Saturday, 30 August 2014

RE: [wanabidii] Agricultural Financing Still a Big Problem in Tanzania

Ukweli ni kwamba hatujataka kuendeleza kilimo chetu na kuamua kupambana na umaskini hasa ule uliokithiri (abject poverty) kwa sababu zetu binafsi (ujinga, ubinfasi, upumbavu, kutokumiliki rasimali zetu, kutokujitambua, kutokujiamini, kutokuthubutu, kutokuwa na ari ya kutenda tukisukumwa na ndoto kubwa ya mafanikio).

 Hakuna dunia yeyote iliyoendelea bila kufanya kilimo chake kuwa cha kisasa na kuzalisha mitaji ya kujenga viwanda.  Binafsi ninafika mahali na kuhisi kuwa umaskini hwenda ukawa ni biashara endelevu kwa wadau wengi ambao ndio wenye maamuzi ya kuuondoa.  Sina uhakika lakini ninahisi hivyo.

Licha ya kilimo chetu kuwa duni sisi kama Watanzania ni largest donor to the world.  Kufuatana na utafiti wa kampuni ya Light Year IP, Tanzania tunacapture na kuretain only 3% of value of the traded product of coffee, tea and spices at London supermarket. Ina maana a total value of 97 of coffee, tea and spice produced in Tanzania is retained in the importing countries.  Ebu fikiria kwa mazao mengine kama pamba, katani, korosho na mazao mengine tunachangia kiasi gani?. 

Licha ya kilimo; kwenye madini usiseme.  Mnaona aina ya mikataba tuliyokuwa nayo yote ni Siri.

Kwa ujumla tukiongezea value kidogo tu kwa wale wanaozalisha mpunga wakaua soko la mpunga na kuuza mchele, kwa wale wanaozalisha mahindi wakaacha kuuza mahindi makavu wakasaga na kuuza unga, kwa wale wanaozalisha pamba wakaacha kuuza raw cotton na kuuza lint cotton na by products nyingine, kwa mfano mbegu, mafuta ya mbegu za pamba, mashudu n.k. na kwa wale wafugaji wakaaacha kuuza mifugo yao kwa bei ya macho wakauza kwa kutumia bei ya kilo tutakuwa tumepambana na kuondoa umaskini kwa hali ya juu sana. Sijasema mkulima afanye hayo yote ila ujengwe mfumo wa value chains ambao wadau wengine wa kati watafanya kazi nyingine kwa niaba ya wakulima na wao wakalipwa kufuatana na contribution zao.

Tunahitaji a holistic approach in value chains financing kuanzia kwenye kujenga uwezo (capacity building) as a service that can be financed, production, processing, packaging and marketing final value added product that is owned by the farmers. In this approach value chains actors will have to cooperate, collaborate waweze kushiriki kupanga bei kwenye inputs markets na output markets ambayo value captured itakuwa distributed equitably to all chains actors.  Benk zetu zinahitaji kutambua hilo na Benki Kuu ndio yenye wajibu  kujenga mfumo huo na kuelekeza kwenye commercial banks kwani tunahitaji policies, rules and regulations ambazo zinatambua value chains financing na kulinda mfumo huo.

Guys Tanzania is a rich country with poor people. The poverty of its people starts with their mind set, attitude, lack of thinking outside the box, poverty of the heart and soul which culminates to poverty in their pockets.  Once we realize this and agree to change we can do wonders using value chains in agriculture.


