Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Thats true,
Considering that Reform Change is our Baba na Mana, it is our survival kit.
It is part of the Regulatory measures that if abused, there are consequences.
That, we have no problem, which is why, hata Jendayi Fraser aki come, she
is welcomed kwa roho safi, hata kama ana travel 2 times a month to Kenya
hata iwe 10 times, there is no problem.........Our people as a whole are very
good. The ma-Men also are very friendly and are in plenty, they do not chagua........wanapenda all sizes from any part of the world..........
Tuvumilianeni, no one is perfect; the Kikuyus hata Yesu aki come today, they
will ask Jesus to form a cooperative Society and that we must get used to
and accept BUT with Reform cHANGE Regulations, there are boundaries how
far to go in all our enterprising irrespectively.....WHERE THINGS DONT GO TO
EXTREMES.......likewise, every other person must equally feel acceptable and
be accommodated, ili tukipata mgeni kama Jendayi, she finds a space to fit in.
This is why we are in America and still are fully accommodated without much
trouble. ..... We cannot be discriminated or discriminate, it is not the reason for
our struggle........
Together with all our skills and talents, we can make this happen because it
can be done. The bond will be stronger than ever......The World shall be truely
peaceful without police terrorism or the illegal terrorist thugs or gangs and we all
shall feel so secured without fear but with opportunities overflowing........
Yes Kibet, let us focus on peoples mandate Reform Change prospects which is
key to our success.......We do it good, we shall be proud of our successes, we
do it wrong, we fail........
May God Bless us all and help us to overcome our failed old ways that keeps
putting us down..............
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

From: john kibet <kcheruiyot@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] ADVICE TO LEE MAKWINY
To: "uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com" <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 2:59 PM


I think you're mistaking me. I didn't label you a tribalist. I have known you for a while and I will be the last to call you as one (tribalist).

All I am saying is that there is a difference when someone says "you're looking at something from a tribal prism" and that person calling you " a tribalist." I didn't call you the latter.

Anyway, I agree with most of what you say except where it comes to people not reporting the TRUTH. Being a blogger doesn't give one a right to disseminate information that is created, wrong and a lie. It even makes it worse when its done to INCITE and CREATE ANIMOSITY from a section of Kenyans towards a certain person or individuals. Not freedom of speech nor the Bill of Rights doesn't PROTECT such behavior.

You wouldn't want that to happen to you Judy and I believe you NEED TO CONDEMN what I am condemning. Simple as that.

Hey, friends disagree all the time. It doesn't mean its the end of the world.

John K

From: Judy Miriga <jbatec@yahoo.com>
To: Judy Miriga <jbatec@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:42 AM
Subject: [uchunguzionline] ADVICE TO LEE MAKWINY

My Dear Friend Kibet,
I prefer to dissagree on this your statement and I will give
you reason why you are wrong.
1) I am not tribal, I see all Kenyans as a family and every tribal
community as potential, then I look at all people of Africa as
brothers and sisters sharing common values who have equally
suffered from the same discrimination which is why all Africans
of the world are treated differently by those community who
control economic wealth of the world and this is not tribal.
2) Whether black, white, yellow or blue, all people are the same
created by God but some are too selfish and greedy to want
share the wealth of this world fairly amicably under mutual
interest of all....forgeting that without peace, there can be no
unity of common good of all. Because it is in sharing that
Kenya, Africa and the world can benefit in prospects of innovation
for progressive development agenda
3) The Global Market Place utilizes wealth and resources from
Africa to improve and advance in economic excellence which
provide for stability of becoming a super power
Having said that, the purpose for Reform Change in Kenya cannot
be achieved if things are not done the right way, putting public
mandate and interest first before an individual or those of special
interest community. To achieve this we need each and every persons
contributions so we can fix what has been wrong over the years.
I have told off even people of my own tribe if they went out of order
simply because, wrong ways cannot provide achievements we want.
It is why I always say, Kenya is bigger than an individual.
Open your eyes my friend and see what I am seeing.........
The brain of aka Jaluo + macho business of Kikuyu + Kalenjins natural resource + Masai
heritage with the rest of the other tribal groups in Kenya put together is a complete
valuable natural resource selling highly at the Global Market Place.
We shall be fools if we do not see each other as brothers and sisters from the same
family. God was not a fool to have put us all in Kenya and expect that we dissentegrate
into tribal groupings and getting down to destroy our potential values......
With this I wish to make myself clear that, we must fight and stick together for common
good of our gainful profitability if we refuse corruption and impunity and embrace Reform
change; and we cannot do that if we do not stick with the Truth telling it like it is........
Lee passed the test of what I am talking about. He has his small dos where as a
human no one is perfect, but he believes in the Reform and picked a platform to do his
dos, nothing wrong with that.........Those corrupt with impunity do not see that, they
can pick such statements and use it for scapegoat and this is what I am cautious
Having said that, let me confirm that, I care for you just like I do to Lee and I will not
let anyone destroy you if I see you are wronged.......
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

--- On Tue, 3/26/13, john kibet <kcheruiyot@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: john kibet <kcheruiyot@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] ADVICE TO LEE MAKWINY
To: "uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com" <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 11:30 AM


Consult a lawyer on what freedom of expression is and what it protects and can't. Creation and DISSEMINATION OF LIES are not PROTECT by an constitution. Not by the Kenyan Constitution that I know of.

