Thursday, 17 December 2015

[wanabidii] Paris Jews poisoned, Weapons shipments to PA intercepted, No to 1st Amendment at Yale, Making Tehina - Dec. 17, 2015

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December 17, 2015 / 5 Tevet 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Paris Jews Intentionally Poisoned
The lock to a shul in southeastern Paris was coated with poison, sickening more than a dozen congregants.
Vandalized synagogue in Bonneuil-sur-Marne, southeastern Paris.

Israeli Institutions in Berlin Targeted for Terror by ISIS-Inspired Germans
Two German men are being tried for planning ISIS-inspired attacks against Israeli institutions in Berlin.
Israel's Embassy in Berlin, Germany

US Issues New Travel Warning for Israel, Judea and Samaria
The State Dept. also recommends that US citizens maintain "a high state of situational awareness, be aware of their surroundings at all times, avoid any unattended items or packages."
US passport

Thousands of Intifada Bound Firearms, Knives, Tasers, Explosives Confiscated by Port Customs
Customs officials at the port of Ashdod have foiled multiple smuggling operations in recent months, seizing a huge variety of weapons that had been on their way to the Palestinians.
Ashdod customs captured weapons

US Demands Kuwait Airways End Boycott of Israelis; Airline Drops NYC-London Flight
US forbade Kuwait Airways from discriminating against Israelis, but instead airways dropped NYC-London flight.
Kuwait Airways dropped NYC-London service, rather than sell tickets to Israelis.

McConnell, 36 Republican Senators Urging Obama to Keep Iran Sanctions over Missile Test
"It is evident that the administration, having snookered Senate Democrats with a promise of enforcement and sanctions for non-nuclear misbehavior, is in full appeasement mode."
Test launch of Iran AIO 'Emad' medium-range ballistic missile

MK Hanin Zoabi Denounces Lieberman's Campaign Against Her as "Fascism"
Avigdor Liberman recently announced his campaign to "remove Hanin Zoabi from the Knesset – for good!"
MK Hanin Zoabi

Trump's Favor To Obama And Clinton
Will Trump's latest outrageous statement undo his bid for the Republican presidential nomination?
Donald Trump

Majority of Americans Say ISIS Committing Genocide
By almost 20 points, 55% to 36%, Americans agree that this targeting of Christians and other religious minorities meets the UN definition of genocide.
ISIS children training

Court Bars Bar Refaeli from Leaving Israel over Tax Evasion
The Tax Authority has run an undercover investigation against Refaeli which turned up among other things that she received for personal use a Range Rover (value in Israel roughly $100,000) in exchange for advertising and PR.
Bar Refaeli

Technion Launches University in China
The Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology will offer three units: the College of Engineering; the College of Science; and the College of Life Science.
Chinese Technion campus 2

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