Saturday, 29 December 2012

[wanabidii] Re: [PK] I believe Joho is never serious as a person and does not have the capacity to deal with the issues of drugs in Mombasa

joho  ni madawa

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Jacob Boaz Muoga <> wrote:
We must read from the same script i am supporting Abdalla Mwaruwa and you are supporting Joho.

When we come to issues of Integrity i think you are wrong when you say Joho as integrity.He has been a suspect on many issues so why abuse my intelligence and the readers of these emails.Joho,Shabal and Babangida are projects.JOHO is Abus',Shabal is Jaffers' and Babangida is Balalas' and the Islamic council.

I believe Joho is never serious as a person and does not have the capacity to deal with the issues of drugs in Mombasa.They control the port too much until the interpol are in much doubt.Not to mention the American Drug Enforcement Agency[DEA] have issues with the manner his brother is running and manipulating the Kenya Ports Authority.You have no idea.I believe you are just scratching the surface and please lets stop it at this point-to-point we see more problems in KPA,KENYA FERRY,EVICTION, LAND BEING SOLD ANYHOW AND PORTIONS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL PLOTS turned to Mosques and named after Joho's late mum Kulthum.Is that the governor you want?like he has done in Mombasa primary.I DONT LIKE THE IDEA OF YOU DEVELOPING A PUBLIC SCHOOL then taking a portion of land to place your late mothers name in the mosque.what about the Christians in that public school?

Its not about ODM but its about a person and the party ODM as so much to correct.Good thing we have the CORD Party.ODM is bigger than Joho and CORD is bigger than ODM so lets widen our tent.
I doubt if Joho will make it to the governorship with a lot of questions unanswered.Pride comes before a fall and lets watch the process before 18th January 2013.


Jacob Boaz 

--- On Fri, 12/28/12, khaguli maurice <> wrote:

From: khaguli maurice <>
Subject: Re: [uchunguzionline] Abdalla Mwaruwa former MD KPA and commissioner assistant for KRA with good education and intergrity
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Friday, December 28, 2012, 11:23 PM


You have avery interesting point quote "and for sure went to class and earned his degrees in the class in Dae-Tanzania and UK" we know this but we doubt suleiman Shahbal....the indication is he's not conventional! Also you've clearly indicated but i disagree with you, quote "Ibrahim Babangida is a project of Balala" that is abig lie! Both Suleiman Shahbal and Babangida are Balala's and SUPKEM projects. You have an idea but you dont have credible information. That is why JOHO and ODM beats them all on integrity
We stand to emphasize the truth, truth is one!

From: Jacob Boaz Muoga <>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [uchunguzionline] Abdalla Mwaruwa former MD KPA and commissioner assistant for KRA with good education and intergrity
i believe you are confusing Hibrahim Babangida with Abdalla Mwarua.
The description you are giving resembles the one of Hibrahim Babangida who worked with Karisa Maitha and he is also a candidate for governorship in Mombasa but in Balala's team.
Meanwhile i have been following up Mwaruwa Abdalla nd i have gathered about his past has a good professional who is well educated in Dar Es Salam and UK with specialization in Statistics.He is former managing director in KPA who never stole the public money and was also assistant commissioner of Customs.His father was a former member of parliament here in Coast.He is a man all the 42 tribes feel comfortable with since he can not be easily manipulated with the drug lords and the Mombasa tycoon.
The man to watch is Abdalla Mwaruwa and lets give him an opportunity if they can work together with Shabal but if Shabal  wants to go alone then its his democratic right.
Joho and Hibrahim Babangida have issues to work on and they are not independent minded individuals.Joho is a project of Abu is brother[who controls the Mombasa council] and Ibrahim Babangida is a project of Balala but Abdalla Mwaruwa is the common man's project.Mombasa will have a face and a future with Abdalla Mwaruwa who is non tribal and a good manager.He is a man we can trust with our county of Mombasa.He is a man who is non violent and for sure went to class and earned his degrees in the class in Dae-Tanzania and UK.
Jacob Boaz 

