Friends, We are living in hard times as we approach celebrating our 50 years of Independence next year. We at The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC are very appreciative with the many Kenyans who have joined with us in this Campaign. If you want to support in any way, please visit About Us in our website- A Clean Kenya is achievable, even within one day. We only need leadership, clear resolve, commitment and patriotism. We must not live like Pigs in our own Country, just because Waste and Garbage is overwhelming us, yet, these are Gold Mines waiting to be tapped. During The 2nd Consultative Forum on Waste Management, I was impressed with the presentation from Ms Kithinji from the Kenya Association of Manufacturers. On the mass production of flimsy paper by the Manufacturers, she blamed us for not tapping into that as a raw resource for conversion. If Mzee 'Prof' Munywe of Kayole Environment Management Association can make fencing poles from plastic at his small level, then, major investors would do great making Electric Poles from the same. They only need Government commitment and support and they will move in big time. In the process, we would save our Trees and boost our Tree Cover in Kenya. L-R; Dr Kepha Ombacho- Chief Public Health Officer at the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Eng Magdalene Mwende- International Ecology Manager at Bamburi Cement, Mr. Mario Kainga- Assistant Director of Environment City Council of Nairobi and Mr. Benson K Githinji- the Commandant- Traffic Department at the Kenya Police during The 2nd Consultative Forum on Waste Management
Again, we had a meeting with Mr. Ahmed Mohammed of Forsight Techologies, and we were simply impressed with what they can do with all the foul smell we get from the waste we are dumping on us. With their Enzymes, they can spray all the waste sights and get rid of the smell that is choking and killing Kenyans. But who wants to listen? The problem is, we have some tired academicians in charge of Government Departments charged with this duty. We also have a new breed of bright academicians who have come out and joined in The Clean Kenya Campaign. We will work with them to ensure that Kenya is as Clean as any other Nation and Waste is made a Resource for Conversion. But for the tired academicians, the ones that only gloat about their PhD status, we will forcefully evict them from Government service. This is our Government and we have every stake in it. We cannot live as if Waste is such an issue that needs constant studies. You will realize that the City Council of Nairobi, in their own admission, said that in partnership with JICA, they did a Master Plan on Solid Waste Management for Nairobi in 1988 and REVIEWED the same in 2010. They have now painted some vehicles and branded them with- Solid Waste Management insignias and possibly, they are doing some further studies. They are doing something definately. But one thing they are not doing is; they are not getting rid of the mounds of garbage and waste at every corner. This is not acceptable. We want action. Not studies. Again, if this Team is tired, they MUST ship out, or shape up. And as a Team, we are going to push the various Councils into action. If the City Council of Nairobi cannot wake up and do something, as we move on with our Programmes, we are going to mobilize all the Residents of Nairobi to come dump their waste at City Hall, so City Hall can see what to do with it. Maybe, it will give them nearer sampling for further studies. I am hence giving NOTICE to these mandarins at City Hall, your time is up. We must bring Nairobi back to her lost glory as a Green City in the sun. And we have never issued a notice that we have failed to honour. We will dump waste on you very soon. Lastly, we have realized that the vested interests are re-grouping and now, they are using the Secretaries to block some of our communications to the bosses. One such Secretary is the one to the Director-General of the National Environment Management Authority who sat on our invitation to the DG to attend The 2nd Consultative Forum on Waste Management. The DG NEVER saw our invitation. Your time is up and we are sealing all holes. Kenya must be made Clean, and for this, we have no apologies. Let us all work for a Clean Kenya as a Transformative Deliverable as we turn 50. Odhiambo T Oketch, Executive Director, The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC Tel; 0724 365 557 Email; Blogspot; Website; Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Mailing Group; The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of The KCDN Kenya. |
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