Sungu, I am in total agreement and I am as mad as hell. Raila must explain this sudden surge of going after the poor man of Luo Nyanza, taking even the little that is left of them must be taken away from the Luo poor. And, after everything is taken from the poor Luo like he is used to taking, where shall they go to live.......??? Raila KO'Dinga apenji, nyiswa maler, ere kama iiko ne joluo odhi odagie ka isekao mwandgi duto......ipeyowa malich wachal obambla mosetuo orito dhi ter e chiro; wanadhi dagi kure, tongano mabiro puonjomwa nyithindewa gi miyogi chiemo ma bende puothewa maKaluo e mwandwa, tee eskul, to e alot, to e law miruako to en e udi mwa dakie gi nyithindewa gi be en ekaka ongewago pinje mangima ni kangane kangane ipenjo apenja nyaka ichopi.....Ji bende osomogodo ma ochopo America monywolo nwa kodhi .... in to koro ibiro yoro kangat ma yoro iduwo pii ka ngat ma yoro aora madalagi........Bondo u dak gi oseyoro modwanyo kaka itimomwa???? Nyiswa maler kendo malongo, iikonwa kar dhi dak koso??? Wanabidagi e Pand pieri koso???? They want to start a SACCO for Nyanza residents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....Oyo, wadagi, Oto gi Nyongoneno kar romgino odhi adhiya KOdinga gidhi chak girgino.......Nyongo ose chodo nyim nyithindewa gi Raindenogono gi chiegni tieko.....nyithindo ma yowuoyi odong munglu onge gimoro.........omera, waol kodgi ka awayo ma ojogore gi lak. Wache ber kongnegi maler godiechieng mondo ngato kik wach ni ngato neobayo ne nyawadgi wach marach.........Adiera ema watiyogodo gi odiechieng...........Giwuogi awuoga gi negwa waduto gi kaw mwand ne watho to Nyasae owach ni omiyowa dhogwa mondo wawach godo weche mag adier. Adiera e chuny Nyasae ma ka wachungie adiera eka be Nyasae nyalo konyowa. Osechopo kama koro okwanyal ling.........Maendi en wach malich ma osemwuomo oula........ Wariwre uru e achiel mondo walos gima wanyalo loso.......ngato ka okwinyowa to waomo hwa wagore agoya mawiii eka wanyalo mondo oter tabia mare ma Mbaya no mabor kiki okel ka Obama ka.........kwere uru, kik obi mieno Obama ka gi wuodwa ma wadhialo ok wadwarie tugo.......!!! Kido ma yore yore ma yombre be ok wadwar ....... ose pogo joluo okelomwa wasigu e udi mondo oimwa oneg oganda Luo.......maendi doko wach.....!!! Judy Miriga Diaspora Spokesperson Executive Director Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc., USA --- On Fri, 6/21/13, otieno sungu <> wrote: From: otieno sungu <> Subject: [uchunguzionline] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT To: "" <> Cc: "vision Kenyayahoo Group" <>, "Friends of KCDN Group" <>, "" <>, "progressive-kenyans" <>, "young proffessionals" <>, "Kiswahili" <>, "kol" <> Date: Friday, June 21, 2013, 1:01 PM Judy, You are not lying, I am just amazed that this late in the day is when the likes of An'yang N'yongo, Ceasar Asiyo et al are coming out to "rally luo Nyanza" into development through some amorphous group and forming a sacco. They want to start a SACCO for Nyanza residents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These people have been in government for the last several years as the water hyacinth killed the mainstay of Nyanza economy and they said nothing, did nothing and "rallied" nobody to save residents of Nyanza. Now they emerge, from the shadows of a resounding and sobering electoral defeat with a PYRAMID SCHEME to collect money from poor residents of Nyanza to start economic activities.They have just suddenly realized Nyanza needs development and are in a hurry to achieve it through a SACCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like you ask, if they failed while in power with all the resources, influence and capacity to empower their representatives, how will they do it now when they have been reduced into bystanders and observers of government? This is a group of people either trying to remain relevant or trying to raise money from poor Kenyans to sustain a lifestyle they were used to and now throw out of. Residents of Nyanza must reject these people who ride on their backs, all the way since independence. While Lee blames Midiwo, I blame the whole lot of the hangers on of Raila's coat tails, the ones forming SACCOS now. This thing is a PYRAMID SCHEME for enriching a few people carefully crafted now that taps have run dry on them all over. Sungu. From: Omar Bin Waber <> To: "" <> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 6:27 PM Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT Eheeee..Mama Judy nasirika na nasema; Enough is enough...We cannot take any more of these.. Regards, Omar Bin Waber Sent from my iPhone On Jun 21, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Judy Miriga <> wrote: Good People, It is time Lee Makwiny Must be protected by the Government of Kenya, it is because, as has been the practice and for what we have said here and in other threads; Raila never likes anyone to question, or challenge what his Agents tell him or what he believes in, and he hates with passion those who have their own independent opinions or oppose with facts........Raila does not believe in RIGHTS.........therefore, he does not believe in Real Constitutional rights and legal justice.....which is why, although he accepted Court ruling "shingo upande", in public rally's he is telling the people something different. Looking back five years ago, he was Prime Minister of Kenya sharing the Coalition Governance 50/50 of power. With the power that he had, he delivered nothing to the people willingly except, what we count as Constitutional gains which came about from peoples exerted pressure. He was busy engaging in corruption and feeding his stomach and looking for the best meat for his family with his Agents including his special interest network. Like Lee confesses, he sent his agents in Parliament to be seen to engage, but behind the scene, they got busy undoing the Constitution to fit with their own special interest. This is how Migingo was sold to Museveni then he invited Museveni to Kisumu to celebrate the sale of Migingo and show the world how he is so powerful that the Nyanza people will say YES to anything going that comes from his mouth……even if he must cut Luo-men's speers, they will say YES kata tu, Wuod Mzee kwisha sema. Kama yeye nasema, basi sawa, wewe kata tu hata kama mama nakataa, wuod Jaduong kwisha sema…….Kama ni boma inauzwa ama Dala inauzwa, hiyo pia we nataka kuchukua kwasababu Wuod Jaduong kwisha sema……hiyo pia ni mzuri tu, mimi nawesa kaa kwa bara bara na kukufa na njaa nayeye na endesha Tinga Tinga ama Hammer…… What the hell……….!!! Wake up people! wuod jaduong is nothing but a selfish and greedy person who care for nothing but to milk you dry eat you alive……… The writings are on the walls……….Plain and square…….. He bulldoze his way to take credit where he did not deserve…… that is the reality……..It is nothing but the truth……. Raila did not want the constitution in the first place, how could he? …….. when all that he lived for is to take away what belong to defenseless poor people "by force" whether you like it or not. It is the people themselves who were determined through the Referendum why Kenya got the New Constitution, and because President Obama supported Kenyans to make the Constitution a reality, he then now hates President Obama……which is why he ganged with his special interest to fight and smear our good big brother. You cannot compare Raila's heart with that of President Obama…….they are such a contrast…….they are not alike in any way even remotely possible……..The truth will shame the devil…….. If Raila failed to deliver as PM in the 50/50 Coalition Government, what makes him think he can now deliver….??? You can prove that he does not care about everybody-else except his close cronies and agents with his special interest group; and this is true from the way he awarded them to profit from corruption……and therefore, the way Miguna Miguna explained who Raila is, portrays the real picture of who Raila truely is……Ask yourself this question, how did Raila's Agents and youth become rich so suddenly and the rest of the majority of Luo people drowned into extreme poverty and joblessness, if, for them to be that rich, they must have applied Heavy Duty Corruption gadgets with impunity to acquire the kind of wealth they now posses and accessed during Kibaki Raila Coalition Government??? Lets face it and call a spade a spade. If there will be any civil conflict in the Luo Nyanza between Luos and other tribal groups, the blame must squarely be put on Raila. The sale of Land that belong the Asembo Clan, the Seme, Imbo, Uyoma and those of South Nyanza is about to flame serious Civil Conflict between the Nyanza New Comers with the Luos that Raila brought from Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Somalia and the Kikuyu of Mungiki to include the Kisii and Luhyas who were promised free land that belonged to the Luos in those areas but were conned and evicted craftly, stealthily, forcefully and tactfully to vacate their land. In other words Luos were tricked and forced to evict their land and then replaced by the Kisiis and Luhyas to run the show for Raila with Agents and Special Business Interest. The Luos ancestral land is taken and given to the Kisiis, Luhyas, Somalis and some Kikuyus of Mungiki so the Luos can be beaten, thrown out and chased or killed to vacate their ancestral homes and the land is to be occupied by the New Comers. Who is fooling who……..this is how the 2,000 people from South Nyanza were moved out of their lands including our home(my fathers' home)………this is also how the Siaya Community lost their land to Calvin Burgess………the land that belonged to the Seme, Asembo, Uyoma, Imbo, and the Kano Plains. It is here they plan to built Shopping Town Center with skyscraper hotels and in the surrounding build Silos, the multi-billion storage facilities; leaving out the real owners of those lands out of the planning, or even allowing legal partnership of the same to be incorporated. God forbid; having taken Migingo and satisfying his selfish greed with those of the likes of Museveni, Kagame and Kibaki, do you think Raila want to negotiate with Luos or respects, honors or even value peoples rights, virtue or dignity? I doubt it........then, why should we sit PRETY with Raila when he is stomping and peeing on us? We demand and want our lands back and that the Government MUST compensate us from the loses, pain, torture and sufferings that we, our people and families underwent during Raila/Kibaki leadership. Let Raila in Coalition Governance with Kibaki face the law for Crime and Abuse with Violation of Human Rights and from incompliance and abuse of power