Monday, 10 September 2012

[wanabidii] KDI doing some very great work in Kibera


Last Saturday the 8th September 2012, Kounkuey Design Initiative, Usalama Bridge Youth Group, Nairobi Dam Youth Group, Katwekera Youth Group, Ndovu Women Group, Ushirika Women Group, Slumcare Organization, the Provincial Administration, the City Council of Nairobi and The Clean Kenya Campaign descended for a Massive Clean-up and Awareness Campaign at Lindi and Laini Saba in Kibera. 

The Clean-up event was well attended and we must thank the City Council of Nairobi and in particular, the Department of Environment, who responded to our call within a very short time.

Market Traders Cleaning Kongowea Market in Mombasa

We want to thank the Provincial Administration for rallying the residents to join with us for this Transformative Agenda taking place in Kenya.

We want to sincerely thank the KDI Team led by Joe Mulligan and all the Groups that helped make this day a success. We will be converging at the reclaimed site on Saturday the 15th September 2012 for a Ground Breaking Ceremony to commence work.

We want to also thank our Team from The Clean Kenya Campaign under the able leadership of our Programmes Manager- Mr. Otieno Sungu for working tirelessly to ensure that we achieve our objective as a Team. Sungu has aptly captured this thought process in the communication below.

Now, we will not be hosting The Clean-up and Awareness Campaign in Kisumu on the 15th September 2012 as earlier proposed. Great things are taking place in Kisumu and as we write this, a delegation from the City Council of Kisumu led by the Deputy Mayor- His Worship Cllr Ben Odondi are in Nacka in Sweden on a City Twinning Programme with the question of partnership on the Solid Waste Management being high on the list of discussions.

The delegation includes the Director of Environment Mr. John Sande and his Team. He hence requested that we postpone the date of the Kisumu event and as soon as they are back, we shall confirm the new dates.

We at The Clean Kenya Campaign are impressed by the responses we are receiving from many people and their desire to take part in this Great Transformation taking place in our life times in Kenya.

Lastly, we are hosting a Planning Session with the entire leadership of the Nairobi Market Traders Society on the 19th September 2012 at the Charter Hall as from 8.00am to help plan for 10th October 2012 All Markets Clean up in Nairobi. The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Simon Ole Morintat- the Deputy Town Clerk at the City Council of Nairobi and will be attended by several Departmental Directors from the Council.

We are pleased to inform you that Kiss FM and GBS TV have become our Partners in The Clean Kenya Campaign as we move forward. We are inviting the other media houses to also join with us as we work for a Clean Kenya- Clean kwa vyo vyote vile.

We can make Kenya Clean as a united Team.

Let us all work for a Clean Kenya as a Transformative Deliverable as we turn 50.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
Executive Director,

The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC

The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of The KCDN Kenya.

Date: Sunday, September 9, 2012, 3:08 AM

[Attachment(s) from otieno sungu included below]

Friends of a Clean Kenya,

Find attached our efforts, together with our various partners, to reclaim Nairobi's beauty and how we are transforming waste into opportunities. We wish to make waste management a source of employment for our youth even as we reduce the waste dumps in our neighborhoods.

In this journey of hope, we wish to make our towns and cities much cleaner and safer by 1st of June 2013 when our country turns 50 years old.

We must make a resolve to celebrate our Silver Jubilee in cleaner and safer environments, at least as a deliverable where many other such promises have eluded us.


Otieno Sungu,
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC,

Attachment(s) from otieno sungu

1 of 1 File(s)

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