So please, before you become EMOTIONAL, know that no one has a right to CLAIM that so and so were doing something at a certain place and time with an intention of INCITING THE MASSES or CAUSING DISREPUTE to that person.

Tell me Judy, do you want someone to CREATE, DISSEMINATE and PERPETUATE such lies like the one Robert Alai Onyango and his friends have been sending out IF YOU WERE IN THAT POSITION??? Heck no, you'd be screaming mad about suing and your rights being violated.

I think you're looking at this from a TRIBAL PRISM. Check the facts first.

John K

From: Judy Miriga <jbatec@yahoo.com>
To: Judy Miriga <jbatec@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 7:50 AM
Subject: [uchunguzionline] ADVICE TO LEE MAKWINY

Attacking Lee this way, you are denying him his democratic rights. This
is not an advice, it is a threat and you are trying to buy his silence.......
I see nothing wrong with what Lee has been doing. There is no libel
or offense he has done. Please stop digging for him, because we shall
not allow this denial of freedom to suppress people......
You have now stepped out of boundary and it is unacceptable.
Stop pushing people to the edge........

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

--- On Tue, 3/26/13, bernard okuku <bernardokuku@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: bernard okuku <bernardokuku@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] ADVICE TO LEE MAKWINY
To: uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 10:31 AM

Kibet's head seems not to be functioning!!!! Is there a brain inside?

--- On Tue, 3/26/13, Omar Bin Waber <owaber@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Omar Bin Waber <owaber@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] ADVICE TO LEE MAKWINY
To: "uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com" <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 7:07 AM

Very strong and sincere advice. Au sio....

Omar Bin Waber
Sent from my iPad

On Mar 26, 2013, at 9:22 AM, john kibet <kcheruiyot@yahoo.com> wrote:

Lee Makwiny,

Mine is a friendly advice that might help you SURVIVE the new world order. I know you folks from the Lake always never think before you write or say things. That's why I am offering this friendly advice. You don't have to take it if you don't. But you might remember it soon down the road.

I know you have been in the forefront for quite a long time in trying to elect Raila Odinga. Nothing is wrong with that. In your en devour, you and others in ODM and of the same mind, created ODM YOUTH 2012 to advance your cause. Nothing wrong with that too. It was and still within your constitutional right to do that.

Things like blogging, twitter and the like have HELPED you and fellow ODMers in that endevour. It helped that a fellow Luo and the person you have been angling for, Raila Amollo Odinga, has been the Prime Minister for the past five years. He helped to PROTECT you guys in going about your business of CREATING ONE FICTITIOUS LIE AFTER ANOTHER.

Why am I say this? Take the case of your friend and fellow ODMer, Richard Alai Onyango. The other day, he was SUMMONED to record a statement by the CID as to why he created a FICTITIOUS STORY that IMPUGNED on the characters of Judge Isaac Lenaola, IEBC CEO Oswago, Kimemia and IEBC chairman Issak Hassan.http://www.kenyan-post.com/2013/03/odm-mole-alai-summoned-by-cid-for.html

Lee , you PARTICIPATED in dissemination of this FALSE AND MALICIOUS INFORMATION. This is what they call libel and slander. Talk to a real lawyer like Nyamodi Ochieng Nyamogo and he might offer you free services as to what you can say and can't say because you don't seem to understand.

Talk to a veteran in journalist matters like Mohammed Warsama. He can tell you what a real journalist can and can't say because you ODMers have no clue what the difference in blogging and real news is.

I know you bloggers of today, especially associated with Raila Odinga, have NO BOUNDARIES in what you say. All you ODM bloggers think and behave like Midiwo who thought that he could claim, without any prove, that Raila Odinga was about to be killed. Such IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR is COMING TO AN END in the administration of Uhuruto. A new world order in Kenya is being established come this Friday and therefore this is why I am offering you free advice on how to behave.

Talk to someone like Bwana Kuria Mwangi, a veteran in the art of blogging. He can tell you the intricacies and how to survive in this business.

The way you and the likes of your friend and fellow ODMer Robert Alai Onyango are HANDLING YOURSELVES, it WON'T BE LONG BEFORE YOU'RE IN JAIL.

It's one thing to offer your opinion about a subject matter and IT'S ONE THING TO CREATE A FICTITIOUS LIE AND SAY THAT IT HAPPENED WHEN IT NEVER DID. And please, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION OR THE BILL OF RIGHTS CAN'T OFFER YOU PROTECTIONS on a lie that you KNOWINGLY AND MALICIOUSLY CREATE with an intention of INCITNG THE PUBLIC. Again, talk to a real lawyer not partaking in Raila or ODM kool-aid and they might save you from being a guest of the Kiganjo boys.

You ODM bloggers and worhippers of Raila Odinga BEIEVE that you can cause an Egyptian or Tunisian Revolution. The sad thing is that you forget that Kenya is Kenya. Its neither like the two countries and the circumstances are completely different as in what was going on in Tunisia and Egypt. Remember always that after the PEV of 2007, majority of Kenyans outside Raila Odinga strong hold of Nyanza have a DIFFERENT MINDSET. They know when they are being conned.

So I don't know what likes of you and Alai Onyango can achieve with such A "DEATH WISH" behavior.

Raila Odinga's political light is over come this Friday. So may be its time you consider what you write on the ODM Youth 2012 blog. It might save you a lot of headaches.

Trying to be a HERO NEVER PUTS FOOD ON THE TABLE. Always remember that.

John K
University of Southern California

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