mboya….. taking South Nyanza away Luos wealth and resources. Jaramogi Odinga slowed down after Tom Mboya death and pretended that he loves the South Nyanza when he begun to engage extensively in South……we dint know it was our land which was targeted and our people prepared for extinction.
Raila is turning Luo Nyanza into Slavery for Labour reserve for his commercial empire grabbed from Luos by ways and means.
2) The Molasses, was the reason a conspiracy was hatched to kill Robert Ouko wuod Seda. Raila then turned the Molasses his property when in actual sense Robert Ouko planned to create Development projects for the local people of the area and upon finalizing Molasses funding, that is when he got killed and farms in and Molasses from the Ancestral Clan of Imbo, Seme, Asembo, Uyoma was translated to BONDO CONSTITUENCY….. where Loans from World Bank, IMF, Hedge Funding, Pyramid Scheme, and with the UN Financial Institutions to include AfDB as well as South Africa was consolidated for Yala Swamp and Kibos Sugar and this only benefited Raila, the Odinga family with their Agents and cronies
3) Kassim Owango planned to fix water hycynth and put together COMESA, for projects in the Lake Victoria for the community in and around Lake Victoria to benefit, he too Raila conspired with Moi and Kassim Owango died mysteriously. Odinga Raila negotiated with Moi and Museveni, to overtake Lake Victoria with Migingo where they got loan from World Bank and the expense and bill is sent to the local community to pay…..this is unacceptable.
4) Joshua Okuthe and Nyaseme also died mysteriously from mysterious circumstances and then everyone is silent like nothing happened. Their money in the bank also disappeared mysteriously. Okuthe was prominent with the Soccer team and Nyasame had just got contract money from South Sudan and that too just disappeared. If they were killed, why is the Government silent why don't they investigate and give clear perspective of what actually happened.
5) Raila pretended with HIV and top-cut men speers in nyanza simply to finish luos and do sperm harvesting with the Chinese. This is another way to cut short lives of the Luo men.
6) Land Grabbing in Luo Nyanza is completely getting out of control and this is meant to benefit business men from Uganda, Rwanda, Nigerian, South Africa and Canada…….this is why Raila is shuttling from South Africa to USA to create and develop civil war conflicts and spoil for President Obama trip to Africa………following the same trend of how he has over the years finished our prominent Luos and taken their wealth and resources.
7) His recent bragging that he is heavier and mightier in his saying that: "Opuk pek ne Otenga"………is a simple show off to prove to his followers that he is more powerful than even our big brother……and it is what brought him here without official protocol but to pupu his stench…like he is used to pupu on our people.
We trust in God and God will protect and preserve us now and always……..and for this, we shall not hesitate to expose all his dirty linen and demand that he face justice immediately so we can recover all that has been stolen from us.
He must not be allowed to continue doing damage to the luos as it amounts to serious crime, abuse and violation of Human Rights.
@@@@@@@Translated in Luo@@@@@@
George Odhiambo,
Plan mar Raila en tieko Joluo.
1) Raila ka osekao Luo Thrift moriwo nyaka duke man Dudi shopping Centre Gem mago e achiel kuom Luo Thrift, Tom Mboya Mombasa, ginie Luo Thrift; Makasembo Hall, magi e Luo Thrift, mamoko ma bende unyalo medoe.......kae to Joka-Odinga winjore gi jok mane otelo e serikand Kenyatta to silence Tom Mboya….. kae to gi yako mwandu mag joluo, kae to githiro jo South Nyanza. Jaramogi Odinga odokmana chien bange ka Tom Mboya osethod eka okacho wuondore ni oherowa…….to malit to pod osiko…….Wuode ma Raila KODinga koreka yako maber. Omayowa nyaka puothe, matiende ni ne gichano ni Bondo oriwo nyaka South Nyanza duto ……matiende ni wan wasumbni Joka Odinga…….oyoroe gi iye ka otelo mbele ka ngat ma yoro aora ma Bondo etok dalagi.