constituted from the Reform Accord Agreement. If Raila miserably failed to comply with the Reform Accord Agreement and from delivering public mandated services to the people during his tenure, then, what makes him think he can do better now....?.....other than engineering Civil Conflict to push people to war so he can find ways and means to reward his cronies with those of his special business interest; why don't we follow the law through checks and balances and put to penalty the offenders. Why should we sit pretty and let him with his Agents go ahead and succeed in their wicked plans where they plan to do harm on us and hold people hostages so we cannot move forward in our progressive development agenda. The same way, Lee Makwiny must not suffer in their hands because of greed and selfishness……If we allow that to happen, Raila with his Agents with boot-soldiers will make sure they take away, everything of value from Lee Makwiny and leave Lee barely a begger on the streets if incase he survives from being killed. We have lost our good people in the past, men and women of substance in the same is because of bleeding selfishness, greed and hatred the Odinga's has harbored against the majority of Luos for many years even after many of us have forgiven the past and moved forward. Raila has piled them up and he want to finish the Luos in partnership with Museveni and Kagame………this is why OTO begun the clean-up with Museveni and Kagame……..supported by some Ugandan women who are related to both Kagame and Museveni……..Dont be fooled Kenyans…….Wake Up !!! If Raila ganged up with his agents and special interest business group plan to take peoples ancestral village lands illegally, unconstitutional and by force without care, to turn it to his commercial business is wrong and unacceptable…….we must join together to fight this evil with all our energy and intellect because it is a very sad thing indeed to be reduced to nothingness. I will repeat such a way that he plan to destroy the Communities ancestries of Asembo, Seme, Imbo, Uyoma with those of Kano Plains, Nyakach and South Nyanza peoples livelihood and survival and turn all our efforts and hope to his personal gain to build his commercial empire …..the reason why he cut all stakeholders, rightful people and justified owners from any business negotiations BUT hand-picks cronies of his Special Interest to represent and delegate his business interest to build his commercial empower, is totally wrong, is illegal, is unconstitutional and is completely unacceptable…..... In doing this, he is denying rightful stakeholders their fair rightful share to engage in Nation building and improve on sustainable progressive and resourceful development agenda in their areas. We have presently been reduced to nothing but have been pitied to fight and kill our own people and family members to pave ways for GREED………we are eventually and systematically been reduced to SLAVES for his master those of special business interest group. The way The Odinga family hated Tom Mboya with everything that relates and was associated to the likes of Tom, the Argwings Kodheks, Angawas, the Omamos, of their times and the way he finishes people politically, economically and is the same way Raila's plan to finish all of the Luo community except those who kneel down for him and begs at his doors. If the family is a curse because of the bad things they did and continue to do to the Luos, nothing good will come from that family…… All of you saw with your own eyes how he tried to finish our big brother here by ganging with those who hate our President. How he braggingly stormed to USA in disregard of protocol and behaved like he is entering his own Simba or house.........which I doubt if he would not meet with stiff resistance……… He thinks we are all his dust carpets he wipes his feet on........ that we don't fit to enjoy our sweats not even enjoy aka nusu mkeka that belong to us,.........If he can face resistance from his own house and sometimes aka sufuria that do not talk or walk can silence him, what makes him think we are all his debes he want to kick us down the streets. Why does he think he is very special, more valuable and mostly important and disregards everybody-else that he takes liberty to pee on our big brother and make a mockery of him with his special business interests……..shall we simply just sit and watch him continue to throw dirt and pupu on us like this ?? When will this top…….??? When will he see reality and begin to behave maturely and respect everybody else and understand that it is not about "Opuk pek ne Otenda" meaning that, "A Tortoise is heavier and cannot be carried by a Vulture" and realize that all must play by the same set of rules…….because the Peoples Constitution, which is the Law says so……..Will he continue to brag like the world belong to him with his cronies and special interest group and he alone has the ticket from God to enjoy blessings of this world and no one else???........that even the little that we have is taken away from us??? where is his respect and consideration of the Law.......Does he care ??? When shall he stop his Agents from interfering and engaging in hand-picked candidatures of his choice to block people from pursuing justified sustainable developments but instead hold people hostage at ransom (mateka) from utilizing their own land and enjoying their own homes without conflict of interests and interferences......choosing for all Luos who should occupy and own what.....even controlling peoples domestic lives with their wives, husbands and children….. come on now!!!.......this is insane, don't we have to wake up people......??? It is time that, we all must demand for our rights ...... we must demand to be legally compensated, reposes and paid back what has been stolen from us. It is about time that the law must apply its rightful obligation and deliver to the people what was wrongfully taken away from them. If Raila started the ODM, like KANU is to Kenyatta, the law does not say that it is his personal property. It is a collective social responsibility institution where all members have a right and are obligated to comply equally with the law and that all must respect and follow the law. When it comes a time that the constitution dictates that Raila must retire and leave us in peace when the tide is still good, he needs to do just that. To move forward in peace united in harmony for the common good of all, there is need that we all must accept to work in an acceptable conducive environment where people enjoy the constitutional rights of freedom necessary to excel and succeed in whatever we all endeavor to do without bottleneck or obstructions. Again, for the last time, we do not want war in Kenya, we want and demand for Peace, Harmony and Unity for common good of all.......all people are equal and all must obey the law and play by the same set of rules......There is No Bwana Kubwa OR "Opuk pek ne Otenda" which means that, "A Tortoise is heavier and cannot be carried by a Vulture" idiology…….a slur of Raila's mockery……and Yes, Raila has been a burden on us and heavier blocking our progressive agenda, but it is time that we must take the bull by the horn and contain his bad habits and unwelcoming behavior which is why, we are kindly asking him not to spark war in Kenya, but retire peacefully. We are adamant that we dont want war in Kenya and will do everything necessary to stop any type of war Raila want to push for Kenya which evidently are for his political gains with those of his Agents and Corporate Special Business Interest. We all stand to lose hugely in serious casualties, loosing loved ones with the destruction of all that we value… is what we own which is the target by Raila's interest……it is "Land Grabbing" which is being promoted by Raila. He needs to know that Kenya is Not For Sale and we shall not allow that to happen.......Kenya is for fair Mutual Partnership Development where opportunity must be left open to be shared by all for common good of all ……. We can negotiate better, but not in this manner of serving Special Interest at the expense of our livelihood and survival...... Good people, let us all unite and begin to do responsible development and choose good people to represent and take care of our interests........ Let us all move forward and support and work together with the Government of the day to move Public Agenda progressively towards strategic Plan of Action that are for gainful development shared by all.......This is what will bring peace and not ganging up for civil war…….. Best Regards, Judy Miriga Diaspora Spokesperson Executive Director Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc., USA The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary) Published on Jun 13, 2012 VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of Liberia's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust. Hosted by Shane Smith | Originally released in 2009 at Produced by Andy Capper Nigerian businessman Anthony Chinedu reads mischief in his deportation Published on Jun 4, 2013 For more news visit Follow us on Twitter Like our FaceBook page The High Court has granted orders requiring deported Nigerian businessman Anthony Chinedu to appear in court for a hearing of his case on the June 20. Chinedu's family had gone to court seeking orders to have him appear in court as they had accused the state of detaining him and deporting him contrary to court orders staying his deportation. The State has seven days to reply to the application. Chinedu was deported on Monday night alongside six other foreigners who the state had accused of being involved in 'dirty business'. NTV's Sheila Sendeyo reports. Raila Odinga in Kisumu "Opuk pekne Otenga" Tortoise is heavy for the vulture the scavenger bird a bragging comment.... why brag is it necessary???..... then you cry baby...... Published on Jun 4, 2013 The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy leader Raila Odinga has called for education services to be devolved to the county level and teachers hired by the state to be contracted to county governments. Speaking in Kisumu, the former prime minister also called on the government to implement free education programmes to the letter, claiming that currently parents have been forced to bear the burden of paying various levies which are beyond many poor parents. Lee Makwiny: ODM Must Get The Basics Right![]() By Lee Makwiny I have failed to understand this man for a long time now. When he is in parliament, he really delivers. At the party level, most people accuse him of high-handedness. I, personally attribute the failure of Jakom