Tuesday, 1 October 2013

[wanabidii] Obama blasts ‘Republican shutdown,’ defends Obamacare

Fellow Countrymen and women,
The negative impact of Government shut-down is going to have double digit bad effect on the economy, which America's business ally's will also be affected, if the fight is shifted the wrong way, targeting Obamacare over the budget and the debt ceiling.
Government shut-down will not pay our debts nor will it negotiate to solve budget issues and the debt ceiling; but evidently, it is going to increase taxpayer burden in rising high cost of gas with other basic needs including education loans repayments as well as household rent and bills; that will lead to further defaults which will create worst case scenario of Economic meltdown and collapse with Economic shut down.......a route Americans will disgust and hate to go.
Consequently, the loss and impact of jobless situation shall be felt almost immediately, bringing us back to economic downturn to where we have struggled to come out in the dark days of economic crisis.......and this is not what American people wants, nor the type of politics American people want their leaders to engage in..........
America cannot afford to be divided between party lines, as unity is strength; and therefore, politics is a medium from which to negotiate fairly and favorably in a shared balance to benefit all people of America equally in their struggle for better life.
As bad as it is, we may have our differences but America people cannot afford to be divided as long as America remain to be valfued and respected in the world.  We must continue to be role models to the world by our deeds.
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
President Obama Speaks On Government Shutdown 2013 & Obamacare at white house 0/1/2013
Published on Oct 1, 2013
Please, go to ............... www.healthcare.gov and sign up !!!!
Obama blasts 'Republican shutdown,' defends Obamacare
President Obama Blames GOP 'Ideological Crusade' for Government Shutdown
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President Obama Blames GOP 'Ideological Crusade' for Government Shutdown (ABC News)
President Barack Obama on Tuesday defiantly declared that "this Republican shutdown" risks hurting the fragile economy and pressed the House GOP to abandon its "ideological crusade" against Obamacare.
"This Republican shutdown did not have to happen," Obama said in the Rose Garden, surrounded by a dozen Americans who stand to benefit from his landmark health care overhaul.
"They've shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans," he charged. "This, more than anything else, seems to be what the Republican Party stands for these days. I know it's strange that one party would make keeping people uninsured the centerpiece of their agenda, but that apparently is what it is."
Obama pointed to the last partial government shutdown, in 1996, and warned that a closure will hurt the economy.
"And we know that the longer this shutdown continues, the worse the effects will be — more families will be hurt, more businesses will be harmed," he said. "So once again, I urge House Republicans to reopen the government, restart the services Americans depend on and allow the public servants who have been sent home to return to work."
Obama directed those listening to www.healthcare.gov if they want to apply for health care exchanges where they can buy insurance, saying it's time to "get America covered, once and for all."
The president allowed that the site had suffered glitches — but portrayed it as victim of its own success, saying more than 1 million people visited the site before 7 a.m.
"We're going to be speeding things up in the next few hours to handle all of this demand that exceeds anything that we had expected," Obama said. "Consider that just a couple of weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days, they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I don't remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads or threatening to shut down the company if they didn't. That's not how we do things in America. We don't actively root for failure."
But House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R.-Calif., said the problems showed the law's underlying failures.
"Americans are attempting to purchase health insurance on Obamacare exchanges and are being met with crashing websites, missing price information, confusing forms and in some cases, exchanges that had to delay their start date because they aren't ready yet," Issa said in a statement. "These 'glitches,' which the President is trying to brush off, reveal how totally unprepared the government is for this launch even with three and a half years to prepare. This is nothing, however, compared to the potentially irreversible damage the law threatens in the long term."


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