Saturday, 7 June 2014

[wanabidii] Re: [Mabadiliko] RE: [PK] RAILA ODINGA wants the Police headed by a Scottish and IEBC Chair from US or UK.

On Saturday, June 7, 2014, Maurice Oduor <> wrote:

1.  I stopped reading your piece after 1 paragraph when I noticed that Raila was your theme yet again.

2. There are areas in Kenya that we lack expertise/neutrality in. Policing is one. Elections is the other. 
We should bring in some foreigners who can give us training to transform our police force into something modern and competent, and not corrupt. 
Our judges, including the Chief Justice, can be foreigners. Why can't our police?

We can also bring in the UN to run our elections since we've proven ourselves incapable of doing it.


On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 10:00 AM, 'Judy Miriga' via Mabadiliko Forum <> wrote:
Good People,

You have no idea how most white foreign hate blacks.  Until that attitude is changed, there is nothing good to be expected except, they will take advantage of any opening to drive Africans out of Africa.  Tom Mboya did well because he had good motives of shared responsibilities and service to his Nation and Africa in general.  Treat whites as Partners for development not masters. Otherwise, most of them are greedy and self-centred, just like some Africans leadership the reason why Africa and Africans are behind yet Africa has the most and best wealth and resources the whole world need.  What is lacking is simple calculus.  Raila's motives are not those of the People who voted for him, the little they tasted, should be reasons enough to open their eyes wide with food of thought.  You should never put a hyena in the same den with chickens and expect positive good results.

The people must wake up to demand services, responsibilities, credibility with checks and balances through transparency and accountabilities.  Leaders who fail to measure, like Raila, should not be given any opportunity unless he face the people to accounts and by legal channels get a legitimate clearance why certain things happen the way they did to build confidence and not to base on shrouded make believe.  The people must be certified with the proof Public Trust must be guaranteed. Unfortunately,  Africans lack reality check which comes from the people themselves who hire leaders to public offices.  Mostly we have corrupt and confused lots who do the bid for poor Africans unaware they have been put on Auction.  Has anyone bothered to ask what Raila was doing in Boston?  Why accommodate lies that Raila had Tea with Obama.  That is a white lie…………Why cant you ask why Raila is back with steam to cause chaos instead of peace and with
 proposal, did he eat some peoples money and promised them jobs from Boston yet he is not in power?  What happened?  Why did Obama's name feature at Jakoyo's talk at Jeff Koinange's bench when in Reality while Raila was in three months visit to USA, he never stepped at "The White House" for Tea, nor did Obama meet with him in seclusion of Boston where an opportunity by the US Media was missed.  Leaders whose lead agents lie this much have no business to be taken in Trust over Public matters. 

On the other hand, an extensive Civic Education is crucially necessary for Kenya to build its  capacity on Social, Economic and Political landscape to be able to face and compete at par with the world.......just like Africa has the wealth and natural resources the world needs, manpower resource are as well lucrative and are in high demand, they must be put to good use in the downloadable digital set-up. Organization is therefore crucial.......Instead of moving backwards, we should instead be moving forward negotiating at the Global Emerging Market-Place, the kind of knowledge Raila and team also lacks..........and they are selling products to public that are non productive, non progressive, non sustaining and are not security safe; instead they are pollutants and very poisonous and dangerous for public consumption......take care!!!!

You try put foreigners in position of authority to rule your mind, you will be in for a rude shock.  Start by asking Malawi after episode with former British President Tony Blair as advisor, how well they did.......

Cheers !!!

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,


On Sat, 6/7/14, account146w qt4 <> wrote:

 Subject: RE: [PK] RAILA ODINGA wants the Police headed by a Scottish and IEBC Chair from US or UK.
 To: "" <>
 Date: Saturday, June 7, 2014, 9:13 AM

 I said it earlier and will repeat it
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