Tuesday, 1 October 2013

[wanabidii] Re: Siaya County seeks forced male ‘cut’ law

Dear Judy,

You seem very concerned about this whole idea of chopping off of men's most precious possession. You have been on this campaign for more than 2 years now and you seem to be having an idea of how the chopped and un-chopped tastes considering that out ,of experience, you refer to some as sweet while others as 'not-so-sweet'. However, I highly doubt if your campaign is making any significant impact owing to the choice of media. You are preaching to people in the fora who are knowledgeable, with exception of a few, and most likely have made up their mind - converted and anymore preaching might to yield results.

Don't you think a change of tact might prove beneficial to the target group? I see people these days just resort to picking Auja around their necks and walk into markets during market days and preach the gospel, whatever gospel one has. I guess this might prove a very cost effective way of doing this with maximum results, what do you think?

In fact, if you are lucky you could even have live demos especially in Siaya town and then testimonies would follow on which ones are sweet and which ones are 'not-so-sweet' after the demos, ama?

            Cell: +256 756 116 303
       E-mail: oduyaericson@gmail.com

I have tasted the wines of His love,
         smelt the fragrance of His grace,
            My God reigns, and that is,
                  enough for my soul.


From: Judy Miriga <jbatec@yahoo.com>
To: Change Mombasa <changemombasa2012@yahoogroups.com>; "jaluo@jaluo.com" <jaluo@jaluo.com>; Mabadiliko <mabadilikotanzania@googlegroups.com>; "wanabidii@googlegroups.com" <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>; "wanakenya@googlegroups.com" <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 3:35 AM
Subject: Siaya County seeks forced male 'cut' law

Good People,
In all fairness and for true justice, there is no law in the world that demand force on anyone to have a cut forcing them to reduce sweetness that sharpens the brain.   This forced thing is crime, violation and abuse of human rights……….which Luo-men have rights to refuse even if it has to be ordered through the court.  Any law that forcefully take away peoples cultural way of life by force is no law……and it must be condemned profusely………..
This one which now demands force, shows how desperate these politicians are after the cut of the luo-men machine,  which will be something foreign against Luo culture way of life.   If these politicians are this desperate, it means money had exchanged hands and they are now forcing Luo men to have the cut that have no connection or relations with the HIV Aids.......
On behalf of all those Luo-men in Siaya Kababa, let it be known to all that, if these enforcers want a fight, we are prepared for that fight.  If any man come to the villages to force the cut, people have rights to use common law to stand their grounds to protect their interest by all means.  The punishment for all men who will send people to facilitate the cut, let them suffer a greater loss of losing both the engine with the balls inclusively to serve a warning not to interfere with Luo-men engine..........
We are ready to fight and let it be known that, we shall fight even the goliath of this conspiracy to the bitter end………
Leave Luos alone to enjoy their lives in the fullest.........it is their right and their way of life, who are you to come with foreign theories to force them in the "Cut"..............Chairman Mathew Onduru with whoever is behind this idea can go to hell, why cant they get satisfied by cutting those of their own and of their family and leave Luos alone..................because we are not ready to compromise our way by any amount of force..............Shame on them and I am ashamed that they belong to my community of the great Luo with potential wonderful rich culture !!! 
Mkosa Mila ni Mtumwa.........................Let us resist this conspiracy in totality and unit to fight like never before to protect our Luo men from this forced CUT...................Hii ni madharau.................
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
Siaya County seeks forced male 'cut' law
Updated Tuesday, October 1st 2013 at 23:57 GMT +3
Siaya County: Plans are underway by Siaya County Committee on Health to make male circumcision mandatory.
The committee is set to table a Bill before the County Assembly in order to make the rite a law. If the Bill sails through, it would see men who have not undergone the cut, compelled to do so.
The committee's Chairman Mathew Onduru yesterday said the Bill will not only look at the youth and the old in the society but seeks to include the newly born children.
"The proposed Bill requires that every born male child should be circumcised. It will also be helpful to the whole community since it will seek to accommodate the newly born male babies," he said.
Onduru said if passed, the Bill will help in reduction of HIV infection rate by six per cent, adding that most men in Nyanza were exposed to the virus because they are not circumcised.
This comes more than five years after the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga launched the campaign to have Luo men circumcised to help contain the spread of HIV. The move saw several men throng health facilities for the cut.
It was during the same period that his brother Dr Oburu Odinga who was an assistant minister then, agreed to undergo the cut, a move that was seen as a boost to the campaign.
Also in the Bill is the inclusion of extension services by the Community Health Workers (CHW's) to help in empowering the community on the circumcision issues.
Last week, Siaya County Health Director Dr Jackson Kioko urged residents to shun outdated cultural practices in a bid to control HIV infection rate in the area.
Kioko said outdated cultural practices such as wife inheritance and failure to go for the male cut are some factors frustrating the fight against the virus in Luo Nyanza.
There have been many deaths in the region as a result of opportunistic infections in those infected with the virus but residents have always associated them with Luo culture, saying it is a curse.
At the moment, Nyanza region has embraced the cut and out of 450,000 targeted males about 426,000 men have undergone the cut, with 130,000 coming from Siaya County.
However, in a recent report titled Kenya Aids Indicator Survey 2012 released by Health Cabinet Secretary James Macharia, HIV prevalence in Nyanza rose by 0.2 per cent over the past five years.
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