Thursday, 17 December 2015

[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Energy and Climate Change Committee: latest update

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United Kingdom Parliament Public Accounts Committee (Commons) Update

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Votes and Proceedings

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15-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

View the formal record of the proceedings of the House of Commons

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The 2015 ODA allocation process

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15-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Memoranda submitted by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact

Democracy and Development in Burma

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15-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

DFID's one-year update on recommendations in the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2013–14

United Kingdom Parliament International Development Committee Update

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15-12-2015 02:12 PM GMT

International Development Committee invites written submissions on DFID's allocation of resources
15-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Memoranda submitted by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact
15-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

DFID's one-year update on recommendations in the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2013–14

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Read the latest Committee news

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16-12-2015 09:15 AM GMT

EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 December at 11am
16-12-2015 08:00 AM GMT

Education Committee questions charity and care services representatives on well-being of looked after children
15-12-2015 06:30 PM GMT

EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 December at 10.15am

Latest news from Parliament

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16-12-2015 09:15 AM GMT

EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 December at 11am
16-12-2015 08:00 AM GMT

Education Committee questions charity and care services representatives on well-being of looked after children
16-12-2015 08:00 AM GMT

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 noon
15-12-2015 06:30 PM GMT

EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 December at 10.15am

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Latest news from the House of Commons

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16-12-2015 08:00 AM GMT

Education Committee questions charity and care services representatives on well-being of looked after children
16-12-2015 08:00 AM GMT

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 noon

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Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

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Andrea Leadsom - Department for Energy and Climate Change

In January, my Noble Friend, Baroness Verma announced the commencement of the second Triennial Review of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM). Today I am announcing the findings of that review, which I am pleased to say support the continuation of CoRWM as the most appropriate body to undertake the hugely important work of providing independent scrutiny and advice on Government's long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste, including the geological disposal programme.

The Review has also examined the governance arrangements for CoRWM in line with guidance on good corporate governance set out by the Cabinet Office and makes some recommendations to ensure that CoRWM operates in the most effective and efficient manner.

The final report of the Triennial Review of CoRWM can be found at: and I have made available copies in the Libraries of the House.


Questions for Oral or Written Answer - House of Commons

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16-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Browse part 1 of the Question Book for details of written questions

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Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

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Mr Robert Goodwill - Department for Transport

In November 2014, the Department for Transport launched a comprehensive study, chaired by Lord Jeffrey Mountevans, now Lord Mayor of the City of London, into maintaining the UK's status as a world-leading maritime centre. The Maritime Growth Study: keeping the UK competitive in a global market was published on 7 September, the opening day of London International Shipping Week 2015, with a commitment from government to formally respond to the report by the end of the year.

The last such review took place nearly two decades ago and the global economic landscape has changed significantly since then. However, one constant has been the continuing contribution of UK maritime and marine industries to our economy and in keeping seaborne trade moving worldwide. The Study highlights that this has been achieved through a highly advanced, world-class maritime cluster spread across the nation that attracts investment and exports services worldwide. The sector's direct economic contribution is at least £11bn, while directly supporting at least 113,000 jobs and 6,600 businesses. The UK is truly a 'one-stop-shop' for the global maritime market, but the Study concludes that there is still much more that it can achieve.

The report recognises that other maritime centres in Europe and the Far East are experiencing rapid growth and seeking to replicate our success. Government and industry must therefore work together to reinforce the UK's role in the global market and put our nation in the best possible position to exploit the expected doubling in world sea trade by 2030. A successful maritime sector will support the government's commitment to enhancing domestic productivity, rebalancing the UK economy, increasing exports and raising our global status.

The Study involved extensive engagement and independent research to inform and shape its conclusions and recommendations. The process also benefitted from the scrutiny and support of an industry advisory group chaired by Michael Parker, Chairman of the UK arm of global shipping company, CMA-CGM, and comprising senior business leaders from across the sector.

The report encompasses Lord Mountevans' recommendations for government and industry, focusing on four themes in particular; government leadership, industry leadership, the need for a skilled workforce and the opportunities for marketing maritime UK. The government welcomes his findings and will take forward the recommendations in all four of these areas, partnering with and involving industry as required.