to win the presidency and especially the low voters registration and turnout in Nyanza to his arrogance. It's clear to me how he managed to turn a Siaya issues into an ODM issue, something that came to haunt the party upto the election time. He is someone I admire and at the same time I can't understand. This man Jakoyo Kamidiwo! ODM as a party lost the elections due to poor strategy, disorganization, dysfunctional secretariats, lack of inspiration, dictatorship by a few individuals, and alienation of party members from management of the party, cronyism among other factors. Every party member agrees that ODM is the single largest party in Kenya. As a matter of fact, it is the single party with the highest number of members in National Assembly, county assembly, women league and youth league. But on the ground, ODM is not the party it used to be. Members have lost hope. There is no direction. No clear guidelines on how its affairs are conducted. For example, nomination to the county assembly turned out to be a family affair. For example, my MP in Nyakach Hon. Aduma wuon Owuor, nominated two relatives. I have also heard rumors that in Gem, the trend is the same. This has not gone down well with majority of party members and he have a disappointed party members. As a step to correcting the problems that we have been faced with as a party, ODM has embarked on filling the position of Executive Director. Many party members applied to fill this position. I expected ODM to at-least post the names and qualifications of all those who applied, but this has not happen. I have also gathered that at-least ten people have been shortlisted. Unfortunately for many members, nobody knows the criteria used to shortlist the said candidates. Back to Jakoyo, I have heard rumors from many reliable quarters he handpicked the vetting committee of 7 MP's and is likely to use his influence in parliament on these first time MPs to serve his interest. These interests are what killed our party. I hope the men and women who were picked to the vetting committee will be guided by the long-term interest of the party and not the short-lived personal interest of a few individuals. The following are the members of the vetting committee. Andrew tobiso, Butere constituency, Chairman. Junet Mohammed, Suna East constituency. Timothy Bosire, Kitutu Masaba constituency. Joshua Aduma, Nyakach constituency. Florence Mutua, Women rep Busia county. Joyce Lay, Women rep Taita Taveta. ****there is one from NEP (forgot the name) Janet Ongera, Nominated Senator, Ex official. Looking at the list, its very clear something is not right somewhere. Nyanza alone has four members!!Yes, they might be very qualified and equal to the task, but does it serve the interest of Nyanza to have 4 representative in that committee, yet coast, which voted cord mps have none! I understand this is just a vetting committee. They will not really appoint the ED, this will be left to elected party officials. The county chairmen, the MPs, the NEC et al. We must get some basics right. As I indicated before, I am for Mr. Caeser Asiyo. I believe he has what it takes to move the party forward. When he served as the deputy campaign manager in 2007, he delivered. Two of my very close personal friends Norman Magaya and Nabii Nabwera also applied and I am wishing them luck. ODM must get the basics right. I also do not understand why there is a hurry to fill the positions of those who left. Some of those post have been vacant for the last four years. We pushed for them to be filled before elections and the forces that want them filled now were the ones that refused. ODM should conduct a complete party election. This tricks by a few clique who want to appoint their cronies to fill those positions must be resisted by all well-meaning party members. For ODM to make an impact in 2017, radical changes must be made. The party must be taken back to the members! We must get the basics right. Lee Makwiny is a blogger and The National Coordinator, ODM Youth 2012 lobby group! --- On Thu, 6/20/13, Maurice Oduor <> wrote: From: Maurice Oduor <> Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Re: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT To: "Progressive Kenyans" <> Cc: "Africa-Oped" <>, "uchunguzi online" <>, "WanaKenya" <> Date: Thursday, June 20, 2013, 3:16 PM Kisumu County lavish spending on carsUpdated Thursday, June 20th 2013 at 17:54 GMT +3 By Evelyn Kwamboka And Dennis Onyango Kisumu, Kenya: Kisumu County is set to purchase a fleet of Toyota Prados for the executive at a cost of Sh72 million. In the county's executive development expenditure estimates passed by the assembly's Budget and Appropriations Committee, the money is to be allocated for the purchase of 12 vehicles. Another Sh15 million is to be set aside for the operational of the posh vehicles in the budget that is to be tabled before the County Assembly for approval by members. Currently, Kisumu Governor Jacktone Ranguma uses a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado V8 that was inherited from former area Mayor Samuel Okello. The committee also reduced the purchase of two Land Rovers in the Kisumu Central development's proposal from Sh14 million to Sh7 million. This means only one will be purchased if the County Assembly approves. They also reduced the budgetary provision of Sh10.3 million on the executive's commuter allowance to Sh5.1 million. In a report on the estimates obtained by The Standard, Sh10 million is to go to the renovation of the governor's residential house. He is alleged to be living in a hotel within the town, where a VIP room goes for Sh12,000 per night. Under the executive's budget, the committee recommended the approval of Sh200 million for acquisition of land and an additional of Sh35 million for the construction of ward offices. The ward offices are to be occupied by County Ward Representatives, bringing the total of the executive's development budget to Sh332 million that is to be paid by the taxpayer. The eight member committee also rejected the county executives decision to put Sh100 million for the eradication of hyacinth weed from Lake Victoria. The committee members are Mr Wilis Mindeu (Chair), James Were, Samuel Ong'ou, Edwin Anayo, Isaya Onyango, Caroline Owen, James Diang'a and Petronila Omondi. The team also demanded for an explanation as to why in the proposed budget, the executive had allocated Sh6 million for the construction of youth polytechnics. On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:10 PM, margaret gichuki <> wrote Leave Lee alone.He said his part and spoke his mind.Now, can he confirm this: On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Kuria-Mwangi <> wrote: Kibet: I think Lee just saw the light but I can bet on his backsliding very soon. Ngugi wa Thiongo newest Memoir, "In the House of the Interpreter", an account of his life at Alliance, he talks of some knuckleheads who were saved but on the side were fyekaring girls on the side, many backsliding once they found out that they could not completely bid bye to the old crooked way. On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:40 AM, john kibet <> wrote Bwana KM, Well, you have always been a trusted source and therefore I am taking your word for it. All I can say is that the world must be coming to an end if Lee Makwiny has the AUDACITY to say the truth! I am not a Bible-chest-thumbing dude but maybe ---just maybe---Saul did see the light on his way to Damascus.(Hopefully, my Sunday school teacher won't read that last sentence or I will be in trouble). John K From: Kuria-Mwangi <> To: uchunguzi online <>; progressive-kenyans <>; WanaKenya <> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 8:32 AM Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Re: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEATht Kibet and Okil: That also shocked the doves in ODM! From Saul to Paul? This is more shocking thanOn Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:28 AM, john kibet <> wrote: Honorable Nyamodi, Ati Lee Makwiny (the one and only indefatigable ODM and Raila Odinga cheerleader) has said that "ODM lost the erections?" Haya mambo gani jameni? Is the world coming to an end or what? It's not always we hear SANITY from such Raila Odinga worshipers. Maybe Lee's email was hacked (just like mine is constanltly being hacked) and the hacker(s) posted such unimaginable declaration (albeit true) that sane people can't associate with ODM kool-aid drinkers! I can't believe Lee Makwiny uttered such a thing. I need verification bwana wakili. John K From: Nyamodi Ochieng Nyamogo <> To: Cc: uchunguzi online <>; "" <>; KOL <>; "" <>; the last word to kenya <>; "" <>; "" <>; naijaobserver <>; "" <> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:06 AM Subject: [uchunguzionline] Re: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT Lee Makwiny, STOP IT! Are you drunk or just plain insane or veering towards suicide?! Why are you openly "lying" that "Jakom lost elections"?! Are you a supporter of the Kenyan Supreme Court or are you "sent" or have you "been bought"?! Why are you contradicting what "Jakom" is busy telling "Amerka" that he "won the eleksons"???!!! Nyamodi Ochieng-Nyamogo. --- On Fri, 6/21/13, john kibet <> wrote: From: john kibet <> Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Re: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT To: "" <> Date: Friday, June 21, 2013, 3:38 AM Wakili Nyamodi, That I agree wholeheartedly. I mean, if Paul could see the light on his way to Damascus, who is Lee Makwiny (and hopefully with other ODM knuckleheads) not to see the light and REPENT?? But I am a cynic bwana wakili. You see, like the saying goes, an apple never falls far from the tree. I have to see this "conversation" of Lee to believe it. All I can say is that Lee is like a "dead man walking" for saying the TRUTH within ODM. Probably he himself doesn't know what the heck the truth is or even handle that truth. It remains to be seen coz some of us are here to witness this so called "transformation" of someone like Lee, who has been a kool-aid drinker all his life. John K From: Nyamodi Ochieng Nyamogo <> To: Cc: Progressive Kenyans <>; Africa-Oped <>; uchunguzi online <> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:33 PM Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Re: [PK] LEE MAKWINY BLAMES MIDIWO FOR RAILA ODINGA DEFEAT Kibet & KM, For Lee to konfes that Jakom lost elekshons, that has left me stone shocked! I'm sure he'll get punished for such honesty! That is not allowed in the ODM harem!!! Nyamodi Ochieng-Nyamogo. From: odhiambo okecth <> To: mulembe <> Cc: Guardian <>; <>; KCA <>; Kenva <>; Kenya Community <>; Kenya <>; Kenya Canada <>; Kenya Club <>; Kiss FM Classic FM <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; Nation <>; News <>;;; NYSA <> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:07 PM Subject: [KOL] The National Prayer Breakfast; Personal Reflections Dear Friends, The National Prayer Breakfast was hosted today at the Safari Park Hotel. It was a nice occasion to watch, from the discordant Parliament Choir to the hilarious Personal Reflections of our Deputy President HE Hon William Ruto. Now, Hon Ruto knows how to connect with the people. He left all of us in stitches with his personal reflections. The most entertaining was when they had to approach the Chief of the Defense Forces that they were going to kneel down as they were being prayed for during their Inauguration! And when they were at State House for their first ever visit upon being declared President and Deputy- an Aide asked them what would happen if they were told that- hold it guys, there was a problem. You are not the guys who won! To when someone asked that- so God still listens to prayers offered by Yego? I loved it all. It made me also decide to have my own Personal Reflections today. I was invited for Tea yesterday at the Senate Lounge by Prof Peter Anyang' Nyong'o- the Senator for Kisumu County. I found him in the company of Sen John Munyes and as we had Tea, we made our Reflections on many issues of National importance. We also discussed Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd, and I am delighted at the insights that meeting gave me. Prof has always been an inspiration for me. Sen Prof Nyong'o is the brains behind the National Economic Recovery in Kenya. When we all voted for Narc in 2002, President Emilio Mwai Kibaki appointed Prof Nyong'o to the Planning Ministry as the Minister. He assembled a Team of Technocrats who developed several Blue Chip Economic Recovery Programmes, the Vision 2030, and worked tirelessly to start and steer Kenya to the right Economic path. I know it was never easy, but we needed men made of such steel to make Kenya survive. I have always delighted in a Poem authored by the Sen Prof where he says that the books he read have not made him impotent. I will post that poem for all to read. I know of one thing- success is never an easy thing. There must be men of straw, charlatans and pollutants, people who get over-awed by successful people. They will not stop criticizing any thing. Yet, they are not able to even manage a simple chicken farming process. Such men and women are part of our society. We meet them daily and they pretend to be friends, yet, at the slightest opportunities, they hurl mud at you. Our Journey of Hope across Kenya has been such a journey with snares and traps all along. But we have been firm and solid. Attempts have been made to malign us and they have all come a cropper. People have even invaded our Organization, pretended to believe in what we stand for, pretending that they are working for us, and left making all sorts of noise. But it has never bothered us. It has also never affected our resolve. I have seen it all, where small minds even discussed my Wife and Family in the social media. But I have never stooped that low to discuss their wives. Because I know one thing; small minds will always keep discussing people. We are now building Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd and I am elated at the response we are getting across the whole World. A Friend in the US has even offered to serve in our Board- as our Board Member for the Diaspora. And he is going to come for our 1st Annual General Meeting. And this is great. But we have also faced the usual small minds- people who cannot initiate anything. They get so over-awed to the extent of trying to always bring down what they are not part of. And when they do this, they hide under the usual NGO slangs- accountability, credibility, due process, integrity and all such things. I even laughed when someone asked how I was recruited to head Kimisho! I have one advice for them; they cannot bring us down. Kimisho is a Movement that is going to be the next Big Thing. But I wish them well in all that they are doing. Lastly, I want to invite each one of us and see what we can do for humanity. Are we only Journeymen and charlatans- men full of envy? Or, are we builders like Prof Peter Anyang' Nyong'o- the Senator for Kisumu? That is a challenge I want addressed by all God's Bits of Wood. Odhiambo T Oketch, Team Leader and Executive Director, KCDN, KSSL, KICL, Tel; +254 724 365 557, Email;, BlogSpot; RELATED: Subject: Fw: RE: Why Won't Sungu and Oto Meet Gichaba? To:; CC:; From: Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 07:44:40 -0800 Subject: RE: [KOL] Why Won't Sungu and Oto Meet Gichaba? Migosi Gichaba. Warsama is a great peacemaker despite the wars,he called me endless times;even midnight causing my wife grief.In the interest of my marriage,I dropped the pursuit.Gichaba is safe.Infact,let me invite him for kuku choma at my place in Ruai.Kuria,tell him to catch me on 0729294743.We can have a drink at Pan Afric when he is back in town.Sungusungu wont harm him but he ought to leave chinkororo out lest we have a situation.Dont call my uncle,he comes in on weighty issues. Sungu. --- On Thu, 12/20/12, Henry Gichaba <> wrote: From: Henry Gichaba <> Subject: RE: Why Won't Sungu and Oto Meet Gichaba? To: "" <> Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "Kassdiaspora Debate" <> Date: Thursday, December 20, 2012, 12:41 AM Brother-in-law, I just woke up to the realization that Maurice Oduor has this obsession that I am not in Kenya. What's wrong with this idiot from Canada? I think all I need to do is declare a meeting with Makwiny. Mobbi Gichaba, traveling to Keroka. Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:22:30 -0500 Subject: Re: Why Won't Sungu and Oto Meet Gichaba? From: To: CC:;; My brother in law It is a shame if they refuse to meet you. The hatchet would have been buried there and then. I will talk to Mitawia to talk to his nephew Sungu and summon him to the meeting. On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Henry Gichaba <> wrote: Dear Maurice Oduor and Brother-in-law, I've tried my best to meet Otieno Sungu and Odhiambo Oketch but I've failed. I really need to meet these guys here in Nairobi and get to take a cup of tea with them. In fact, contrary to what Maurice Oduor has been telling them, I neither smoke marijuana nor drink alcoholic beverages. I also never use sugar or any meat products except fish. I am not a Luo, though. Lest Maurice Oduor start thinking I am his cousin. And he would start imagining he is also a clever man. Let me know, on a serious note, how I can apply for a chance to meet these two Luo prospective leaders - Otieno Sungu and Odhiambo Oketch. Henry Gichaba, [PK] Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP --- On Sat, 3/17/12, Ericson Oduya <> wrote: From: Ericson Oduya <> Subject: [PK] Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <> Cc: "" <>, "Kiswahili" <>, "" <>, "Nation" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "The Star" <>, "uchunguzi online" <>, "YP" <> Date: Saturday, March 17, 2012, 2:17 PM Maurice thura, Nancy Karega was the Dep Treasurer of NVK-M at the time when Sungu was the Juba Caucus Coordinator while Kombo was the treasurer. I guess with Kombo's departure, she may be the treasurer of the same organization. She is quite progressive and a good friend of my friend Doc Shem. However, there are corruption clouds hanging on their heads. I hope the info helps! Regards, Eric. From: otieno sungu <> To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <> Cc: "" <>; Kiswahili <>; "" <>; Nation <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; YP <> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:54 PM Subject: (VVM Forum) Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Good people, Accountability and transparency are understood differently in our Kenyan situation.Whenever we ask the same of public servants it takes the dictionary meaning but whenever the same is asked of us, things turn hey-wire. I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my ears people fronting for reforms in this country refusing to account and be transparent with small finances for initiatives towards the goal. How can such folks behave with a whole country's GDP? In my attempt to unmask such fellows, I may end up rattling their surrogates who are watching keenly on the forums to ensure that such matter do not come to the fore. Let me just say that there are eggs and there are eggs. This is a season for writing books, I have also decided to pen one on the State of the Nation, I think it ill bring out all my thoughts especially about the post election violence and the current state of affairs. Otieno Sungu. From: Elijah Kombo <> To:; Cc: "" <>;; Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; "" <>; Nation <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; YP <> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 AM Subject: [PK] Re: [KOL] Re: (VVM Forum) Re: [wanabidii] Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP
From: Maurice Oduor <> To: Cc: Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>; "" <>; Mwananchi <>; Nation <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; Vugu Vugu <>; Wanabidii <>; YP <> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 6:17 PM Subject: (VVM Forum) Re: [PK] Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Nancy, No one is against the idea of doing clean-ups. Infact all of us support the idea and would like to see it expanded to every town in the country and even more frequently. The problem we have to very simple: How does KCDN spend money donated to it? What are the expenses associated with a typical clean-up? How many employees are there in KCDN? Any office? What is happening with the monies allegedly swindled from JaGem and Janet? Will we ever get answers to the 100k and the bales of clothes (7?) that OTO was to deliver to Mzee Orinda Ndege? There are just too many questions. Mtume !!!! Either we have a case of a lot of unfortunate misunderstanding here or a lot of corruption. Courage Thank you Nancy. We had a very successful meeting in Kisumu yesterday with several Stakeholders. On Tuesday, we are hosting a similar Consultative Forum in Umoja in preparation for the World Clean-up Day scheduled for 24th March 2012. At least, we have the confidence of Friends of KCDN- the main drivers of this Campaign. Oto From: Nancy Karenga <> Subject: [NewVisionKenya] Re: [ProgressiveMinds] Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP To: "" <> Cc: "KCA" <>, "Kenya Canada" <>, "Kenya Club" <>, "Kiswahili" <>, "KOL" <>, "Madaraka" <>, "" <>, "Mwananchi" <>, "MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK" <>, "Nation" <>, "New Vision Kenya" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "NYSA" <>, "" <>, "PK" <>, "ProgressiveMinds" <>, "" <>, "the last word to kenya" <>, "The Star" <>, "uchunguzi online" <>, "Vugu Vugu" <>, "Wanabidii" <>, "YP" <> Date: Saturday, March 3, 2012, 4:22 AM Dear All, There are two types of people in these forums, those who make things happen and those who are always complaining and the like giving directives. I will support Oto anytime am able because he has a noble idea that is also bringing people together. Sent from my iPad Rose, By virtue of these two great leaders leading in the Clean-up Campaign, they are Friends of KCDN. And this is a fact we do not want to contest. And having been a very good Friend of KCDN, I want to share with you the list of our Friends in January and February 2012. This is just to show you that we are moving many people to The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign; January 2012
