Saturday, 17 January 2015

[wanabidii] Muslims burn French flag on Temple Mount, ICC, Obama on "donors" - Jan. 17, 2015

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January 17, 2015 / 26 Tevet 5775
Shavua Tov

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Headlines & Recommended

Muslims Burn French Flag on the Temple Mount [video]
It is not the "occupation" and the "Zionist enemy" that are the targets of angry Muslims.
Muslims burn the French flag on the Temple Mount on Friday.

US Strongly Backs Israel over ICC Move to Probe Israel for War Crimes
The Obama administration is not in love with Israel but certainly is divorcing itself from the Palestinian Authority.
Does Abbas really want a war crimes probe Above: Hamas fires rockets on Israel from a hotel.

Obama Urges Resistance to 'Donors' (i.e. Jews) Pushing for Iran Sanctions
Obama urged senators to resist pressure from "donors" (i.e. Jews) to increase Iran sanctions.
Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) took offense to president Obama's reference to

A Dignified Death? Living Is Dignified, Too
The fruits of medical science were to be available to all of us - not just the young.

In 6 months Wallenberg's fearless acts of daring saved tens of 1000s of Jews from certain death
Raoul Wallenberg

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