Thursday, 22 September 2016


Dear all,
God sends forth His word to give us admonition. If we are wise, we will pay heed to Him.
Please read this word and ponder it. Because it is the Lord's warning to the nation, and to all of His true laborers in that field.
God wants us all to realize that this is the time of His wrath revealed, yet we can be under His mercy if we will pay heed to Him and obey His commands and walk in truth.
Please read this word as many times as you are led by the Lord in an attitude of prayerfulness and subjectivity unto Him.

On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 9:06 PM, 'Lutgard Kokulinda Kagaruki' via Wanabidii <> wrote:

Frank please, stop sending these long messages! Start a special forum for them if you so desire! Personally, I don't like them; they are filling up my phone and I am not interested!

Lutgard Kokulinda Kagaruki
Executive Director
Tanzania Tobacco Control Forum
P. O. Box 33105 
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel:  +255 754 284528

"Full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control would bring the single biggest blow to heart diseases, cancer, diabetes & respiratory disease". - Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, NCD Summit, 2011  

On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:36 PM, 'frank patrick materu' via Wanabidii <> wrote:

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that it is me the Living God who does command the elements and they obey. For I say that it is me the Living God who is in control of the very things that men look to, and live in fear of, day by day. It is me the Living God, who can turn the very elements, and even the earth against men, if they continue in their rebellion against me.
I say that it is me the Living God who has given unto the sons of men the way of truth and light, and when they reject the same, then it is me the Living God who can turn every thing against them. I say you are living in a time when men are so full of pride and arrogance, and vain conceit, they think that nothing will ever oppose their way. That is, because they have put themselves at ease, living in luxury on every hand, not considering me as their God, and their maker, I say that it is me the Living God who can turn the elements against them.
I say that I can turn the world upside down, or so it is that their own little worlds will be shaken. I say they will be quaking in fear and trembling, because of what it is that I can do. Now stop and consider when men are wise in their own conceit, they think they have every thing at their beck and call, it is me the Living God who can easily bring them down. It is me the Living God who can reduce to a dung heap, the one who is set in proud array.
For I say there is nothing impossible with me, it is me the Living God who does command the elements and they obey. It is me the Living God who does command the earth, and the same will do as I say. Therefore I say this day do not grow as the proud, the arrogant, the foolish, the vain, who think they remain forever. I say when men through pride will imagine they can go on in a way that is displeasing unto me, that they can indeed continue in abomination, and I the Living God do not see, I say they deceive themselves. I say you are living in a time when men have forgotten that I am the Almighty God, that my strength and truth, power and glory remain. I say because men have grown so steeped in idolatry of self, and have worshiped the ways that are ungodly, and walked in the same, I say that it is me the Living God who is turning the very elements against them.
I say when you see the ferocity, when you see the severity of what it is that I can do, I say how could any dare to walk in defiance of me? I say that men in their best state are altogether vanity, and I say that men are meant to walk in fear and trembling before me. That is, they are not meant to be strutting and boasting themselves in pride, and in vain conceit, as though they were some great thing.
But I say that men are meant to be humbling themselves, bowing down low, and coming forth in the way that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who does intend, who does provide, and make the way for all who will be subject unto me. But I say when men are refusing subjectivity unto me, and are even setting themselves up in blatant defiance, I say they are proven to be but fools.
I say they are going in the way of the wayward, the careless, the ones who will end in damnation, who will partake of destruction and devastation, even in this life. I say it is me the Living God who is in control and it is time that men recognize the same once again. I say you are living in a time, you are living in a place, you are living in a dispensation of time whereby men have grown so proud, so arrogant, so full of themselves they think they remain forever. That is, they are living at ease in all of their filthiness and abominable practices, and thinking there is no retribution due unto them.
I say that it is me the Living God who will give the jolt unto them, and bring them to their senses, or bring them to their own destruction. I say if men will not repent when they are leveled, when they are brought down low, I say they are damned in the same. That is, they are damned in their own evil and wickedness, in that they persist in continuing in the way of the damned. I say this day that I the Living God am unleashing the fury of the very elements and I say that I am commanding it to be so.
Therefore I say while men have thought they had to do the earth, they did indeed have control of the weather, I say they will find it is not true. That is, they will find that I the Living God may give the command unto the earth, unto the elements, and the same will rise up in vengeance against wicked men. I say that it is me the Living God who is well able to devastate, to bring down, and to destroy all that is in opposition unto me.
I say this day when you see the heaps of ruination, when you see the heaps of devastation, who do you think has brought about the same? I say do you imagine it is the moon or the stars? Do you think it is some other thing, like people, know it is not. I say that it is me the Living God and me alone, who has brought the ruination unto the proud, and I say that I will continue to do so.
I say that it is me the Living God and me alone, who is well able to turn all that has blessed men against them, and bring them down. I say that men will see themselves the realities of what I bring, for what they really are. That is, they are nothing but fools, they are nothing but idiots, and I say that it is me the Living God who is showing them the same.
I say when men are shown up to be what fools they are, there are certain ones of them who will repent. But I say that the majority will curse me, and curse me, and curse me all to their own destruction. I say they will die in the wrath that they have against me, because it is me the Living God who has given the cup of wrath, fury, and indignation against them.