February 2012
And I am happy to inform you that none of these Friends of KCDN have complained to us that we have misused their support. Instead, their support to us for the Month of March is amazing. And I want to thank all our Friends for standing firm with us at the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign. We also want to thank all the Ministries, Government Departments, the Local Authorities and the People of Kenya whom we are working very closely with in this Campaign. You have been the pillar upon which this campaign has succeeded. As usual, we will post the entire support we have received from September to date in our website at our convenient timing. The good thing is, your support to us has not been in vain. We will soon be announcing some very serious partnerships that is going to turn this Campaign around. Watch this space! 'Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek'- President Barack Obama of the USA. A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable. Odhiambo T Oketch CEO KCDN Kenya, National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign Tel; 0724 365 557 Blog; Website; Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch Odhiambo T Oketch is the immediate former Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund. He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010 in partnership with KACC and he is the National Co-ordinator of The Weeklely Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Kenya. .......Moving From Talking to Tasking........ From: ROSE KAGWIRIA <> Subject: (VVM Forum) Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP To: "" <> Cc: "" <> Date: Friday, March 2, 2012, 12:04 AM Guys Thanks. I did not write to the forums for you to see how good or bad OTO is, but i wanted people to see the concept of national clean up. National clean up as you saw is not only collecting the garbage, but also includes other activities as you have seen. It does not belong to an individual but everybody owns it. Until our leaders believe its a job worthy it, people will continue having different perception about it. This is not the work of particular people but all are equal during national clean up. The senior, the junior poor and the rich join to make their environment a better place to live. If you think people don't contribute money, you are mistaken. Sometimes you are going far for planting trees and you want to move in a group, you contribute or use money for the concerned campony for food and accommodation. About money and OTO, i really dont know. Whoever gave him had a reason to give. If he/she wants it back, let them deal with him legally but not unaffected people to use the forum as a base for humiliation. National clean up is not a substitute for employees who clean as somebody tried to put it. As i have indicated above, its all about the community need to include helping the poor and and planting the trees where need be. Once people are aware of what is required of them, they are supposed to do it themselves. School, colleges, universities, banks, and other institutions clean or plant trees in their own compound About OTO, i believe he is at the phase of creating awareness and since this issue has become a personal attack, I would advice him to ask only the friends of his organization and any other well wisher to assist him financially as am sure he cannot do it all by himself. People are now talking about OTO just because he announces what he gets but they know very well how much people are getting especially the so called NGOs. Are human right activists left behind either, investigate how much they get for every fight they do. People, lets behave brothers and sisters. Am sure OTO has not done worse than the people who caused IDP problem in Kenya. Let those who feel OTO is so bad tell us what they have done for the community and free of charge. Personally, the little i have done is just assisting few orphans and a little contributions towards building of a school in my area, Am sure if i have somebody to give me little, I would do better but I am scared as i may end up in Indian Ocean with my head first. I am in Nairobi for the weekend. Enjoy your day and remember, I LOVE YOU ALL. Rose From: sang kip <> To: "" <> Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 3:53 AM Subject: Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Both M7 and Kagame are thugs! From: otieno sungu <> To: "" <>; Ericson Oduya <> Cc: "Vugu Vugu" <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:41 AM Subject: Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Amen!!! From: Dickens Mitawia <> To: "" <>; Ericson Oduya <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:40 AM Subject: Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Oto, While we are still at it, why don't you go regional and join Kagame and Museveni instead of going round in circles with us...we the heard-hearted , ungrateful and obstinate Kenyans. You see, we have the penchant of shooting down very noble initiatives just because a few shillings do not add up...all in the name of transparency and accountability. If you do that, you will be in good company and nobody within our borders will bother you. Warsama will not call you names, Oduya will focus his attention (or lack of it) elsewhere, Kombo will shift his accountability nonsense to VVM etc etc. Then we shall remain with our uncollected garbage and we will ensure our dysfunctional civic authorities collect our levies but forget to collect our garbage. We love our garbage, even God knows that. That is why He thankfully took away Mzee Michuki so untimely. I'm just thinking aloud................! Mitawia Dickens. From: Ericson Oduya <> To: "" <>; Kenya Canada <> Cc: Kenya Club <>; Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>; "" <>; Mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; Nation <>; New Vision Kenya <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; NYSA <>; "" <>; ProgressiveMinds <>; "" <>; the last word to kenya <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; Vugu Vugu <>; Wanabidii <>; YP <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:55 PM Subject: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Rose, Do the leaders mentioned below raise money from the public, mismanage and fail to account and instead resort to arrogance that we witness in KCDN? Thanks in advance for receiving my question in a positive way. Regards, Eric. From: odhiambo okecth <> To: Kenya Canada <> Cc: Kenya Club <>; Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>;; Mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; Nation <>; New Vision Kenya <>;;;; NYSA <>;; PK <>; ProgressiveMinds <>;; the last word to kenya <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; Vugu Vugu <>; Wanabidii <>; YP <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:54 AM Subject: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP From: Nancy Karenga <> Subject: [NewVisionKenya] Re: [ProgressiveMinds] Friends of KCDN; KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP To: "" <> Cc: "KCA" <>, "Kenya Canada" <>, "Kenya Club" <>, "Kiswahili" <>, "KOL" <>, "Madaraka" <>, "" <>, "Mwananchi" <>, "MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK" <>, "Nation" <>, "New Vision Kenya" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "NYSA" <>, "" <>, "PK" <>, "ProgressiveMinds" <>, "" <>, "the last word to kenya" <>, "The Star" <>, "uchunguzi online" <>, "Vugu Vugu" <>, "Wanabidii" <>, "YP" <> Date: Saturday, March 3, 2012, 4:22 AM Dear All, There are two types of people in these forums, those who make things happen and those who are always complaining and the like giving directives. I will support Oto anytime am able because he has a noble idea that is also bringing people together. Sent from my iPad Rose, By virtue of these two great leaders leading in the Clean-up Campaign, they are Friends of KCDN. And this is a fact we do not want to contest. And having been a very good Friend of KCDN, I want to share with you the list of our Friends in January and February 2012. This is just to show you that we are moving many people to The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign; January 2012
February 2012