2) Kae to mar ariyo, en Molasses, ma wuodwa Ouko Wuod Sega kane dwaro improvego mondo omi the Community for Development, joka Odinga oyudo opportunity mo oriwore gi jo wasik Ouko Total man kae to kaosenegi Ouko to Raila omako osiep gi Total man bange to neodar odhi e Party mar Moi in Kanu ka weche osekwe mar nek Ouko, kae to odhi o negotiate kod Moi, bang kane Wuod Sega neoseloso yore duto maber mar chiero Molasses for Community Development to giwinjore to ginego Wuod Sega, kae to Raila achiel onogono kao Molasses oloko mare…….koro oriwo mier dala oganda mag joka ngane ka ngane ….. puothe gi duto man aluora mar Molasses motingo jo Imbo, Seme, Asembo, Uyoma nyaka Kano Plain kae to oluongogi ni BONDO CONSTITUENCY….. odhi okwayogo Loan pesa e World Bank, IMF, Hedge Funding, Pyramid Scheme, kachiel gi UN Financial Institutions nyaka AfDB gi pinje maoko nyaka South Africa kae to omayo jo dhoudi go duto puothe gioriwo gi mo riw e Yala Swamp ……the benefitiary there is Raila gi joka Odinga kachiel gi his Agents gi cronies
3) Nyoroka kanyo Kassim Owango kane dhi loso wach water hycynth ma osetudo weche gi pinje mag COMESA, ne oloso yore mag pisa mane dhidonjo gero Lake Victoria mondo onagi oyud konyruok e ohala mane wuok Lake Victoria, Raila ominore odhi kwotho gi Moi, ma Kassim wuod Owango osim mayom, pese mane odong e bank olal nono……gi chamo…….Wuod Odinga Raila odhi loso gi Moi gi Museveni, World Bank onindo e Lake Victoria Development giriwore gi Museveni, Bush, kod Moi ma mano e ma omiyo Raila omako osiep kod joka Clinton gi Museveni kendo ma gikao giriwo nyaka Migingo
4) Nyo uneno ka Joshua Okuthe gi Nyaseme nyo tho gi rieko mabor mayore yore kae to piny oling thi…….Pesa bilionde mag Okuthe mane ni e bangi jaohala maneok kwalo pesngato, chamo mana luche olal kanye, nyiego manono mana ni Okuthe jo mpira ohero kae to imaye pese gi thuon… mag Nyaseme ma nyo oyudogodo Contract from South Sudan ngano ma okao……to oneggi nango???
5) Koro sani Raila gi Nyongo ka achiel gi Oto jodonjore gi mecho……imayo onagi puothe, mwandgi, ingado nyaka nyim yawuot Luo giwacho ni mano en HIV imanyo ji nyaka e mier gotieno gi thuon to adiera en ni HIV ok landre kuom jogo mak ok ongadi…….mondi jogo ma ongadi ema ne oyud ni lande saidi……..Rieko man ka en ni, Nyongo wuondore gi wach "Postrate Cancer" mondo ogo risasi MANDE YAWUOT LUO mondo otime ne jo Chinese SPERM seed harvesting. Seche ma gi chodo nyim yawuotwa gi gichwado risasi mande yawuotwa, gin ego jowa….. yawuot Luo……
6) Puothe Jo Luo be koro gi vamia South Nyanza. Gima omiyo en ni Raila ne oseuso puothe joluo South Nyanza ne jo Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Africa gi Canada. Koro uneno ka ogoyo Ngwech oringo odhi South Nyanza, kae to ogo kona oringo obiro USA tije en thuwo ji mondo oter lweny Kenya………
7) Ka nyoro odonjo America ne obiro gengo wuodwa kik dhi limbe Africa……..okwer ni en "Opuk pek ne Otenga"………Opuk pek ne otenga maka chietha……..!!! Odhi thuo jo South Africa mondo kik rwak wuodwa, kae to obiro ka biro duo piii……..Wangni ochamo to obiro yie…..ok wabi rumo kamano......matiende ni odwaro chodo kendo simo wuodwa achiel kende, wuod Obama kaka ose simo yawuotwa ma ratipo mosekadho go….gitieko Tom kendo kodhi ma nyo Nyasae moyowa ka hawi bang nego wuon, obiro liero mande ka……oyo, ma to wangni adagi……ase ling kod aminga ….. ma wangni achungie…….aikora mar gwere gi Raila gi jogego……wadwaro gwere ma buru ema biro dum. Kapo ni oriwore gi osiepenego mag jo ohala Odwaro tieko wuodwa nyathi hawi wuod Obama mondo giket jogo ma mayowa puothe, mano to wadagi…….
