Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Yes kaka Felix sema niaje

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Mwema Felix <mwema.felix@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 6:02 PM, MaryGlady Heri <mglady2@gmail.com> wrote:
Sidhani kama ana hata ladha labda wamsafishe na vinegar halafu wazungu wanasema wa-marinate na vitunguu swaumu,cinnamon leek na ginger wachanganye na soya sauce labda atanoga!

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Richard Mkojera <richard.mkojera@tz.sabmiller.com> wrote:
Dada mwenyewe akienda kama anarudi, huyu anaonekana amekubuhu kwa mambo hayo kwa kufanya hivyo anajidhalilisha mwenyewe kwa nini muda wote huo alikaa kimya? Lema bado ni jembe letu hapa Arusha na ataendelea kuwa hivyo.

-----Original Message-----
From: wanabidii@googlegroups.com [mailto:wanabidii@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of fadhil fadhil
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 7:46 PM
To: wanabidii@googlegroups.com

  Kama kweli ndio maana viongozi wetu wanashindwa kuwaondoa machangudoa katika majiji makubwa hapa nchini kama Dsm,Arusha, Mwanza nk. kwa kuwa ni wateja wa hao machangudoa

On 9/26/13, lucas haule <kisacha2003@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hivi kuna mwanamume anaweza kudinda kwa huyu?
> ________________________________
>  From: Mwema Felix <mwema.felix@gmail.com>
> To: Mailing List <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 1:10 AM
> Natamani ajipige akiwa amevaa nguo ya kuogelea "2 pieces"
> 2013/9/26 frank John <msike24@hotmail.com>
> Hiyo kesi kama kuna mtu yuko nyuma anaifagilia nayeye amekosa AKILI
> hata ya kufikiria kidogo tu!
>>Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:51:51 +0700
>>From: mwema.felix@gmail.com
>>To: wanabidii@googlegroups.com
>>Huyu ndiye anayedaiwa kubakwa na Lema?
>>2013/9/25 fadhil fadhil <fadhil.fadhil96@gmail.com>
>> Kweli kupenda ni uwendawazimu
>>>On 9/25/13, godfred mbanyi <mbanyibg@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Mtahangaika sana! Lema atabaki kuwa Lema! Pakeni matope
>>>> yoooooooote, mkimaliza mtakutana naye 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> On Wed, 9/25/13, Jonas Kiwia <jonaskiwia39@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Subject: Re: [wanabidii] MBUNGE GODBLESS LEMA KATIKA KASHFA YA
>>>>  To: "wanabidii" <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>
>>>>  Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 8:53 AM
>>>>  Ufungwee kabisaaa
>>>>  On Sep 25, 2013 6:35
>>>>  PM, "malosha zephania edward" <emalosha84@yahoo.co.uk>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>  Kama malipo yalipungua
>>>>  asilete mjadala wa aibu hapa jukwaani.
>>>>  Kama alivyosema Idrissa Mussa kuwa 'hapa kuna watu
>>>>  wanajua rape and
>>>>  consequences zake' hivyo awaulize wamsaidie. huo ni
>>>>  utapeli.
>>>>  Naomba Moderator funga mjadala huu tuendelee na mijadala
>>>>  yenye tija
>>>>        From: Joseph Ludovick
>>>>  <josephludovick@gmail.com>
>>>>   To: wanabidii@googlegroups.com
>>>>   Sent:
>>>>  Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 12:29
>>>>   Subject: Re:
>>>>  kwa nini tunajadili petty issue kama hii? mazingira na
>>>>  common sence
>>>>  yameshaonyesha hakuna aliyebakwa. sasa wengine wanaanza
>>>>  kusema sijui
>>>>  walikubaliana kisha kamuyeyusha (yenye kumaanisha walikutana
>>>>  kimwili)
>>>>  hii ina maana lema alisaliti ndoa yake. jamani tuwe makini.
