Tuesday 30 December 2014

[wanabidii] It all comes down to today

Less than 24 hours for a 2014 tax deduction.
Make a tax-deductible donation today
Make your last gift of 2014, Wanabidii
Triple Your Gift
Don't miss your chance to make a real difference in the fight to save rhinos, elephants, and other treasured animals from extinction. Because once they're gone... they're gone.

Make your donation to African Wildlife Foundation now. This is your final opportunity to receive a 2014 tax deduction and triple your impact on the future of Africa's iconic species.

Let's show poachers what we're made of in 2015. Make your tax-deductible gift by midnight.
Triple Your Gift
Donate With Confidence
African Wildlife Foundation
14​00 Sixte​enth Str​eet, NW  |  Sui​te 1​20 Wash​ington, D​C 200​36
www.awf.org  |  Support Us  |  1-​88​8-494​-​535​4
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Photo courtesy of Sven Lindblad



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