Nyasae ja nguono Nyasae ber, Nyasach polo kod piny okcham asoya…..omiyowa rieko ma apanda Malaika maler kelonwa lek, omiyowagodo weche ma wangeyogodo weche gi gik mopangi apanda ngengore e lela …. ….. aseyie…….Nyasae hono……to okgibi nyalo…….
Saa osechopo, wadwaro mwanduwa duto ma Raila osekwalo…… jo magaidi ma okelo in Kenya mondo ka owacho ni en ne ok ohusika in 2007/8, ere kaka no onyalo kao Kamlesh Patni ma oriw gi Chinedu gi Mungiki kae to giwuondo ji gi Internetional Church Kanisa mar nego ji…….Joluo ofuo fuo manade ma I fulogi mana pilepile……
Moi kane ondhuno mande, ne waoro Moi ondhun mande? Ne wangeyo kaka ne gindhunore mandegi? Ne wantiere sama ne gindhunore kata gima negilaro ma omiyo neinduno mande? En ango ma kar dhao gi Moi to wan ema olokore kodwa otieko Onagi….mondo omawa puothe to koni to gitimo ohala gi Moi……???
Ere kaka Raila gi Moi timo ohala kanyakla kendo gi winjore to jokma umiya gin wan??? Jok ma dwaro kelo kwe Raila mongodo. Ngat matiyo matek kaka wuod Obama, okelo sigu, kae to mande achielnogono ema oliero ka ochikore go South Africa ni oooo VIP mara ni oooo omaya kura gi Uhuru gi Ruto, mara ni oooo Obama rach Obama kik dhi Afria.......Africa in mar min mare.....??? kae to udwaro nwa pii odwaro kelo lweny omed kwalogodo puothe......ema nyoro obiro liero go mande USA.......uparo ni enga ango??? kae to ni mondo aling alinga........
Judy Miriga Diaspora Spokesperson Executive Director Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc., USA FIVE CIRCUMCISION DEATHS IN EASTERN CAPE-SOUTH AFRICA. Friday,June 21 2013 at 04:18pm Five boys died and one has been castrated in the Eastern Cape after illegal circumcisions, the provincial health department said on Friday. "The Eastern Cape department of health is extremely concerned about the increasing number of young boys dying in the bush," said spokesman Sizwe Kupelo. "Over the past four days five boys have died in the bush. An autopsy conducted on three of them indicated they suffered from gangrene which resulted in renal failure." A 15-year-old boy also had to be castrated. --- On Sat, 6/22/13, Faiza Hassan <> wrote: From: Faiza Hassan <> Subject: Re: [PK] Raila Tells off the AU over Hague To: Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 6:44 AM Yes the Ambassador will be recalled for what he did. He was not supposed to do that. He should wait for letter reprimanding him. --- On Sat, 6/22/13, Cosmos Omondi <> wrote: From: Cosmos Omondi <> Subject: Re: [PK] Raila Tells off the AU over Hague To: Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 6:19 AM Amori, In Washington Raila was driven around in the Kenyan ambassador's official car and his schedule was coordinated by the Embassy, in sharp contrast to the recent refusal by the Office of the President to deny him access to the VIP lounges at Jomo Kenyatta airport. What about that? Can it happen without the knowledge of Baba wa Taifa and his Dep? Jakom should now use his hard earned-new found status to "Peace Talk" Chinedu to "Please forgive" the Kenya Government and let the plane fly back to Kenya. --- On Sat, 6/22/13, otieno sungu <> wrote: From: otieno sungu <> Subject: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT To: "" <>, "Progressive Kenyans" <> Cc: "" <>, "vision Kenyayahoo Group" <>, "Friends of KCDN Group" <>, "" <>, "young proffessionals" <>, "Kiswahili" <> Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 7:04 AM Oduor, This is the way to go, unless we get credible answers on the questions we ask instead of arrogance, this entity will find it very difficult to penetrate Nyanza. Many will be 'mobilized" for photo sessions during forums but to sink their savings will be a hard sell. One thing I like about our folks it that they don't shy away from asking hard questions and those questions are beginning to emerge even from some who rushed to "register" before doing due diligence on integrity of the entity. The very poor must be protected and if an organization refuses to answer questions on probity and instead takes people on a whole course of chest thumping, it will only have itself to blame. Any organization worth its salt will rush to provide such answers very promptly to the satisfaction of the public. And right now, the urgent one is, when will Lee be paid for offering car hire services to KIMISHO worth Ksh. 14,000/= to traverse from Busia, Migori and Siaya, if he can't be paid and has to write off the debt, is this the strategy to fight poverty in Nyanza by bringing down small enterprises? Sungu. From: Maurice Oduor <> To: Progressive Kenyans <> Cc: "" <>; "" <>; vision Kenyayahoo Group <>; Friends of KCDN Group <>; "" <>; young proffessionals <>; Kiswahili <> Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 1:34 PM Subject: [KOL] Re: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT Sungu, I have done my part. I have passed on the info to my auntie and some folks in west Ugenya to be very wary of joining such an endeavour. They will spread the news in churches, schools and marketplaces