Thursday, 2 August 2012

[wanabidii] Correction: The Resurrection of Jesus is totally believable!


Jesus is alive & currently interceding 4 u & me before the close of probation' so that we may eventually attain everlasting life.
There's proof all around you - just open your eyes & ears...
And remember - Jesus is coming back soon to take the redeemed home to Heaven!
Jesus is returning soon -
Whether you believe it or not!
Whether you want it or not!
Whether you are ready or not!
Take it or leave it - the choice is yours as an individual Harry - think about it b 4 it's 2 late!

From: The Atheist <>
To:; youths_4r_christ <>; progressive-kenyans <>; wanakenya <>; Vugu Vugu <>; NVK MAGEUZI <>; Harrison Mumia N <>; wanabidii <>;
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 3:05 AM
Subject: {GIS} +++ Why the Resurrection of Jesus is Unbelievable!

You have heard of the saying - extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And yet when some of you are told that Jesus died for three days and rose from the dead, you find it true, something to celebrate all your life, and you believe without questioning. You are told to have faith, simply trust and believe, and you will be good to go. But let me challenge you a bit, let us look at some basic rationale about being told stuff and merely believing. Please, let us reason together.
This should really be simple, folks. 
Imagine I told you I own a bed. You wouldn't need much evidence to believe me, because you know people like me usually own a bed.
What if I told you I won the lottery? People win the lottery all the time, but it's pretty rare in the population in general, so you'd need a bit more evidence to believe me.
But what if I told you I own a nuclear missile? You know people like me don't own nuclear missiles. You would need some really good evidence to believe that I own a nuclear missile.
And what if I told you I owned an inter-stellar spacecraft capable of traveling to another star? Not only do you know that people like me don't own such spacecrafts, but also you have good reason to believe nobody owns an inter-stellar spacecraft. If some government had spent $100 billion to design and build such a thing, you're pretty sure you would have heard about it through the media. You would need truly extraordinary evidence to believe I owned such a spacecraft.
But inter-stellar spacecrafts are, at least, possible. These spacecrafts are known to travel at 10% the speed of light, and could arrive at the nearest star in 40 years. There are proposed models of how one could be built in the US, though at the moment they are beyond our technological abilities.
Now, imagine I told you my friend had been stone cold dead for three days and then came back to life.
Would you believe me?
Hell NO!
My claim that my friend came back from the dead after three days would be even more extraordinary than my insane, ridiculous claim about owning an inter-stellar spacecraft. You would need even more evidence to believe that my dead friend came back to life.
But our evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, like most ancient literary evidence, is pretty bad. In fact, there is no evidence, other than the SCRIPT of the Bible. It's not even the kind of evidence we would need to justify the claim that somebody owned an spacecraft, let alone the evidence we would need to believe that somebody broke all the rules of biology and came back from the dead after three days.
That's why the resurrection of Jesus is unbelievable.
-- Copyright © The Atheist

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