Saturday, 29 June 2013

Re: [wanabidii] Obama refusal to visit Kenya will have consequences

Ukitaka 'equal bargaining power' Alexander uwe na capital uchangie kiwango sawa.
Kwani kuna matajiri wangapi bongo ambao wanaweza wakaungana na kuunda kampuni kubwa international, wakanunua mavifaa, kuajiri wataalamu wazungu kuja bongoland na kuwafundisha vijana wetu tukachimba wenyewe madini? wasiwekeze katika kuuza unga wangano, kutotoa soda na juice za rangi za kuweka vitamini vya kemikali sio kununua matunda yaozayo Mtwara, Lindi, Kilombero-wawekeze katika kusaidia kilimo na uuzaji wa value added agric products. Kusaidia mfano Kilimo cha ufuta, ulezi, uwele, mtama, muhogo ukachangwanywa unga fresh wa lishe, kusaidia vifungashio na kuweka viwanda huko kulimwako kusaidia kufunga viuzike kimataifa. Kwa nini hawajiungi mpaka Mchina aje kutudhalilisha? Mbona wapo?

Mwafrika kujiendeleza na ajitegemee ni ndoto. Ebu ona kinachoanza tena Sudan na kinachoendelea Somalia, Nigeria, Congo pamoja na resources zote zilizopo-mapambano, kuuana na kubakana.

Itakuwa nchi chache sana kuendelea sana na hata hizo nchi utakuta uchumi upo chini ya wahindi, waarabu wazungu toka nchi mbali mbali walio na makampuni makubwa na vitega uchumi. Waafrika wapo kufanyishwa kazi kwa kupigwa matege, kufungiwa kiwanda kisicho hewa safi ili wasitoke na kuiba gate zote kufungwa mkapa saa ya kutoka kazi. Hatupo katika kujituma hata kama tuna uwezo. kuna kitu ndani ya akili zetu ambacho kinatutia utata  Twaweza sana kujisifu uongo, majungu, ubishani, kukomoana, unyimi, uvivu unaotubwetesha, muono wa karibu, mipango isiyoendelevu bali haribifu, kutaka rahisi bila kuvuja jasho cha leo ni cha leo cha kesho Mungu ataleta, eti kila mtu anazaliwa na kuja na bahati yake. Mtu akipata fedha-kuangalia kujipamba aonekane au ngono na kuwa na mitala. Kila mmoja ana uzoefu wake. Hata ndani ya familia, utaweza kutoa hela kujengeke kitu, utakaporudi utakuta yale uliyokuwa ukiambiwa hiki tayari kile bado kidogo tu-hakuna lililofanyika-kanyaboya. Ukimuuliza-mkali mbogo na ndugu wanamtetea. Akiumwa mtu-kila mmoja anaangalia sio kugharimia hatua madhubuti. akifa-michango na mazishi ya kuonekana-mahema, mapombe, maji, vilaji-gharama kibao ambazo zingesomesha mtoto hadi university. Mziko mmoja millioni 8 michango.

Nenda TZ vijijini ukaone mabonde mazuri ya kilimo na uwaone walivyokaa chini. wanaolima na kusema mchele, mahindi hayana soko-hayafiki mijini lakini huko kijijini siku ya soko malori kibao yamejaa hadi juu mizigo ya mitumba kutoka DSM na matunda maembe maepo toka nchi za mbali, madela toka uarabuni kuja dar hadi huko porini. gari hizo haziwezi kubeba mchele kwenda DSM kwenye bei ili nchi isilete ule toka Taiwan. Auletao toka taiwan (Tajiri) eti hawezi kwenda Kilombero, Moshi kubeba mchele na barabara ya lami!! Ukichukua mkopo-unafanya sherehe ya arusi uonekane-kuulipa matanga. Bank inakuja kufirisi kuuza nyumba-hasara, kelele, lawama. machimboni ya artisanal miners-uchafu mtupu, zinaa, ulevi sio maendeleo. Tufanywe nini na nafasi ndio hizo hatuzitumii kisawasawa. Tumekosa nini kwa Mungu.

Bado leo katika karne hii ya mtu kuwa na wake 12, watoto 60, wajukuu 300 na ongereko la watu nchini, mabadiliko ya tabia nchi unazungumzia kilimo cha kuhamahama badala ya sustainable farming; unazungumzia haki za ufugaji wa kuhamahama-akili kweli hii sio sustainable livestock keeping utumie ng'ombe bora vituo vipo vya maonyesho na mafunzo elekezi. Eti uhuru wa kuhamia mpaka vyanzo vya maji unavyotegemea mwenyewe kunywa na kilimo, mifugo, umeme etc. Na unahamia huko na wengineo toka nchi jirani na wakata mbao wako wanaoandamana nawe ukiwalinda. na umebadilika kimaisha-unalima, unafuga au unalima na kukata mitu uuze mbao. na unatumia haki za binadamu kutetea haki hii ambayo ni haribifu mazingira na maisha yako na ya taifa. Tukiambiwa ukweli-maandamano, mapanga, marungi, mikuki, kutishana na kuchomeana moto, mara kuvamia misitu kama kisasi mara kupigana mapanga na kuuana mara inakuja kumwagiana tindikali kama kukomoana mara unaanza udini na kuchomeana mahekalu, kukatiana mazao na kuchomeana nyumba. Kujikwamua kiuchumi ni kwa sustainable farming and livestock keeping, sustainable fishing-hatutotoka kwenye umasikini tusipoangalia matumizi endelevu ya raslimali!! hata ukichimba mchanga, mawe, dhahabu-fukia mashimo na panda miti-sio Environmental law inavyosema.