And I am happy to inform you that none of these Friends of KCDN have complained to us that we have misused their support. Instead, their support to us for the Month of March is amazing. And I want to thank all our Friends for standing firm with us at the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign. We also want to thank all the Ministries, Government Departments, the Local Authorities and the People of Kenya whom we are working very closely with in this Campaign. You have been the pillar upon which this campaign has succeeded. As usual, we will post the entire support we have received from September to date in our website at our convenient timing. The good thing is, your support to us has not been in vain. We will soon be announcing some very serious partnerships that is going to turn this Campaign around. Watch this space! 'Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek'- President Barack Obama of the USA. A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable. Odhiambo T Oketch CEO KCDN Kenya, National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign Tel; 0724 365 557 Blog; Website; Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch Odhiambo T Oketch is the immediate former Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund. He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010 in partnership with KACC and he is the National Co-ordinator of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Kenya. .......Moving From Talking to Tasking........ From: ROSE KAGWIRIA <> Subject: (VVM Forum) Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP To: "" <> Cc: "" <> Date: Friday, March 2, 2012, 12:04 AM Guys Thanks. I did not write to the forums for you to see how good or bad OTO is, but i wanted people to see the concept of national clean up. National clean up as you saw is not only collecting the garbage, but also includes other activities as you have seen. It does not belong to an individual but everybody owns it. Until our leaders believe its a job worthy it, people will continue having different perception about it. This is not the work of particular people but all are equal during national clean up. The senior, the junior poor and the rich join to make their environment a better place to live. If you think people don't contribute money, you are mistaken. Sometimes you are going far for planting trees and you want to move in a group, you contribute or use money for the concerned campony for food and accommodation. About money and OTO, i really dont know. Whoever gave him had a reason to give. If he/she wants it back, let them deal with him legally but not unaffected people to use the forum as a base for humiliation. National clean up is not a substitute for employees who clean as somebody tried to put it. As i have indicated above, its all about the community need to include helping the poor and and planting the trees where need be. Once people are aware of what is required of them, they are supposed to do it themselves. School, colleges, universities, banks, and other institutions clean or plant trees in their own compound About OTO, i believe he is at the phase of creating awareness and since this issue has become a personal attack, I would advice him to ask only the friends of his organization and any other well wisher to assist him financially as am sure he cannot do it all by himself. People are now talking about OTO just because he announces what he gets but they know very well how much people are getting especially the so called NGOs. Are human right activists left behind either, investigate how much they get for every fight they do. People, lets behave brothers and sisters. Am sure OTO has not done worse than the people who caused IDP problem in Kenya. Let those who feel OTO is so bad tell us what they have done for the community and free of charge. Personally, the little i have done is just assisting few orphans and a little contributions towards building of a school in my area, Am sure if i have somebody to give me little, I would do better but I am scared as i may end up in Indian Ocean with my head first. I am in Nairobi for the weekend. Enjoy your day and remember, I LOVE YOU ALL. Rose From: sang kip <> To: "" <> Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 3:53 AM Subject: Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Both M7 and Kagame are thugs! From: otieno sungu <> To: "" <>; Ericson Oduya <> Cc: "Vugu Vugu" <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:41 AM Subject: Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Amen!!! From: Dickens Mitawia <> To: "" <>; Ericson Oduya <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:40 AM Subject: Re: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Oto, While we are still at it, why don't you go regional and join Kagame and Museveni instead of going round in circles with us...we the heard-hearted , ungrateful and obstinate Kenyans. You see, we have the penchant of shooting down very noble initiatives just because a few shillings do not add up...all in the name of transparency and accountability. If you do that, you will be in good company and nobody within our borders will bother you. Warsama will not call you names, Oduya will focus his attention (or lack of it) elsewhere, Kombo will shift his accountability nonsense to VVM etc etc. Then we shall remain with our uncollected garbage and we will ensure our dysfunctional civic authorities collect our levies but forget to collect our garbage. We love our garbage, even God knows that. That is why He thankfully took away Mzee Michuki so untimely. I'm just thinking aloud................! Mitawia Dickens. From: Ericson Oduya <> To: "" <>; Kenya Canada <> Cc: Kenya Club <>; Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>; "" <>; Mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; Nation <>; New Vision Kenya <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; NYSA <>; "" <>; ProgressiveMinds <>; "" <>; the last word to kenya <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; Vugu Vugu <>; Wanabidii <>; YP <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:55 PM Subject: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Rose, Do the leaders mentioned below raise money from the public, mismanage and fail to account and instead resort to arrogance that we witness in KCDN? Thanks in advance for receiving my question in a positive way. Regards, Eric. From: odhiambo okecth <> To: Kenya Canada <> Cc: Kenya Club <>; Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>;; Mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; Nation <>; New Vision Kenya <>;;;; NYSA <>;; PK <>; ProgressiveMinds <>;; the last word to kenya <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; Vugu Vugu <>; Wanabidii <>; YP <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:54 AM Subject: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP From: odhiambo okecth <> To: Kenya Canada <> Cc: Kenya Club <>; Kiswahili <>; KOL <>; Madaraka <>;; Mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; Nation <>; New Vision Kenya <>;;;; NYSA <>;; PK <>; ProgressiveMinds <>;; the last word to kenya <>; The Star <>; uchunguzi online <>; Vugu Vugu <>; Wanabidii <>; YP <> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:54 AM Subject: [PK] KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP Rose, As we pay glowing tributes to the late Hon John Njoroge Michuki, this is one great news for us at KCDN and The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign. It is a real pleasure watching our Regional Leaders joining hands in the Clean-up Campaign. In eulogizing the Late Michuki yesterday, President Kibaki had this to say of him; 'When he made a commitment he ensured that he followed it to the best of his ability', While the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Odinga had this to say of him; 'The politics of conservation is not for the faint hearted'. And we do agree. In the course of driving the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign, we at KCDN have made commitments we have ensured we follow to our ability as well. And in the politics of conservation, we are witnesses to the fact that it is not for the faint hearted. And this is why in respect of the Late Hon Michuki, and in response to the call by the Rt Hon Prime Minister, we will be planting 2,000 Trees at Kondele on Friday as our way of appreciating the virtues Hon Michuki stood for. We also want to appreciate all our Leaders who have been with us in the trenches. You will all remember that the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign was launched in Nairobi in September 2010 by the then Mayor of Nairobi Cllr Geoffrey Majiwa. It was then officially launched at Markinon Market by the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Odinga who was represented by Hon Amazon Kingi- the Minister for Fisheries Development. We were later joined by Hon William Ruto in the trenches in Eldoret, Ms Janet Ongera in Kisii, the Mayor of Kisumu Cllr Sam Okello in Kisumu, the Mayor of Kakamega Cllr Sichele in Kakamega, the Mayor of Nyeri Cllr Muteru in Nyeri, the PC Nairobi Mr. Ndirangu Njoroge in Huruma Nairobi, and now, the Permanent Secretary Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government Prof Karega Mutahi will be our Guest of Honour during the World Clean-up Day in Umoja on the 24th March 2012. This proves that our leaders are joining in the Campaign and soon, we will be having all our Local Authorities doing this all at the same time throughout the Country. The campaign is gaining ground and we are happy that we are at least doing something that is transforming Kenya. We will remain committed to this Campaign and we will never be intimidated as we go about mobilizing and sensitizing Kenyans into action. Fare thee well Hon John Njoroge Michuki. 'Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek'- President Barack Obama of the USA. A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable. Odhiambo T Oketch CEO KCDN Kenya, National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign Tel; 0724 365 557 Blog; Website; Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch Odhiambo T Oketch is the immediate former Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund. He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010 in partnership with KACC and he is the National Co-ordinator of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Kenya. .......Moving From Talking to Tasking........ From: ROSE KAGWIRIA <> Subject: (VVM Forum) KAGAME & MUSEVEN JOIN NATIONAL CLEAN UP To: "" <>, "" <> Date: Monday, February 27, 2012, 1:06 PM Kenyans As we join those who are critizing those who want to show people how to live clean, lets know kenya is not the first to do this. Remember, national clean up does not mean only gabbage collection as some people want to put it, but also planting trees, helping the poor and doing any other activity like building schools or even building a house for the poor. The senior leaders are involved in national clean up. Nobody who is immuned. Lets see a shinning example from mr Kagame. please read through and follow the comments from people. Yes today OTO is trying to introduce this to kenya, but out National leaders are so proud to join the clean up. I was expecting Beth Mugo to be the one on the front line together with our president and Prime minister. More.... PRESIDENT MUSEVENI and his host Paul Kagame joined the residents of Kicukiro District, Rwanda to mop up the city in the monthly community work locally known as "Umuganda." Every last Saturday of the month all the people living in Rwanda are obliged to do general cleaning beginning 8:00am to mid day. Partly it's due to this manual activity that Kigali is shinning. The top brass in the army, police, government officials, diplomats participate in the bustle. Umuganda was a popular idea in pre-colonial Rwanda. When the idea was rejuvenated in 2005, it got user resistance. This prompted the government to close markets, taxi parks, and block roads but after sensitisation everyone now does the activity at good will. On Saturday, the two Heads of State who were joined by the British Minister for International Cooperation, Andrew Mitchell to participate in the construction of classrooms for the 12-Year Basic Education at Groupe Scolaire Camp Kanombe. President Kagame thanked President Museveni and Mitchell for the continued friendship with the Rwandan people, adding that both dignitaries are not just friends of Rwanda but also individuals who have contributed towards the development of the country. He noted that President Museveni has for a long time contributed to the development of Rwanda. President Kagame said that the monthly activity where citizens come together to work on different programmes, is a culture that is rooted in the African tradition. "Umuganda is not a tradition limited to Rwandans. It's a practice for all Africans. When a house catches fire, neighbours join forces to extinguish the fire. When it collapses, they rebuild it or construct a new one," "But this practice transcends economic activity to encompass joy and happiness. When a family is in joy, neighbours join that family, whether it's a wedding or any other kind of celebration, they partake of the joy," Kagame said. Kagame said that Rwandans apply Umuganda to address issues that concern them through joining efforts, observing that once the development targets are met, the same practice will be used to celebrate the achievements. He promised that when the right time comes, he will visit Uganda and participate in the community activities. Speaking in a mixture of Kiswahilli, Runyankole and Kinyarwanda, the Uganda President commended Rwanda for applying an African traditional practice of Umuganda for modern economic development, a policy that has since paid off remarkably. Museveni said that Rwanda and Uganda share a lot in common in terms of language and cultural practices and Umuganda is one of those that existed in the two societies traditionally, though Rwanda has been able to modernise the practice. "Am very happy to be here in Rwanda and to be part of this Umuganda, a cultural practice that is found across Africa," Meanwhile First Ladies Jeannette Kagame and her visiting counterpart and Minister for Karamoja Janet Museveni, participated in the monthly community service, Umuganda, contributing to the construction of six classrooms at Groupe Scolaire Nkanga. Jeannette Kagame and Janet Museveni pose with students who performed cultural dance at Groupe Scolaire Nkanga, Gako Museveni and Kagame participate in 'Umuganda' as British Minister for International Cooperation, Andrew Mitchell looks on Rwanda President Paul Kagame and Museveni inspect the Guard of Honour at Kanombe Airport, Kigali on Friday Comments for "M7, Kagame Join Residents For 'Umuganda"
Vugu Vugu Mashinani (VVM) is a movement that seeks to bring together Kenyans from all walks of life in ensuring a paradigm shift in leadership. After passing of the Katiba, Kenyans have now the sole responsibility to identify, audit and choose leaders of integrity right from the grassroots level to the Executive. Group Email Addresses Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: UN: Rwanda and Uganda arming rebels in DR Congo Published on Oct 17, 2012 by AlJazeeraEnglish A UN report says Rwanda's defence minister is commanding rebels in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. It's the second time UN experts have accused Rwanda of interfering in its neighbour's territory. The report also says Uganda is hosting the rebels political office in Kampala. in the past six months, the M23 rebel group has taken control of the mineral rich North and South Kivu provinces in eastern DRC. Al Jazeera's Peter Greste has more. This is what you get for supporting the search for Konny. congo is so crying now because the president of congo joseph Kabila is a foreigner and a murderer who killed billion of citizen, steal and giving to rwanda is what his doing right now Indonesia wants to sell arms to Uganda, that was in April and not alot more was said. The British government give finical aid to both Uganda and Rwanda so you could speculate where that money is being spent. Also the guns in Africa move about where they are needed, like any other commodity. Its not like "Oh my there are guns in Africa!". china, russia, the US And who's arming Rwanda and Uganda? Uganda Summit Pursues Political Solution to DR CongoUganda: Govt Angered By UN ReportBy Henry Mukasa, 17 October 2012 A UN report says Rwanda's defence minister is commanding rebels in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. It's the second time UN experts have ... ( Resource: UN: Rwanda and Uganda Arming Rebels in DR Congo The Government has reacted with disdain to a UN Security Council's Group of Experts report that has accused Uganda and Rwanda of arming M23 rebels fighting the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government. In a rebuttal, Uganda now points to a ploy by Western countries with vested interests in DRC of peddling a stance that would derail the regional efforts chaired by President Yoweri Museveni to end the conflict. Museveni, as the current chairman of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), has chaired four summits in a row since July aimed at defusing the resurgence of conflict in the DRC. The latest summit at Speke Resort Munyonyo approved the deployment of a Neutral International Force (NIF) to patrol disputed areas. Uganda Gov't response on the false allegations by the UN Group of experts that Uganda supports M23 Movement Uganda denies supporting Congo rebelsBy RODNEY MUHUMUZA | Associated Press – Wed, Oct 17, 2012JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Ugandan officials on Wednesday dismissed allegations in a United Nations report that Uganda supports rebels in eastern Congo, saying the claims are intended to undermine efforts by regional leaders to stem violence in the central African country. Ugandan Foreign Affairs Minister Okello Oryem said the claims were made "in bad faith and intended to cause mischief." "It's a heap of rubbish," said Oryem, whose ministry received a copy of the U.N. experts' report, which has been leaked. "It's malicious and it's intended to undermine the efforts of Uganda to bring peace to the Democratic Republic of Congo." James Mugume, the permanent secretary in Uganda's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the report accuses Uganda of actively supporting the M23 rebels in eastern Congo, whose mutiny has caused more than 200,000 villagers in the province of North Kivu to flee their homes. The allegations come as Uganda is leading a regional effort to resolve Congo's rebel crisis by deploying a peace-enforcement force in eastern Congo. The regional effort, called the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), has recently held a series of meetings in which a "natural international force" of 4,000 troops contributed by regional governments would be sent to police eastern Congo. But the force has not yet been deployed, as it lacks funding and its mandate is not clear. Oryem said the regional efforts have exposed the unreliability of the U.N. peacekeeping force in the Congo. He said there had been a "lull in the violence" since the ICGLR started meeting over the Congo crisis, even though the well-armed rebels still control a huge part of eastern Congo. "They want to sabotage our efforts," Oryem said, referring to the U.N. "They have been there and they failed." The U.N. maintains nearly 20,000 troops in eastern Congo, the largest peacekeeping force in the world. The M23 rebels — the latest incarnation of a group of Congolese Tutsi rebels set up to fight Rwandan Hutu rebels in Congo — launched their rebellion in April after accusing the Congolese government of breaking promises made in a March 2009 peace deal that integrated them into the Congo army. The rebels are allegedly led by Bosco Ntaganda, a renegade general who is wanted for war crimes but whose current whereabouts are not known. The rebels, who now control hills within 30 kilometers (20 miles) of the eastern provincial capital Goma, have set up parallel administrative structures in the territories they control. Rwanda, which faced allegations of arming the rebels in an earlier report by U.N. experts, has denied the charges. Mass graves found after tribal fighting in Kenya's Tana deltaReuters – 10 hrs agoMOMBASA (Reuters) - Two mass graves were found in Kenya's coastal Tana River region, police said on Tuesday, a week after at least 38 people were shot, hacked and burnt to death as two tribes fought over land and water. The graves were discovered in Kilelengwani village, the epicenter of fighting that has killed 100 people in the last three weeks, including nine police officers. The scale of the recent unrest has left many Kenyans convinced it was politically instigated and has raised fears of serious tribal fighting before elections next March. President Mwai Kibaki imposed a curfew last week and sent extra security forces to the area to try to end the violence, intensified by an influx of weapons in the last few years. "We don't know yet whether they are attackers who died while in confrontation with security personnel, or were just victims killed by attackers during the clashes and buried," regional police chief Aggrey Adoli said. Settled Pokomo farmers and semi-nomadic Orma tribesmen have clashed for years over access to grazing, farmland and water in the coastal region. Dams along the Tana River, Kenya's longest, supply about two thirds of the country's electricity. Police cordoned off the graves and said they had asked for a court order to exhume the bodies. "We can't know how many bodies are buried in the graves until we exhume," Adoli said. (Reporting by Joseph Akwiri; Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Louise Ireland) Uhuru Kenyatta addresses 11th National prayer gathering Updated Thursday, June 20th 2013 at 11:55 GMT +3 Nairobi, Kenya: The 11th National Prayer Breakfast was Thursday morning held at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. While addressing the gathering President Uhuru Kenyatta urged Kenyans to pray for God’s guidance and intervention in dealing with issues affecting the country. Here is his verbatim speech: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am indeed very delighted to join other Kenyans in praying for our country.  