>>>>  huu uongo
>>>>  ukataliwe na mada ifungwe.hakubakwa wala hawakukutana popote
>>>>  kwa maana
>>>>  ya unyumba thats all.
>>>>  On 9/25/13, Jonas Kiwia <jonaskiwia39@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  > Kwa hio alimuonyesha washroom,akamfuata huku huko
>>>>  akajikuta kabakwaa?
>>>>  >
>>>>  > Thinking..............
>>>>  > On Sep 25, 2013 12:10 PM, "Nico Eatlawe"
>>>>  <eatlawe@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>  >
>>>>  >> MaryGlady,
>>>>  >>
>>>>   Umenikuna kwa maelezo yako. Shida ni kwenye mshiko tu.
>>>>  Huenda jamaa
>>>>  >> alimwahidi kumfanyia mambo mengi hasa atakaporudi
>>>>  kwetu au angepeleka
>>>>  >> vitu
>>>>  >> Moshi. Pengine jamaa alipotua akapotezea. Sasa
>>>>  kulipiza kisasi akaona
>>>>  >> aseme
>>>>  >> amebakwa! Ila kama mheshimiwa amemrusha mdada wa
>>>>  watu inabidi aitimize
>>>>  >> ahadi yake ili kulinda heshima yake.
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >>    *From:* MaryGlady Heri <mglady2@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> *To:* wanabidii@googlegroups.com
>>>>  >> *Sent:* Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 9:40
>>>>  >> *Subject:* Re: [wanabidii] MBUNGE GODBLESS LEMA
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >> Kuvua nguo zote ukaendelea na mchakato mzima bila
>>>>  kupigai kelele ni
>>>>  >> kubakwa huko jamani? kwanza ulimruhusu vipi aingie
>>>>  kwako mpaka akaenda
>>>>  >>
>>>>   washroom,siamini hata kidogo, Mtoi huyo kazoea huenda ndio
>>>>  biashara labda
>>>>  >> malipo ilikuwa pound kidogo sana
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >> 2013/9/25 <kimdr53@gmail.com>
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >> **
>>>>  >> Oginga na Mtoi mmesema kweli. Hivi hii story kwa
>>>>  mtu mwenye uwezo wa
>>>>  >> kuelewa maana ya kubakwa na inavyochukuliwa Ulaya
>>>>  asingeandikia taarifa
>>>>  >> hii
>>>>  >> hapa. Humu kuna wasomi wakila aina ambao wanajua
>>>>  what is rape and
>>>>  >> consequences zake. Hivyo it is appalling mtu anatoa
>>>>  naked lie hapa!!
>>>>  >> Disgusting
>>>>  >> Idriss Mussa
>>>>  >> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Orange
>>>>  Botswana
>>>>  >> *From: * Mohamedi Mtoi <mouddymtoi@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> *Sender: * wanabidii@googlegroups.com
>>>>  >>
>>>>   *Date: *Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:54:01 +0800
>>>>  >> *To: *<wanabidii@googlegroups.com>
>>>>  >> *ReplyTo: * wanabidii@googlegroups.com
>>>>  >> *Subject: *Re: [wanabidii] MBUNGE GODBLESS LEMA
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >> Huyo dada anatamani kubakwa ili ajue mtu akibakwa
>>>>  huwa inakuwaje
>>>>  >> On Sep 24, 2013 11:12 PM, "Clement
>>>>  Oginga" <cloginga@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> > Nico mdogo wangu,
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> > Hakuna aliyebakwa. Yote hayo ni siasa. Kwani
>>>>  angalibakwa huyo Lema
>>>>  >> angaliondoka Uingereza? Si angalishikwa hapo hapo
>>>>  uwanja wa Gatwick? Huyo
>>>>  >> mwanadada kalipwa kummaliza Godbless Lema. Kubakwa
>>>>  hajabakwa. Ikiwa tendo
>>>>  >> hilo lilitendeka, basi alikubali huyo mwanadada.
>>>>   Pengine hata ndiye
>>>>  >> mtongozaji. Alishiriki kwa hiari yake mwenye.