Ifike wakati tubadilike. Si vijijini tu, Mijini na maofisini bali pia katika mila na desturi zetu tukubali kuwafundisha vijana/watoto wetu usasa na mahitaji yake ili tuendelee ili vijana wajikite ktk kuendeleza yaliyobora sio kutetea ujinga. Aje Obama, rais wa China, Indonesia hata atoke peponi-tutakuwepo hapa tulipo daima kama kujituma productively na kukubali kubalilika positively haitokuwa sehemu ya mtazamo wetu kimaisha  Tuache rushwa na ubinafsi. Inasikitisha.
alexander chipalazya <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 29 June 2013, 19:51
Subject: Re: [wanabidii] Obama refusal to visit Kenya will have consequences

Waafrika tunajidanganya sana, tunafikiri haya mataifa makubwa yanataka tuendelee au tuwe na mafanikio kiuchumi, kitechnologia nk. 

Hata aje Rais mwenye hadhi gani nchini kwako (Kama sasa Obama), kama hatutajipanga na kutambua kua wajibu wakujiondoa kwenye umasikini ni juu ya taifa husika haitasaidia, tutaendelea kubaki nyuma. Mbaya zaidi kama hujajipanga vema kukabiliana na hizo nchi Tajiri (Marekani na China) nihatari sana kutembelewa nazo, maana hatuna equal bargaining power katika mambo mengi tunayoingia nao mikataba. 

Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [wanabidii] Obama refusal to visit Kenya will have consequences

From what I have been reading yjere is a big difference between Obama' visit and US President visit. It might be true that this isnt a thank giving visit by Obama. Personaly I wish he visited Kenya as well. One commentator from the US said Mr Obama cant be prevented from visiting Kenya. If he is over with presidency he will be free. These are American Politics

--- On Sat, 6/29/13, Samwel Amos Wangwe <> wrote:

From: Samwel Amos Wangwe <>
Subject: [wanabidii] Obama refusal to visit Kenya will have consequences
To: "wanabidii" <>
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2013, 5:47 AM


US President Barack Obama is no friend of Kenya. Consider that when no other country ever declared a public holiday to celebrate his election victory in 2008, Kenya did. The Senegalese had no idea and the Tanzanians and South Africans were green with envy.
Consider also that when President Obama needed good genes to get into Harvard Law School, a Kenyan contributed 50 per cent. When Mr Obama needed pictures of himself carrying cassava to the market to get through a bruising campaign, Kenya obliged.
In fact, Kenya provided the story of his African ancestry — complete with the heroic role his grandfather played in the Mau Mau struggle for independence. He even visited the country as a junior senator for Illinois, and was welcomed with open arms.
Now that he is President, Kenya is not good enough to visit.
The excuse for his refusal is laughable. Fears of being photographed at State House in the company of the country's two leaders who face crimes against humanity charges at the International Criminal Court have apparently forced him to skirt his father's homeland as if it were a leper colony.
Did the country not conduct peaceful elections this year that the Supreme Court passed as the cleanest in the country's history? He has permitted a little domestic quarrel about power to prevent him from taking a mere photograph with the legitimate leadership of Kenya just because of claims that 1,133 people died and 600,000 others were displaced as a result of their combined genius.
Has Kenya not recovered from the violence that nearly tore the country apart in 2008, passing a modern and progressive Constitution?
Only this year, Mr Obama pretended to care for Kenya by promising that those willing to walk the path of progress would "continue to have a strong friend and partner in the United States of America".
Instead of holding up Kenya as a beacon of democracy and prosperity that has survived 50 years of independence, Mr Obama has gone looking for examples in Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa. He should know that Kenya wrote the encyclopaedia of African democracy.
It is incongruous that Mr Obama would want to discuss good governance with toddlers in African democracy. Anyone who needs a manual on how to run elections needs to look no further than Kenya.
Anyone who is keen on creating a youthful leadership on the backbone of integrity need not look further than Nairobi. Mr Obama wanted to discuss political parties? Kenya has over 50. It can teach Africans not just about democracy, it can also instruct them on justice.
For all its exemplary political conduct, what does Kenya get? Bad press and a presidential snub! Other than having Nelson Mandela, South Africa has nothing on Kenya. The lions in Tanzania are all Kenyan.
Mr Obama seems to be oblivious of the numerous sacrifices many Kenyans have quietly made to bring him to where he is. Numerous Kenyans, working as immigrants, have lifted the American economy from the ignominy of the world economic crisis.
Kenya has allowed thousands of Americans to work as spies, marines, teachers, researchers and what-not just to cover Mr Obama's vulnerability in failing to create jobs at home. His truancy in dodging the call of his ancestral home invites punishment commensurate with his mischief.
Mr Obama should think long and hard about the effect of Kenya demanding the repatriation of all its resources stolen to benefit America – starting with six pints of his blood, 16 of his teeth and 50 per cent of his brain. The rest should follow in due course.
Choices have consequences.
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