there to open their eyes before sinking their savings into this outfit. There are so many unknowns. On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 6:19 AM, otieno sungu <> wrote: Jerry, You could not have captured it better. The government has grants for youth and women for empowerment. Why do some people want to start SACCOS instead encouraging their residents to take advantage of the low or interest free government grants, invest first before forming SACCOS? Again, there are various existing SACCOS, why don't they encourage residents to join these ones instead of inventing the wheel? I know several fishermen cooperative societies in Nyanza, almost at every beach, farmers, traders etc. Instead of adding new ones, these are the ones to strengthen. Don't you smell a rat here? Let Nyongo and his cohorts tell us why they are not educating residents of Nyanza to take advantage of what the Jubilee government is putting in place, grants to youth and women but instead they want to collect money from residents in order to loan the same residents their own money? They failed in doing so while in government and this may be a ploy to disadvantage residents of Nyanza from applying for government support "ati" they have their own SACCO which will only enrich a few. If they are serious, they should spend all those vernacular radio airtime urging residents to apply for government grants(which has been increased tremendously) and educate folks on investment and financial management. But they should not begin an amorphous SACCO without even an office or forwarding address being run by one individual and fronted by politicians ( when have politician ever managed such things successfully?) and pretend they are out to fight poverty, to me , this is a PYRAMID SCHEME and nothing else and all residents must be educated that this is a sure way of losing hard earned savings. When I asked the track record of the Executive Director on managing SACCOS, all I got was arrogance and bravado instead. In today's Kenya where merit, track record, skills, integrity and experience are the determining factors for hiring even public servants, how did they arrive at someone who has never managed anything of this nature to be the driver of a SACCO of this magnitude? Isn't this a sure road to disaster? We all know how Kenyans lost savings, incomes, pensions and property during the unfortunate PYRAMID SCHEMES wave. The red flags are many, and it is only prudent to ensure our very own brothers and sisters do not fall easy victims to such ploy ever again. If the SACCO cannot even pay for services of car hire of Ksh 14,000/= offered by a young entrepreneur from the same region , how will it manage poverty in Nyanza when it has begun by killing small scale businesses? I want to finalize by saying that previous sponsors of this entity were appraised of impropriety within it the reason you do not see any partnership being mentioned any more, the entity had to run away from Nairobi where taps have run dry to Nyanza where people are still naive but we are remaining vigilant to ensure unless it shapes up, there will be no more freebies unaccounted for. This thing can easily bring down Raila's name because his close confidants are using it to pretend to craft a poverty strategy which is definitely headed for disaster. Sungu. From: Jerry Edwards <> To: "" <>; "" <> Cc: vision Kenyayahoo Group <>; Friends of KCDN Group <>; "" <>; progressive-kenyans <>; young proffessionals <>; Kiswahili <> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 9:17 PM Subject: Re: [KOL] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT Sungu, You are spot on. These fellows have been yes men without much of their own.Those from Nyanza in particular have been singing to the tune of one man who has never had much interest in developing the entire county except his door step. This pyramid factor in the name of Sacco is a non starter and need to be discouraged. The Government has agreed to give loans to individuals or groups. The people need to be empowered/educated about the process.Empowerment is key! It is a shame that these people have no sustainable strategic business plans. What we are now witnessing is the wish to drive big cars and live lavishly and forgetting the opportunity to invest wisely Kenya: Raila Tells Off the AU Over HagueBy Timothy Kaberia, 20 June 2013 FORMER Prime Minister Raila Odinga has dismissed the "hardline" position over the ICC adopted by the African Union last month as an exercise in futility . He said that the anti-ICC crusade led by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is misplaced because "Africa must stop passing the buck and take responsibility for its own peace and development." Raila was speaking on Tuesday at the Woodrow Wilson Center in downtown Washington DC flanked by retired US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson and Kenyan ambassador Elkanah Odembo. Raila accused Museveni of wasting time on "mundane" issues instead of focusing on