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> > 2013/9/24 Nico Eatlawe <eatlawe@yahoo.com>
>>>>  >> >>
>>>>  >> >> Kuna mambo mengi sana siku hizi. Kubakwa
>>>>  tangu 2012 ndio leo hii
>>>>  >> inakuja taarifa. Tutaaminije kama ni vita ya
>>>>  kisiasa ili kummaliza Lema?
>>>>  >> Lema ana pesa za kuhonga kahaba London, kwanini
>>>>  ambake tena Mchaga
>>>>  >> mwenzake? Siyo kuwa anataka kulipwa kama ilivyo
>>>>  mitindo kule Ulaya ya
>>>>  >> kumsingizia mtu! Kama ni kweli angeweza kupiga simu
>>>>  na kukamatwa kabla ya
>>>>  >> kutoka hapo ndani maana hajasema kama
>>>>  alimnyang'anya simu. Polisi London
>>>>  >> ni
>>>>  >> within 5mns wameingia! Mimi siamini!
>>>>  >> >>
>>>>  >> >>> From: Bariki Mwasaga <bmwasaga@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>> To: wanabidii <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>
>>>>  >> >>> Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2013,
>>>>  19:28
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> Subject: Re: [wanabidii] MBUNGE
>>>>  >> >>> UBAKAJI
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> Huyo mdada kapiga picha kibao za utupu
>>>>  sijui kwa lengo gani
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> 2013/9/24 paul lawala <pasamila292000@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>> Lema alitengeneza maadui
>>>>  wengi,siyo ajabu ametumwa huyo dada
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>> Ngono ya makubaliano inaweza
>>>>  kugeuka kubaka kama bosi wa zamani wa
>>>>  >>
>>>>   >>>> IMF
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>> 2013/9/24 Jonas Kiwia <jonaskiwia39@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>> Binafsi nilishaona maneno
>>>>  maneno haya kwenye wall ya Flora
>>>>  >> fb,nikajaribu kutafuta namba ya Lema na kumwandikia
>>>>  ujumbe kama ana
>>>>  >> habari
>>>>  >> na maneno yanayosemwa na huyu dada na kusambazwa
>>>>  kila kona. Lema
>>>>  >> alinijibu
>>>>  >> neno moja tu. Usiogope.
>>>>  >> >>>>> Binafsi nachanganyikiwa.
>>>>  >> >>>>> Jonas
>>>>  >> >>>>> On Sep 24, 2013 5:10 PM,
>>>>  "lesian mollel" <aramakurias@yahoo.com>
>>>>  >> wrote:
>>>>  >> >>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> tope tupu.......hata kama
>>>>  kumbabika mtu kesi
>>>>   si kiiivyo jamani
>>>>  >> duuuuh
>>>>  >> >>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> From: Mwema Felix <mwema.felix@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> To: Mailing List <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September
>>>>  24, 2013 2:48 PM
>>>>  >> >>>>>> Subject: Re: [wanabidii]
>>>>  >> UBAKAJI
>>>>  >> >>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> ----- Forwarded Message
>>>>  -----
>>>>  >> >>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> This message is eligible
>>>>  for Automatic Cleanup! (
>>>>  >> mwema.felix@gmail.com) Add
>>>>  cleanup rule | More info
>>>>  >> >>>>>> Yaani jamaa kaingia
>>>>   room, kaduu halafu kasepa kimya kimya bila
>>>>  >> >>>>>> hata
>>>>  >> ya huyo dada kupiga kelele? Hiyo ndiyo kubakwa?
>>>>  >> >>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>> 2013/9/24 MaryGlady Heri
>>>>  <mglady2@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>> Alibakwa au
>>>>  walikubaliana? mkubwa kama huyo utabakwa sidhani huo
>>>>  >> ni uongo mtakatifu!
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>> 2013/9/24 Mwema Felix
>>>>  <mwema.felix@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>> Kama anayedaiwa
>>>>  kubakwa ni Flora Lyimo yule picha zake zilizopo
>>>>  >> kwenye blog yake duh...