Significant progress is already being made. A new Ministerial Working Group for Maritime Growth has been established to drive growth and tackle issues impacting the sector. The Working Group, including representatives from industry, met for the first time last month to discuss items on maritime inward investment and export growth, as well as the opportunities presented by the government's proposed reform of apprenticeships. The Working Group will be supported by a committee that will bring together senior officials from key Departments with an interest in maritime in the New Year to identify what further action is required.

Officials will shortly begin the process of updating the government's assessment of the seafarer requirement in the UK maritime sector so we have the most up-to-date picture of supply and demand. This will ultimately inform the chair's recommended review of our Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) scheme to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

A key focus of the Study was the role played by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) administered UK Ship Register. The Register has now seen nearly 12 months of modest, but continuous growth in gross tonnage. However, we will not be complacent about this success and fully support Lord Mountevans' ambitions for the Register, which were informed by evidence from the independent UK Ship Register Advisory Panel. In addition to the Agency's existing plans for creating a more efficient, flexible and customer-focused survey and inspection function, I am pleased to be able to announce the appointment of Simon Barham as Director of the UK Ship Register. Simon brings a wealth of commercial shipping experience to the role and will begin the process of making the Register more independent from the MCA's regulatory functions when he starts in 2016. These improvements are being implemented against the backdrop of longer term work by the Department exploring the scope for more significant reform of relevant MCA services, in particular the UK Ship Register.

While the specific recommendations for industry are for them to consider and respond to, the outcomes being sought, including greater coordination to promote the sector as a whole, are vital to achieving the chair's vision for maritime. The government is happy to support industry in this endeavour.

I am grateful to Lord Mountevans for his chairmanship of the project. His leadership and experience have helped to produce a compelling report on a sophisticated sector consisting of multiple markets and industries. He played an important role in successfully corralling the views of an expansive and diverse industry with varying interests. It is now for government and industry to work in partnership to lever the findings from the Study and keep the UK maritime sector at the forefront of the global market.

The report, Maritime Growth Study: keeping the UK competitive in a global market can be found on GOV.UK and copies were made available in the libraries of the House on its publication in September.


Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

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James Brokenshire - Home Office

Further to the Explanatory Memoranda published by the Minister for Countering Extremism on 30 September, the Government has decided not to opt in to two Commission proposals for Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a crisis relocation mechanism amending Regulation (EU) No. 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one Member State by a third country national or a stateless and establishing an EU common list of safe countries of origin for the purposes of Directive 2013/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection, and amending Directive 2012/32/EU.

The UK did not opt in to the two temporary proposals allowing for the relocation of individuals in need of international protection between EU Member States which were agreed over the summer. So far implementation of these has been extremely slow with only around 160 people relocated from Italy and Greece so far. Member states continue to argue over the detail. Negotiations on a permanent relocation mechanism have also proved long and difficult and it is unlikely consensus will be reached on this in the near future. This reinforces the view that relocation is the wrong response to the crisis and that the time and effort devoted to negotiating these measures would have been far better spent on implementing practical solutions to secure the external border and provide sustainable protection in the region, a position which the UK has been calling for since the beginning of the crisis.

The Government does see merit in establishing an EU wide safe third country list, especially for those Member States who have no experience of operating such a list. However, the UK has successfully operated its own list for many years and already has established procedures and safeguards in place, including Parliamentary approval before a country is designated. Opting in would also require the UK to opt in to the underlying 2013 Asylum Procedures Directive. The UK originally did not opt in to this Directive as it was deemed not to be in the national interest due to implications for immigration control and the integrity of UK legal systems. Those reasons remain valid and we see no advantage in opting in to this measure.


United Kingdom Parliament Science and Technology Committee (Commons) Homepage Update

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16-12-2015 10:19 AM GMT

The Science and Technology Committee is launching an inquiry into Satellites and space, to inform the Government's promised UK Civil Space Strategy in 2016.
16-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Science and Technology inquiry into into Satellites and space, to inform the Government's promised UK Civil Space Strategy in 2016.

