Tuesday, 10 June 2014

[wanabidii] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] UHURU's-4's

My dear friend, Uhuru, is also under indictment. 


Convener, Proposed Yoruba Language School (YLS) , NYC, NY
Headmaster, Proposed Yoruba Language School (YLS), NYC, NY

As well as an acclaimed Prince of Mushin, Lagos.

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 9, 2014, at 3:01 PM, "Yona Maro oldmoshi@gmail.com [NIgerianWorldForum]" <NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


1. Uhuru's Father JK had 4 wives.
2. Uhuru's Mother, Mama Ngina was Jomo Kenyatta's 4th wife.

3. In his nuclear family, he has 4 souls to care for.
4. He was elected President on 4th March.
5. He was elected the 4th President of Kenya.
6. He was sworn in as President on the 4th month of the year of Jubilee.
7. He was among the Ocampo 4.
8. Bensouda claimed that Key Witness No.4 in the case against Uhuru withdrew.
9. Uhuru has 4 Siblings.
10. Uhuru is our President
it You Like and Love our President 

===>Uhuru For President 2017


Yona Fares Maro

Institut d'études de sécurité - SA


Posted by: Yona Maro <oldmoshi@gmail.com>
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