Herment A. Mrema

Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:52:49 +0300
Subject: Re: [wanabidii] Agricultural Financing Still a Big Problem in Tanzania

Mara nyingi tumekuwa tukiwasikia wanasiasa wakituongopea kwamba wanafanya juhudi kuwatafutia ajira vijana. Wakati huo huo hakuna juhudi ya kuridhisha katika kuboresha kilimo ambacho ndiyo ajira kuu kwa vijana wetu (about 80%), unabaki mdomo wazi ukijiuliza huyo anayesema hivyo yuko serious au ndo anatuona sote mabwege?. Ni vigumu sana kusema tutaboresha maisha ya watanzania kama hatujatupia jicho la kipekee kwenye sekta ya kilimo. Tuna chuo kikuu cha cha kilimo cha SUA tangu mwaka 1984, hivi inakuwaje tushindwe kuwatumia vijana wanaomaliza degree za kilimo kuleta mapinduzi ya kilimo hapa kwetu? Tukubali kuna tatizo kubwa sana kwa wansiasa wetu, serikali yetu, elimu zetu pamoja na jamii kwa ujumla. Bila kurudi nyuma na kuangalia tatizo letu liko wapi basi tutaendelea kulia njaa na uchumi mbovu miaka nenda rudi.

Mlm Nyerere kuna kipindi alileta slogan ya "siasa ni kilimo" hivi kwa sasa slogan sahihi kwa wanasiasa wetu ni ipi? je kwa mazingira tuliyonayo ingepaswa kuwa ipi? Binafsi naona slogan ya ukweli na iliyo rohoni kwa wanasiasa wetu wa sasa ni "kiko wapi kilichobaki kwa walalahoi nikakipole"  Kimsingi wote hatuko serious na ndiyo maana urais umefanywa kama nafasi ya mchezo mchezo kila mtu anataka kuwa rais maana haoni kama kuna mambo makubwa yanayomkabili mbele yake akiwa kama rais. Tusiyalaumu mabenki, benki ziko kibiashara na hivyo si rahisi kumkopesha mkulima ambaye hana chochote cha kuweka kama dhamana. Labda ufanyike utaratibu wa serikali kuwawekea dhamana wakulima ili waweze kukopa. Wakulima wengi hawana elimu ya kutosha kuhusu namna ya kutumia mikopo. Ukichukua mkopo ina maana inabidi ulime kibiashara zaidi kuliko kuapata mahitaji ya familia (subsistence agriculture).

Hata tukisema ardhi yao ipimwe ili waweze kukopa, nina uhakika maeneo walipo wakulima wetu wengi soko la ardhi yao (market value) ni dogo  kuwawezesha kupata mikopo itakayofaa kuanzisha kilimo chenye tija. Ukiwapa ela kidogo watakula na mwisho ardhi yao itabebwa na mabenki na hata hayo mabenki sijui kama yatapata wanunuzi haraka kiasi cha kurudisha fedha zao. Hakuna mwekezaji anayehitaji eka moja moja ya wakulima tena ambazo haziko eneo moja. Maana hatuwezi kuwalazimisha wakulima wote wakope, na hata wakikopa wote wapo watakaorudisha madeni na hivyo kubaki na ardhi yao. Well kupima ardhi ni hatua mojawapo lakini haitatosha kuwafanya wakulima wetu kupata mazao ya kutosha kuingia kwenye soko kubwa

Yapo maeneo ambapo wakulima wanalima sana na wanavuna lakini hakuna soko la mazao yao, sidhani wakulima kama hao utawaambia wachukue mikopo kwa ajiri ya kilimo watakubali. Watajiuliza tunalima zaidi ya hapa ili iweje? Ni juu ya serikali kutafuta namna ya kuwasaidia kupata masoko mazuri ya mazao yao kitu ambacho kitawafanya kuongeza juhudi katika kilimo. Nafikiri wataalamu wetu wa kilimo wanaweza kutwambia vizuri zaidi matatizo ya kilimo hapa kwetu. Matatizo ni mengi sana na hakuna juhudi za kutosha kuyakabili. Mikopo pekee si suluhisho la matatizo ya wakulima wetu