--- On Fri, 12/28/12, Jagem K'Onyiego <> wrote:

From: Jagem K'Onyiego <>
Subject: [uchunguzionline] Re: [ProgressiveMinds] You do not know Joho and we can not entrust him with the governorship of Mombasa.He can remain better as an M.P but not a governor.
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Friday, December 28, 2012, 10:43 PM


Let me 'aks' you this; what integrity do Mbahariya Mwaruwa have? What I know is Mwaruwa is the very first peddler of mihadarati way back in the 70s akiwa mbaharia. He eventually midwifed to a very notorious Gang called Kongo by Force. Kongo by force is also known as Congo Boys, or Kongowea Boys. Later on, this Congo by Force was used by Late Karisa Maitha to cause mayhem on people they considered from Bara in 1997. Are you serious when you shower Mwaruwa's candidature with the word integrity?

Living among the Mighty requires Wisdom.
From: Jacob Boaz Muoga <>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:26 AM
Subject: [ProgressiveMinds] You do not know Joho and we can not entrust him with the governorship of Mombasa.He can remain better as an M.P but not a governor.

You seem to have no knowledge of the politics of Mombasa.Its either Shabal or Mwarua taking over the governorship of Mombasa in Match 4th 2013.
Your Joho is living on the cover of the party but he will be surprised because people wont vote the party but an individual because of integrity.You do not know Joho and we can not entrust him with the governorship of Mombasa.He can remain better as an M.P but not a governor.
Dont be used ignorantly to attack Shabal just because he felt ODM was not fair in its nomination.I was  a CANDIDATE too and i saw this with my own eyes that ODM internal democracy is wanting.Joho will spent so much of his brother Abu's money but miss the votes in March 4th 2012.If he is going with ODM still he will lose and only get votes from his family members and few people he awards contract.
Jacob Boaz 
--- On Fri, 12/28/12, khaguli maurice <> wrote:

From: khaguli maurice <>
Subject: [uchunguzionline] Is Suleiman Shahbal a devil to himself?
To: "" <>, "" <>
Date: Friday, December 28, 2012, 10:03 PM

It was very strange for "Mr. clean Boy " to refuse to acknowledge a political competition with other Mombasa players. Will he accept adefeat if JOHO and ODM win 2013 Mombasa Election?
Shahbal developed cold feets after he noticed he cant be accepted politically by walalahoi wa Mombasa. He's the novice who vowed to recognize the outcome of branch election as an ODM member in November. Can he be trusted as an UDFP Governor? NO! He's the same political novice who understand the stairs of Mombasa law courts. Can he shape politics of Mombasa? NO! He lied to walalahoi of Mombasa to fight to the high court for a free, fair and transparent election. Can we believe him to represent Mombasa interest? NO! is he still going to claim VOTERS to have VOTED double in march 2013 election? YES! YES! YES!
Mr. Shahbal, when did UDFP Mombasa organize a free and a fair nomination? do you remember this Mr. shahbal?
A Shahbal Campaign Poster
At the Press conference, Shahbal read out a 5-point resolution as follows:
1. We totally reject this election and sanction against it.
2. The Party is not ready to organise a free and fair election.
3. We will go to court to erase this election. This was a rubber stamp election in which they elected one another. It is a sham election.
4. We appeal to our people to stand firm, they should not go to these bogus elections, just as they refused to do so today.
5. We appeal to our people to uphold justice and peace. Do not agree to start trouble even if you are provoked. I believe that politics is not fomenting chaos or hooliganism
Is UDFP not practising bogus, sham campains to foment chaos and hooliganism in Mombasa county political competion? our basic question to Shahbal campain council is, who is imposing himself on walalahoi wa Mombasa?
check this;
We stand to emphasize the truth, truth is one!
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