Dear Friends and Partners,
On the 6th August 2013, we will be hosting our 1st Annual General Meeting at Kimisho Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd- a child and product of The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC.
We have come a long way and I am happy and excited with what we have done and achieved so far.
Like all good things, we have had our own fair share of challenges and they have only helped to strengthen our resolve. Am happy our Partners and Friends are impressed that their support and partnership did not go to waste. And many have called and written to us to express their pleasure and continued Partnership.
Today, I hence want to salute all our Partners and Friends who have seen us through to this end in our Journey of Hope across Kenya. I want to make specific mentions of Akiba Uhaki Foundation, the Public Service Transformation Department and A Better World/SOFDI. Their support, partnership and advice has kept us strong all along the trenches. They saw into our potential, liked our approach and decided to support the execution of our Programmes.
I am happy with their continued support as we start the 3rd Leg of this Journey of Hope across Kenya.
We have several other Partners and Friends whose advice, support and encouragement has seen us this far as well. It will not be easy to make mention of all, but allow me to pay glowing tribute to Sen Prof Anyang' Nyong'o, Mr. Elijah Agevi, Dr Korir Singoei, Bishop Johannes Angela, Sen Janet Ongera, Mr. Kuria Mwangi, Pastor Absalom Birai, Mr. Dick Aduong'a, Mr. Joe Omanya, Mr. Cyprian Nyamwamu, Ms Irene Wasike, Eng Christine Ogut, Mr. Tubman Otieno, Mr. Oduor Ong'wen,...the list is long. I salute all of you today.
I am elated that you have been with us from day one, and you have supported us faithfully all this long. As we congregate to elect our 1st Management Committee during our 1st AGM on the 6th August 2013, I must confess that I am shocked at how fast we have grown. We started this Campaign in 2008 in Komarock as a Child Support Initiative, grew into a Clean-up Campaign where we pioneered the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaigns in Kenya and now, we have grown into a Membership Organization with a Sacco Society to boot. Achieving all this is not an easy feat and I am happy that I have provided sound and steady Leadership to this Ship and The Clean Kenya Campaign Family.
I am now being joined by a Team of dedicated Members to focus our attention on our Economic Empowerment and Poverty Eradication as a means to cushioning our lives against the debilitating hard economic times Kenyans are facing.
At The Clean Kenya Campaign we do not whine and moan. We act. We do not respond to calls for proposals as well, but we work with willing partners and friends who see sense in what we are doing. We do not force any person to support our Initiatives but we only make broad appeals for Partnerships.
Those who have worked with me know I am one hell of a perfectionist. I work with results, not rhetorics. I suffer no fools easily and I am hard as a rock. I never get easily intimidated and these traits have seen The Clean Kenya Campaign reach this far.
We are now focused on Economic Emancipation for our Members as we join in the fight on Poverty Eradication across Kenya. We have so far established 60 Table Banking Units and the Team that we are going to elect on 6th August better roll their sleeves for hard work. Kimisho will never be a holiday resort.
We have absolute faith in what President John F Kennedy asked of the Americans- ask not what the Government will do for you. Ask yee what you will do for your Government. At Kimisho, we are focused on pooling our own resources together as One Family under God and then inviting willing Partnerships that will add value to our objectives.
We are going to pursue our objectives with the zeal with which Alexander Muigai found himself when he penned The Troubled Warrior- a Classic Poem;
'Thus, all having been done,
And my poor heart settled,
I'll venture to go home,
I'll take up my hoe and dig,
I'll pick up my stick and herd,
I'll court my girl and wed.
Having done my duty,
I'll sit by the fire,
And grow old'.
Kimisho will be in good and able hands as from the 6th August 2013. Watch this space.
Odhiambo T Oketch,
The Team Leader/Executive Director,
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel; +254 724 365 557,
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