apprehending the Lords Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and handing him over to the ICC. Raila said that African leaders should instead come up with strategies to help the continent achieve its economic dreams. He said that the continent had abundant resources and only needed proper leadership to make it competitive in the global market. "In the next 50 years, I envisage Africa to have a youthful and healthy population, to serve as a granary to the world, and to rest poverty to history. My dreams are reasonable and achievable only if bodies such as the AU stop chest thumping like we recently witnessed during the celebration of Africa's 50th Anniversary and get back to serious reforms," Raila said. Raila said that Africans want to see the AU come up with strategies for sustained reforms and inclusive economic growth. "There must be a deliberate strategy to develop the continent's productive forces and build structures to manage Africa's political, economic and technological relations within its members and international communities," he said. Raila said that leaders must respect human rights, better manage on mineral resources, and work on better prices for agricultural produce to help eradicate poverty. The former PM also challenged African leaders to come up with policies so that African states could dictate their terms of engagement with China. He said that Africa and Kenya must uphold their relationship with "traditional" allies such as the United States and Western Europe. Raila denied that he had become President Uhuru Kenyatta's special envoy and that Treasury was requesting an additional Sh34 million for his travel expenses. In Washington Raila was driven around in the Kenyan ambassador's official car and his schedule was coordinated by the Embassy, in sharp contrast to the recent refusal by the Office of the President to deny him access to the VIP lounges at Jomo Kenyatta airport. State recalls envoys ahead of shake-up![]() Cabinet to the secretary nominee Francis Kimemia before the committee on administration and national security chaired by Asman Kamama at Continental house on May 24 2013. Some 39 ambassadors and high commissioners have been recalled as President Kenyatta prepares to assemble a new diplomatic team to champion Kenya's foreign policy. PHOTO/PHOEBE OKALL NATION In Summary
Some 39 ambassadors and high commissioners have been recalled as President Kenyatta prepares to assemble a new diplomatic team to champion Kenya's foreign policy. The Nation Thursday established that each of the targeted diplomats, most of whom had completed their tenures, had received instructions to hand over to their deputies and return home. Their replacements could be named next month. Secretary to the Cabinet Francis Kimemia first wrote to them over a month ago. His letter was followed up by another with similar instructions by the new Director of Political Affairs at the ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Robert Ngesu, this week. Kenya's ambassador to Washington DC, Mr Elkanah Odembo, Consular-General in Los Angeles, Dr Akinyi Odinga and High Commissioner to Canada, Mr Simon Nabukwesi are among those ordered to return home. Others are Mr Geoffrey Okanga (Uganda), Mr Mutinda Mutiso (Tanzania), Mr Richard Ekai (Thailand), Mr Dave Arunga (Egypt), Mr John Kakonge (Switzerland), Mr Ephraim Ngare (United Kingdom) and Mr Benjamin Mweri (Burundi). The recalled diplomats' redeployment or otherwise was not clear. Hand over to deputy Thursday, Mr Odembo confirmed that he had been ordered to hand over to his newly-posted deputy, Ms Jean Kamau. "I have also received two letters, one from Mr Kimemia and the other from ambassador Ngesu on Monday this week. I further received a call from Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi instructing me to prepare and hand over to Ms Jean Kamau who is the Deputy Head of Mission," Mr Odembo told the Nation on phone. He confirmed that he will be finalising on his exit next week so as to leave the mission to its next tenant. There has been a tug-of-war over the appointment of envoys playing out in government as senior State officials lobby for their favoured candidates to be named to strategic positions. However, officials of the ministry are said to be pushing for career diplomats to take charge of the country's diplomacy as opposed to political appointees. The decision caused a temporary stand-off between influential government officials at the Office of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A month before former President Kibaki left office, a number of diplomatic appointments were made, raising eyebrows on their motives. The February appointments affected some seasoned diplomats who were recalled much earlier or moved to other missions. Mr Thomas Amolo previously in Pretoria was moved to Lagos to pave the way for Mr Patrick Wamoto who has already arrived in South Africa, while Ms Koki Muli was posted to New York as the Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Advertise