It's ok for Tom to do a DNA to find out if the kid is his. Also for medical purposes.This is a tricky situation.
On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Evans MACHERA <> wrote:
True story;-Once upon a time,a young man (say Tom) had a relationship with his nearby village girl(say Joy). While on holiday from college,the Joy visited Tom one evening and spent the night with him.He says he was unease but went over it.Shortly afterwards,she informed him that she got pregnant and will carry it maturity.Unfortunately to him, a baby boy was born normal in 7 1/2 months instead of the known 9 months. When the kid was 9 months,this Joy abandoned her son at Tom's home where his mother took care of the young kid.Tom was still in college,Joy got married to a nother man and now they have two kids. Tom's mother advised him to accept and take responsibility of the young angel and they took him to one of the best schools in their village.When Joy conceived,her uncle breath fire that Tom had done an abormination and will do something to him that will interfear with his college life.The uncle "unfortunately passed" before taking action on Tom. Tom is through college,employed,married and helping his mum to raise the kid now about 7 years old.He is yet to get a kid with his wife.Over time,Tom is not fully convinced that he fathered the kid on account of how Joy went to him one evenning.He also shivers on remembering the threats of the late uncle. Tom wants to know the truth and is currently researching on where to do a medical test for DNA to establish parternity.He say he will take care of the young boy if he is the father,but also breathing fire for compensation through a legal process if it was a fraud by Joy.What is your take!Evans MACHERAIn everyday life,it rains.But what happens when it floods!From: Maurice Oduor <>
To: wanabidii <>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [wanabidii] Re: Kid out of Wedlock!
CourageAnna,You make a good point. In a lot of cases, a woman will agree to marry a man who already has children and is living as a single parent. But there are also a lot of cases a woman will hide her existing kids from the new man. That has to change.
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 12:16 AM, anna nyanga <> wrote:
--Brave response!.The reverse is true.....a man with children is also a package!From: Maurice Oduor <>Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 5:57 AM
To: "" <>
Cc: AFRICA OPED <>; Vugu Vugu <>; "" <>; "" <>; uchunguzi online <>; "" <>; BUNGE MWANACHI <>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <>; YOUNG PROFESSIONALS <>; progressive minds <>
Subject: [wanabidii] Re: Kid out of Wedlock!
CourageEvans,If you know the woman's situation and you still fall in love with her, you take her and her baby as a package or you don't. No 2 ways about it. They come as a package. This is an age old question in a lot of re-marriages nowadays.
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 11:51 PM, Evans MACHERA <> wrote:
Ladies;-You got a child (9 months old) out of wedlock and here is a man who wants you for marriage but wont hear that you are comming in with the child got with someone else.How do you pick up!Guys;-Here is a woman you want,but has a kid sired out of wedlock.Mmmmmhhhh say something!Evans MACHERAParental responsibility is shared!--To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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