Monday 29 December 2014

[wanabidii] 48 hours

Time is running out for a 2014 tax deduction.
Make your tax-deductible matching gift by 12/3​1
Triple Your Gift
In 2014, we witnessed poachers use everything from automatic weapons to helicopters as they slaughtered Africa's wildlife for profit.

There's no telling what methods they will turn to in 2015, but we do know Africa's wildlife is in danger. We don't have to sit idly by. We can work together to end poaching and protect Africa's magnificent species for years to come.

Make a gift to African Wildlife Foundation today. Your donation will be tripled and you'll also qualify for a valuable 2014 tax deduction... but only if you give by midnight tomorrow, December 31st.

Triple your impact today. Let's make 2015 the year we fight poachers... and win.
Triple Your Gift
Donate With Confidence
African Wildlife Foundation
14​00 Sixte​enth Str​eet, NW  |  Sui​te 1​20 Wash​ington, D​C 200​36  |  Support Us  |  1-​88​8-494​-​535​4
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Photo courtesy of Billy Dodson



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