>>>>  >>
>>>>   >>>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>> 2013/9/24 Pauline
>>>>  Mengi <paulinemengi@gmail.com>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Ushahidi wa
>>>>  mbunge Godbless Lema kumbaka flora lyimo uingereza
>>>>  >> wazidi kubainika
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Taarifa za
>>>>  kweli kuhusu mbunge wa Arusha mjini Godbless Lema
>>>>  >> kumbaka mwanadada Flora Lyimo tarehe 8.8.2012
>>>>  nchini Uingereza wakati wa
>>>>  >> ufunguzi wa tawi la chadema nchini humo umezidi
>>>>  kubainika.
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Tarehe 2 -3,
>>>>  january 2013 akiwa tanzania, Flora aliwasilisha
>>>>  >> barua ya polisi wa uingereza kwa polisi kituo cha
>>>>  Moshi
>>>>   mkoani
>>>>  >> kilimanjaro
>>>>  >> na kufunguliwa jalada no.MOS/RB/17127/12.
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Aidha tarehe
>>>>  13/12/2012 Afisa upelelezi DC William Hughes wa
>>>>  >> kitengo cha uhalifu jeshi la polisi la uingereza
>>>>  kituo cha 4-6
>>>>  >> shepherdess
>>>>  >> walk N17LF alifika ubalozi wa Tanzania nchini
>>>>  uingereza ili kujua pamoja
>>>>  >> na
>>>>  >> mambo mengine,
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> -Taarifa
>>>>  sahihi za GODBLESS LEMA
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> -Anuani yake
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> -Barua pepe
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Ushauri kutoka
>>>>  mamlaka za Tanzania juu ya mikakati mizuri ya
>>>>  >> kushughulikia kesi hiyo ambayo inamuhusisha
>>>>  kiongozi wa chama kikubwa cha
>>>>  >> siasa na
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> -Wasifu wake.
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Mbali na
>>>>   tukio hilo kuripotiwa ubalozini, vyanzo mbalimbali vya
>>>>  >> habari ikiwa ni pamoja na Gazeti la changamoto la
>>>>  tanzania toleo namba
>>>>  >> 348
>>>>  >> la tarehe 18- 24 desemba 2012 lilichapisha taarifa
>>>>  ya tukio hilo kwenye
>>>>  >> ukurasa wake wa mbele.kwa kichwa cha habari
>>>>  >> LEMA", Pia blog ya global publishers ya nchini
>>>>  tanzania katika report
>>>>  >> zake
>>>>  >> za tarehe 14 mei 2013 iliandika habari hiyo kwa
>>>>  kichwa cha habari
>>>>  >> "MREMBO;MBUNGE AMENIBAKA" Ambapo mrembo
>>>>  huyo (flora) alieleza
>>>>  >> alivyochaniwa
>>>>  >> na kufanyiwa kitendo hicho. alieleza kuwa lema
>>>>  alikuwa amemsindikiza
>>>>  >> mpaka
>>>>  >> nyumbani na walipofika LEMA aliomba aonyeshwe
>>>>  sehemu ya kujisaidia haja
>>>>  >> ndogo ndipo alipomvamia Flora na kumchania nguo na
>>>>  kutekeleza azma yake
>>>>  >> hiyo ovu.
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> Flora amekuwa
>>>>  akionekana katika
>>>>   shughuli mbalimbali za kijamii
>>>>  >> lakini ana wasiwasi kuwa anaweza kufanyiwa unyama
>>>>  na LEMA wakati akiwa
>>>>  >> Tanzania kwa sababu anasema anamfahamu lema pia
>>>>  kuwa ana asili ya
>>>>  >> ujambazi.
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> kiambatisho ni
>>>>  barua ya polisi wa kimataifa interpol kumweleza
>>>>  >> kuwa uchunguzi wa kesi yake unaendelea.
>>>>  >> >>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>  wanabidii@googlegroups.com
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