Tuesday, 4 February 2014

[wanabidii] Re: [KOL] Re: [PK] Re: [uchunguzionline] Re: Notice of Intent To Sue

You moron Ochieng Nyamogo a suit for defamation should be the least of your concerns as you have a criminal case to answer to based on your postings here. I know the moron you are think in your stupidity that you have a defense but tell that to the judge who unlike a bloke like you can read and understand a legal opinion.

You'll have plenty of time to come to grips with what I am saying when the judge sends you to jail and wonders out aloud what a moron of a lawyer one can be to commit these civil and criminal offenses.

To be sure, I am sure you're not the first moron the judge will see walk into his or her courtroom but certainly you have to be the first one who also claims to be a lawyer simply because of the sheer stupidity and ignorance of the law you have consistently demonstrated here.

As told before, ignorance is no excuse for violation of law.

Peace, Unity and Truth


On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Nyamodi Ochieng Nyamogo <okil@nyamogoadvocates.com> wrote:
              Quit the urge to make a goon of yourself! If the
"defamation" gimmick can't stick, then the "criminal" red herring
won't paste, either!!! You, sure, don't intend me to think that you
are that hollow, up-stairs!!!
                                                      Nyamodi Ochieng-Nyamogo.

On 2/3/14, Samuel Omwenga <somwenga@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sawa ndugu Chifu; elections in Thailand were relatively peaceful so headed
> there and then after wards nyumbani to among other things pay a visit to
> the police to report a crime that must be investigated and pursued against
> you know who...you'll have left for Mombasa then but give me your contacts
> who knows, I may be in Mombasa I haven't been in decades.
> Peace, Unity and Truth
> Omwenga
> On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 4:47 PM, <chifu2222@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I will be in Nairobi on 12 and 13th. I will inbox you my number once I
>> get
>> there. Friday and  saturday of next week I am open before I fly to
>> Mombasa.
>> I will give you the details once I land.
>> Chifu
> --
> Samuel N. Omwenga, Esq.
> President and CEO
> TGICC USA, Inc <http://www.kitsana.com>
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