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Energy and Climate Change Committee: latest update

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15-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Letter to the Secretary of State regarding removing the Carbon Capture and Storage Competition

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United Kingdom Parliament Northern Ireland Affairs Committee (Commons) Update

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08-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry into the outcome of the spending Review and the Talks

Latest committee inquiries

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16-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Science and Technology inquiry into into Satellites and space, to inform the Government's promised UK Civil Space Strategy in 2016.
08-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry into the outcome of the spending Review and the Talks

Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

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James Duddridge - Foreign and Commonwealth Office

My right Honourable Friend, the Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Baroness Anelay of St Johns), has made the following written Ministerial statement:

I wish to inform the House that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, together with the Department for International Development and the Ministry of Defence, are today publishing a progress report on the UK's third National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, which was published on 12 June 2014 (HC Deb, 16 June 2014, cc72-4WS).

The National Action Plan sets out our priorities on Women, Peace and Security from 2014-17. It is the guiding national policy document that sets out the direction and vision to the Government and its partners as we work to ensure that women and girls are at the centre of our efforts to prevent, respond to and resolve conflict. The report published today outlines the progress in our international and domestic work and gives examples of this against the four main pillars of Women, Peace and Security: Participation, Prevention, Protection, and Relief and Recovery. The annexes to the report also provide details of activities underway in the UK's six chosen focus countries: Afghanistan, Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, Somalia and Syria.

The Strategic Defence and Security Review was clear about the importance the Government attaches to work on Women, Peace and Security and its centrality to peace and stability overseas. We will continue to collaborate with our international partners and civil society to drive forward this agenda using the international momentum from the High Level Review of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in October 2015. We will increase efforts to ensure that women's voices are represented in wider peace processes, negotiations and state-building.

We will continue to report to Parliament annually on progress, with our next report due in autumn 2016.

The progress report has been published on


Latest news from Parliament

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16-12-2015 12:10 PM GMT

Culture, Media and Sport Committee hears from BBC's Director General on broadcaster's future
16-12-2015 11:05 AM GMT

Question expected at 12.30pm in the House of Commons
16-12-2015 11:00 AM GMT

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs expected to make a statement at 1.15pm
16-12-2015 10:00 AM GMT

Commons debate a motion on the welfare cap
16-12-2015 09:30 AM GMT

MPs to debate the Armed Forces Bill in a Committee of the whole House

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Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.

Mr David Cameron - Prime Minister

This written ministerial statement confirms that responsibility for the Pension Wise service will transfer from HM Treasury to the Department for Work and Pensions. This change will be effective from 1 April 2016.

Caroline Dinenage - Ministry of Justice

Today I am launching a consultation which seeks views on proposals for a number of changes to the Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008, and for improving other aspects of cremation practice.

On 1 June 2015 David Jenkins published his report into the way infant cremations were carried out at Emstrey Crematorium in Shropshire between 1996 and 2012. The report established that during this period Emstrey Crematorium failed to obtain ashes to return to parents following infant cremations.

Scotland had experienced similar problems. In June 2014 Lord Bonomy's report of his Infant Cremation Commission (ICC) found that in some Scottish cases parents had been incorrectly told that there had been, or would be, no ashes from their babies' cremations.

I am clear that what happened at Emstrey, and sadly also at other crematoria, should never happen again. No other family should go through the pain of not having their baby's ashes returned to them. That is why I am taking action to make sure that after a cremation infant ashes should always be returned to their families.

A majority of the 12 Emstrey report recommendations were for the Westminster government, including the recommendation that we consider the ICC's 64 recommendations. In July, I announced our intention to consult on these recommendations and that consultation starts today.

The consultation will run for 12 weeks. I will be writing to families involved in these tragic events to invite them to take part. We will then carefully consider the responses we receive and will announce the changes that we will be making next year.