I say this day if I the Living God grow angry with a people, I say the only thing that they can do to save themselves is to repent. But I say if they are stubborn and proud, they refuse to repent, I say they cause themselves to be taken down the course of destruction. That is, they cause themselves to be taken in that which will prove to be damnation of their souls, as well as their bodily devastation and despair.
I say when men are resistant against me because of their pride, I say they are taken in the course of their own emptiness and futility. I say that all that they labor for will be nothing but heaps of ruination, heaps of devastation before their eyes. I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to walk in such a place that you must be ruined by me. That is, that it is me the Living God who must turn the earth and the elements against thee. It is not my intention to do so.
But I say that it is my intention that those who know me, would walk uprightly in the fear, the respect of me, that they could indeed be blessed by me. That is, that they could be receiving of the goodness, the mercy, the light that I provide, and made thankful in the same.
I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to walk circumspectly, I say that I call thee to walk uprightly, I say that I call thee to be coming forth in me. That is, not dwelling in ease and filthiness, and vileness, and wickedness, as so many have done in these times. I say that men have thought they had insulated themselves against me, that I could not penetrate their vain facades. What fools they have proven to be, when it is me the Living God who does unleash my wrath, my fury, against them, and turn the very earth and the elements contained there in, to be their enemies.
I say this day there is no man nor woman that can withstand my wrath, when it is unleashed in the fury that I feel for the ungodly. I say when men through pride and arrogance have strutted themselves, have boasted in their pride and thought they remained forever, it is me the Living God who will bring them down. That is, it is me the Living God who will cause them to howl, to moan in their beds, in their suffering of affliction, but I say that it has gone too far. I say that men have chosen the way of fools, rather than the way of righteousness and truth, mercy and light that is only to be found through me.
I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to come forth by a plain path, I say that I have called thee to walk uprightly giving thanks and praise, honor and glory unto me. I say that I have called thee to be ever directed in the truth, the light, the strength that I offer and provide. I say when it is me the Living God that you focus upon, and seek to please, I say that you will not be liable to receive my wrath, my fury, my indignation. But I say if you continue in the way that is abomination, it will prove to be the way of your own devastation and despair.
I say this day that men for so long have lived in ease, they have lived in confidence, that no evil thing would ever befall them, I say they have abused my blessedness, my mercy given forth. I say they have neglected to give thanks and praise unto me, I say they have lived in selfishness and greed, and lust and abominable practices and I say they are thoroughly sickening unto me.
I say because they live in such a place of estrange-ment from my arrangement, I say they mean absolutely nothing to me. I say they have chosen the way of fools, and they are proven to be fools in their folly when I indeed will turn my wrath, my fury, my indignation against them. I say consider what man it is that thinks he controls what it is that I the Living God control, I say such a man is a fool. I say when men will think they have dominion over the elements, over the earth that they can indeed man the same, I say they will be reduced to grovel and see how utterly useless they are.
I say when I the Living God will turn the very things that have been cooperative unto the enemies of those inhabitants of the land, I say they will moan under the tribulation, the calamity, the hardship of the same. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed bringing down the proud, the haughty, the high minded fools who are strutting around. It is me the Living God who will cause to grovel, in the very dust, the very filth of the earth, the ones who have made the same filthy, by their abominable sins.
I say this day thank me and praise me, that it is me the Living God that you can be walking in the fear of day by day. I say while men in their pride have mocked the very concept of the fear of me, I say they will learn the fear of me the hard way. That is, when I the Living God am finished with my pounding of them they will see that I am the Almighty. I say while they have made light of it, the very fact that men are meant to live in the fear of me, I say they will learn that fear the hard way.
I say that it is me the Living God who will devastate what they think they have established bringing them to ruination, devastation, and despair. I say this day that I the Living God do not intend that men would be in disrespect of me, that they would be in so much pride as they are in this age.
But I say because men are full of themselves and their own ways, they think they remain forever. But the truth of it is, it is me the Living God who brings to naught, the counsel of the ungodly, the counsel of the wicked, and all who are in proud array against me. It is me the Living God, who does indeed turn the very elements upon the sons of men, to pound them down.
I say this day be thankful when I the Living God do have thee under my mercy, rather than my wrath. That is, be thankful that you can continue to walk uprightly, continue to receive the mercy that I provide. I say be thankful that you do not need to walk in the way of the wicked, and likewise be punished as they are. I say it is me the Living God who is in this generation bringing down the proud.
I say therefore be thankful when you see the proud pounded, and pounded, and pounded by my fury, my wrath, my indignation. I say they are receiving their just reward, and it is me the Living God, who is turning every thing against them. I say when the devastation, the ruination, is completed, and men will see what they really are, I say they are absolutely nothing at all. I say that it is only by my mercy, that they continue to draw the life breath, that keeps them alive. I say this day be thankful that I the Living God will extend my mercy, unto those who walk in the fear of me, but the ones who have been blatant in their disrespect of me, will be disrespected by me. I say they will be pounded, and pounded, and pounded down, to realize they are mere dust.

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