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Jovias Mwesiga <> wrote:
Huu ni.moja ya ujumbe bora kabisa ambao.nimewahi kuusoma toka jukwaa hili. Pengine pamoja na umuhimu wa kilimo na nchi yetu kuwa na chuo kikuu cha sokoine ukosefu wa utumiaji elimu na ushirikishaji kwenye kilimo imekuwa shida sana.
Kwasasa watu wako tayari kujaza mitaji kwenye kuuza.magari badala kuamia kwenye kilimo. Ungetegemea watu wenye mitaji kuhamia.kwenye kilimo na kufanya kilimo kwenye ngazi ya juu na aridhi isiyopimwa au benki kushindwa kukadiria mapato ya muhitaji mtaji lisingekuwepo lakini kwa.mkulima.mdogo mwenye kashamba kasikoweza hata mlisha yeye mwenyewe itaendelea kuwa ngumu.
Siku za karibuni watu wameanza kununua mshamba ni.jambo zuri lakini kutopiga hatua katika final.product ya kilimo. Wengi wanafikiria jinsi watakavyozalisha nanasi.nyingi dar es salaam.sokoni hakuna.anaewaza jinsi ya kuongeza thamani kwa kuyakausha au kutengeneza juisi or any form ambayo itakuwa rahisi kuyaingiza katika soko la.kimataifa. lakini inasikitisha baada ya miaka 50 tangu uhuru nchi yetu bado inazalisha raw products kwenye nyanja ya kilimo, tuna aja ya kujiangalia.kama taifa wapi tunakwama hata tatizo la.nguvu kazi kuhamia mijini lingeisha kirahisi sana.
Labda muda.muafaka kwa.wizara na.kuweka mazingira.mazuri ya uwezeshaji wa kilimo
On Aug 29, 2014 12:28 PM, "Abdalah Hamis" <> wrote:

A TOTAL of 53 commercial banks are currently operating in Tanzania, the highest number in the East African region but agriculture sector remains under served in as far as loan disbursement is concerned.

Although considered as the backbone of the national economy, agriculture accounts for over 25 per cent of the national gross domestic product (GDP), over 27 per cent of exports earnings, and 80 per cent provider of jobs but banks are not yet convinced.

Various agro-economists and banking experts have come up with a range of answers to this paradox which Tanzania Bankers Association (TBA) believes agriculture is one of the riskiest sectors to lend money in the country.

According to TBA, although there is much potential in agriculture as a viable investment opportunity for banks and other money lending institutions, the sector also has a good number of inherent shortcomings that tend to put off many of the would be financiers from taking the leap.

Key to this, the association asserts, is the tendency of many farmers in the country to lean towards subsistence farming where the primary goal is to feed their own families and, by extension, their communities.

In other words, generating surplus production and subsequently enhanced incomes, which would have necessitated the use of banking services, is usually accorded low priority by producers.

In this regard, "Funding agriculture only makes sense if the financing is used for commercial purposes and not for subsistence or consumption", says TBA in an overview report on opportunities available in the agricultural sector.

The Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) argues that high interest rates charged by financial institutions on agricultural loans are the basic reason why investors are shying away from the sector.

ESRF further notes that since land in rural areas is not surveyed at household level, farmers can't use it as collateral to secure bank loans. Further, available data shows that agricultural activities enjoy a mere 10 per cent of total loans disbursed by commercial banks operating in the country.

The report noted also that a meagre three per cent of agricultural households in the country have direct access to credit and other key financial services.

Furthermore, an independent analysis of the problem conducted by a local team of agro-finance experts concludes that all boils down to a lack of willingness on the part of local banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) to extend their services to the sector.

The experts' comprehensive study report asserts that there is indeed ample capacity amongst the many types of lending institutions in the country to avail more funding to agriculture, if only they could be persuaded to do so.

The study, known as the Agricultural Finance Markets Scoping (AgFiMS), was done under the auspices of the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT), which appointed local consultancy firm AYANI to conduct field work on the supply of financial services to the agricultural sector, and Synovate (now IPSOS) on the demand side survey.

FSDT was incorporated in Tanzania on July 1st, 2004 with an overall aim to develop a deeper financial system that can provide greater access to finance to more Tanzanians.

The study applied several methodologies including surveys in the form of interactions and one-on-one interviews with various agrifinance service providers for the supply side and structured interviews with the producers, processors and service providers for the demand side.

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