Let me begin by thanking God for bringing us here this morning to pray together, at my first national prayer breakfast as President. It is said that prayer is to the soul what food is to the body. This is indeed true.  On a personal level, I am convinced that there is nothing more valuable than praying to God, for prayer unites us with our Creator. This National Prayer Breakfast is unique as it is the first one in our Jubilee year. As we celebrate our Jubilee anniversary this year, let us profess that it will be our year of restoration, renewal and repentance in the spirit of the Biblical year of Jubilee. As Kenyans, let us also join hands to ensure that this year marks a new beginning for our people and country; a new beginning of peace and prosperity and a new beginning of hope and opportunity for all our people. Ladies and Gentlemen, As most of you will recall, last year during the campaigns, Kenyans, other political leaders and I congregated at Uhuru Park grounds to pray to God for peaceful elections. And He granted us that favour; a favour that indeed made our country proud. And so, today, as we gather to pray for our country, let us express our gratitude to God for the peaceful elections we held and for the smooth transition thereafter. Indeed, this is an opportune time for us to reflect on and thank God for the abundant blessings He has showered upon us as individuals and as a nation. As we come before the Almighty God in prayer, I call upon Kenyans to seek forgiveness and repent for our wrong doing. Let us also forgive one another and pray for reconciliation and healing in our country. I urge Kenyans to remember that we are all equal in the eyes of God, and we must forge ahead as one, united people. Let us, therefore, pray to God to help us work together to build a united, prosperous and God fearing nation which we can all be proud to call our home. I encourage us all to stand up against those vices and forces that divide us and focus more on issues that will unite us. Ladies and Gentlemen, On this occasion, I appeal to Kenyans to pray for God’s guidance and intervention in addressing the critical challenges we are facing today. Firstly, our country is in great need of honest, selfless and visionary leadership. We must all remember that we are implementing the new Constitution, and especially the devolved system of government. We have not travelled this road before and we must seek God’s guidance in walking this uncharted terrain. I call upon Kenyans to pray for all leaders to embrace the spirit of constructive dialogue and a genuine commitment to selflessly seek solutions to the challenges involved in implementing our new constitutional order. I urge leaders not to politicize challenges facing the implementation of the new order and instead provide practical solutions that will help us succeed and improve the lives of our people. Secondly, I call upon Kenyans to pray for peace and security in our country. In recent times, we have been faced with security challenges which remain a matter of great concern to my Government. I would like to assure all Kenyans that we are determined to deal with any internal and external threats to our peace and security. However, as we endeavor to deal with these challenges, let us also remember the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 127 that “except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.†Thirdly, let us all pray to God for our daily bread, for the adequate sustenance of each and every one of us. There are many of our people who live below the poverty line and others who are unemployed and have no secure means of earning a livelihood. As Christians, we have a duty to these people. The Government has a duty too, and as Government we are indeed committed to transforming our country into a middle income economy where all our people can enjoy high standards of living. As we pursue this long term goal, I assure Kenyans that my Government is taking all possible measures to reduce the cost of living and ensure basic necessities are affordable to all Kenyans. I call upon all leaders at the national and county levels to focus on practical ways of improving the lives of our people and especially addressing the plight of the needy and vulnerable members of our country. Let us pray for and focus on helping the unemployed youth, those living in poverty and all vulnerable members of our society especially on issues of access to food and shelter, education and healthcare as well as farm inputs and affordable energy. Finally, let us pray for God’s guidance in balancing the competing demands in our economy. I appeal to all Kenyans not to lose sight of the big picture in the course of championing individual and group interests. We must remember that our sectoral demands as counties, as interest groups, as trade unions and so on, have a direct bearing and impact on other sectors and on our country as a whole. Let us carefully assess the effects of our demands on other sectors of national endeavor and on the overall growth prospects of our economy. In the true Christian love, let us reflect on the wellbeing of one another; let us be one another’s keeper. As we seek to share the national cake, let us also give serious thought to new ideas of baking a larger cake at both the national and county levels. As I conclude, I wish to commend the organizers of this year’s National Prayer Breakfast for bringing together people from diverse religious affiliations in prayer.  This is a good illustration of how we can set apart our diversity and move forward as a nation. It is my hope that it shall be replicated in all our other undertakings. I thank you and God bless you all. Kenya: Raila's Visit to the U.S. Is Critical for KenyaBy Timothy Kaberia, 17 June 2013 opinion On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 former Prime Minister Raila Odinga will address scholars and international policy enthusiasts in Washington, DC at an event organized by the Woodrow Wilson Center. This visit confirms Raila's declaration that losing the Presidential race opened a window of opportunity for him to engage at a different level on behalf of Kenyans. The former Prime Minister is slated to discuss the past 50 years, highlighting both achievements and challenges on the African continent. He will also share his vision for Africa over the next 50 years, with a particular focus on Africa's future engagements with China and the United States. Mr. Odinga's visit to Washington, D.C is critical for various reasons. First, it comes at a time when the African Union has taken a hardline stance against the International Criminal Court and by extension the West. A few weeks ago African heads of state met in Addis Ababa and threatened to pull out of the ICC if the court did not return the cases facing President Kenyatta and William Ruto back to Kenya. Botswana dissented but the ICC seems to have caved in to the demand; albeit indirectly. Mr. Odinga immediately dismissed the position taken by the African heads of state and is expected to reiterate his position in Washington. Secondly, Odinga's trip is critical because it comes just days before US President Barack Obama visits South Africa, Senegal and Kenya's neighbor to the South, Tanzania. Whether Mr. Odinga will be feted by the White House remains unclear but if that happens, then it would have some serious implications on the US-Kenya relations. If Odinga visits the White House or holds meetings with top administration officials then Washington will be sending a clear message that Odinga's opinion is still very relevant in official Washington and the West as a whole. Third, Odinga's lecture resonates with recent US positions. According to the US deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes, Obama's trip to Africa is very important to America. Mr. Rhodes states "You've got some of the fastest growing economies in Africa. You've got a massively growing youth population. You've got key security and counterterrorism issues that we work on with African countries" adding that if President Obama "overlooks" the continent, the US would be "ceding" leadership. Considering the importance the US attaches to this trip and the fact that Obama has "snubbed" Kenya for a second time, it will be interesting to hear what Mr. Odinga has to say in relation to Africa-US relations. Odinga is scheduled to share his vision for Africa over the next 50 years, with a particular focus on Africa's future engagements with China and the United States. The role of China in Africa cannot be overemphasized. The US is determined to wrest part of China's throttlehold of Africa and its resources. America is competing aggressively for trade opportunities on top of maintaining its competitive edge; the export of democracy and governance. Fourth, barely three weeks ago, US Secretary of State John Kerry attended the 50th anniversary of the African Union in Ethiopia and noted that six of the world's fastest growing economies are in Africa and that Africa's opportunities call for "vigilance" by all. That Mr. Odinga is expected to highlight Africa's engagement with China and the US over the next 50 years cannot be ignored. Odinga has a rare opportunity to turn both Kerry's and Rhodes' words into an advantage for Kenya and Africa by emphasizing true partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Finally, whether or not Mr. Odinga is treated like an African statesman and chaperoned by the Kenya embassy in Washington or left to figure his way around is beside the point. The Woodrow Wilson Center is one of the most influential international policy think tanks in Washington, DC. Mr. Odinga's invitation to Washington just before Obama's trip to Africa is a clear indication that he still has a lot of thump internationally, particularly in the West. It is this kind of clout that will solidify Raila's legacy and create opportunities for Kenya if properly exploited. Both Mr. Odinga and the Kenya government have a tough balancing act ahead of them. The foreign ministry must accord Mr. Odinga the respect befitting an elder statesman during this visit. Mr. Odinga, on the other hand must be careful not to engage in unnecessary Kenya and African Union bashing. Like its competitors, all the United States cares for right now is an opportunity to partake of the African pie. This is not only an opportunity for Mr. Odinga to speak his mind but for Kenya to seize America's forceful entry into African trade. Timothy Kaberia comments on African politics from Washington, DC. |
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