Copies of the consultation document will be placed in the Libraries of both Houses. The consultation is also available at


High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

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Commons Debate packs: latest update

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A backbench business debate has been scheduled for Thursday 17 December 2015 on conception to age 2, the first 1001 days. This is following a bid by Tim Loughton and Liz Saville Roberts. The debate will be opened by Tim Loughton.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Backbench Business Debate on Protecting 16 and 17 year olds from Child Sexual Exploitation Thursday 17 December 2015

Prime Minister's Questions

Watch the latest Prime Minister's Questions 

16-12-2015 08:00 AM GMT

David Cameron answers questions from MPs in the Commons

Recent Select Committee publications (UK Parliament)

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16-12-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Public Accounts. HC 414

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Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015
This short briefing provides information on the Independent Aviation Noise Authority as proposed by the Airports Commission, what it might do and whether it is going to happen.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
This paper contains labour market figures for parliamentary constituencies, as well as a summary of the latest national and regional statistics.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Emergency financial assistance to local authorities in England is provided by the Bellwin Scheme. Normally this is provided following unusual weather events, though assistance can be available in other circumstances. The Bellwin Scheme operates in England, with similar provisions in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This note outlines the workings of the scheme.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The purpose of this briefing paper is to consider in detail the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Display) (England) Regulations 2010 (as amended) and the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Specialist Tobacconists) (England) Regulations 2010 (as amended).

Latest news from the House of Commons

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16-12-2015 01:20 PM GMT

Joint Committee on Human Rights questions Defence Secretary on UK's policy for use of drones for targeted killing
16-12-2015 01:20 PM GMT

Committee on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill takes evidence on 16 December
16-12-2015 12:30 PM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee hears from supermarket executives on meat and dairy prices
16-12-2015 12:10 PM GMT

Culture, Media and Sport Committee hears from BBC's Director General on broadcaster's future
16-12-2015 11:05 AM GMT

Question asked by Diana Johnson in the Commons
16-12-2015 11:00 AM GMT

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs made a statement in the House
16-12-2015 10:00 AM GMT

Commons debate a motion on the welfare cap
16-12-2015 09:30 AM GMT

MPs to debate the Armed Forces Bill in a Committee of the whole House
15-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee warns that budgets must not affect vital flood protection work

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Read the latest Committee news

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16-12-2015 01:20 PM GMT

Joint Committee on Human Rights questions Defence Secretary on UK's policy for use of drones for targeted killing
16-12-2015 01:20 PM GMT

Committee on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill takes evidence on 16 December
16-12-2015 12:30 PM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee hears from supermarket executives on meat and dairy prices
16-12-2015 12:10 PM GMT

Culture, Media and Sport Committee hears from BBC's Director General on broadcaster's future
15-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee warns that budgets must not affect vital flood protection work

United Kingdom Parliament International Development Committee Update

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16-12-2015 03:00 PM GMT

International Development Committee to publish report
16-12-2015 01:00 PM GMT

International Development Committee examines overseas development assistance in fragile and conflict-affected states focusing on Nigeria
16-12-2015 11:15 AM GMT

International Development Committee invites written submissions on DFID's programme in Nigeria

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Communities and Local Government Committee Update

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09-12-2015 04:30 PM GMT

Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry into business rates

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

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Parliament on Twitter

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United Kingdom Parliament Work and Pensions Committee Homepage Update

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Latest committee inquiries

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16-12-2015 01:00 PM GMT

International Development Committee examines overseas development assistance in fragile and conflict-affected states focusing on Nigeria
09-12-2015 04:30 PM GMT

Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry into business rates

Latest news from Parliament

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16-12-2015 04:00 PM GMT

Contribution to sport, culture, charity and heritage on the agenda
16-12-2015 03:30 PM GMT

Peers discuss Heads of Government Meeting in Matla
16-12-2015 01:20 PM GMT

Joint Committee on Human Rights questions Defence Secretary on UK's policy for use of drones for targeted killing
16-12-2015 01:20 PM GMT

Committee on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill takes evidence on 16 December
16-12-2015 12:30 PM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee hears from supermarket executives on meat and dairy prices
16-12-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Public Accounts Committee publishes report on financial sustainability in the further education sector

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Parliament's YouTube channel

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High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

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