positions Sources at the President's office revealed that the process of appointing new diplomats would be concluded before the end of the month and they would be posted by July 15. It is unclear whether President Kenyatta would choose to have the positions advertised and candidates subjected to a competitive recruitment process. Key missions such as New York and Beijing are said to have been reserved for allies of the President and his Deputy William Ruto. The posts are reportedly reserved for those who lost in the elections. Former Cabinet Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere and Eugene Wamalwa are among those who could benefit from the diplomatic postings. Section 132 (2) of the Constitution states that the President shall nominate and with the approval of the National Assembly, appoint, and may dismiss high commissioners, ambassadors and diplomatic and consular representatives. Kenya Government Recalls Envoys ahead of Shake-Up By Mwakilishi | Thu, 06/20/2013 04:08PM -0400 Some 39 ambassadors and high commissioners have been recalled as President Kenyatta prepares to assemble a new diplomatic team to champion Kenya's foreign policy. The Nation Thursday established that each of the targeted diplomats, most of whom had completed their tenures, had received instructions to hand over to their deputies and return home. Their replacements could be named next month. Secretary to the Cabinet Francis Kimemia first wrote to them over a month ago. His letter was followed up by another with similar instructions by the new Director of Political Affairs at the ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Robert Ngesu, this week. Kenya's ambassador to Washington DC, Mr Elkanah Odembo, Consular-General in Los Angeles, Dr Akinyi Odinga and High Commissioner to Canada, Mr Simon Nabukwesi are among those ordered to return home. Others are Mr Geoffrey Okanga (Uganda), Mr Mutinda Mutiso (Tanzania), Mr Richard Ekai (Thailand), Mr Dave Arunga (Egypt), Mr David Njoka (India), Mr John Abduba (Zimbabwe), Mr Lazarus Amayo (Zambia), Mr James Chepsongol (Namibia), Mr John Kakonge (Switzerland), Mr Ephraim Ngare (United Kingdom), Mr Benjamin Mweri (Burundi) and Mr Joseph Kiplangat (South Sudan). The recalled diplomats' redeployment or otherwise was not clear. Hand over to deputy Thursday, Mr Odembo confirmed that he had been ordered to hand over to his newly-posted deputy, Ms Jean Kamau. "I have also received two letters, one from Mr Kimemia and the other from ambassador Ngesu on Monday this week. I further received a call from Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi instructing me to prepare and hand over to Ms Jean Kamau who is the Deputy Head of Mission," Mr Odembo told the Nation on phone. He confirmed that he will be finalising on his exit next week so as to leave the mission to its next tenant. There has been a tug-of-war over the appointment of envoys playing out in government as senior State officials lobby for their favoured candidates to be named to strategic positions. However, officials of the ministry are said to be pushing for career diplomats to take charge of the country's diplomacy as opposed to political appointees. The decision caused a temporary stand-off between influential government officials at the Office of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A month before former President Kibaki left office, a number of diplomatic appointments were made, raising eyebrows on their motives. The February appointments affected some seasoned diplomats who were recalled much earlier or moved to other missions. Mr Thomas Amolo previously in Pretoria was moved to Lagos to pave the way for Mr Patrick Wamoto who has already arrived in South Africa, while Ms Koki Muli was posted to New York as the Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Advertise positions Sources at the President's office revealed that the process of appointing new diplomats would be concluded before the end of the month and they would be posted by July 15. It is unclear whether President Kenyatta would choose to have the positions advertised and candidates subjected to a competitive recruitment process. Key missions such as New York and Beijing are said to have been reserved for allies of the President and his Deputy William Ruto. The posts are reportedly reserved for those who lost in the elections. Former Cabinet Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere and Eugene Wamalwa are among those who could benefit from the diplomatic postings. Section 132 (2) of the Constitution states that the President shall nominate and with the approval of the National Assembly, appoint, and may dismiss high commissioners, ambassadors and diplomatic and consular representatives. - Daily Nation --- On Fri, 6/21/13, Judy Miriga <> wrote: From: Judy Miriga <> Subject: LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT To: "Judy Miriga" <> Date: Friday, June 21, 2013, 2:20 PM
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