If Affidavit was not accepted in court is just that an individual document and is free to state something, nothing or anything.
Tungonjeeni waamuzi wa koti kesho.
Tafadhali musikonde! Mambo Bado.
Thank you.
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this is definitely undeniable. Cord has a valid case. It would be wise for the supreme court to Nullify the presidential results and let Kenyans go back to the polls. The fear muted by Hassan's lawyer is baseless. kenyans have come of age in terms of maturity and will not allow the country to plunge into chaos. If Kenyans really like UK, they can always vote him again. So Jubilee should not fear the second round.
From: Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com>
To: Kiswahili Yahoo <kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>; progressive-kenyans <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>; uchunguzi online <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>; Kiswahili@yahoogroups.com; BUNGE MWANACHI <bungelamwanainchi@yahoo.com>; MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK <mwanyagetinge@yahoogroups.com>; namba namba <francisnamba@yahoo.com>; Chambua uk <mervynogoti@gmail.com>; onchonga7@aol.com; chochi omosweta <omosweta@yahoo.com>; nechozb@yahoo.com; WANAKENYA KENYA <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; wanabidii@googlegroups.com; wananchi@googlegroups.com; morara nyakoe <Nyakoem@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, 28 March 2013, 22:20
Subject: [PK] Janet Ongeras Supplimentary Affidavit
--- On Thu, 3/28/13, Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Kiswahili] Who Said This?
To: "Kiswahili Yahoo" <kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>, "progressive-kenyans" <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>, "uchunguzi online" <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>, Kiswahili@yahoogroups.com, "BUNGE MWANACHI" <bungelamwanainchi@yahoo.com>, "MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK" <mwanyagetinge@yahoogroups.com>, "namba namba" <francisnamba@yahoo.com>, "Chambua uk" <mervynogoti@gmail.com>, onchonga7@aol.com, "chochi omosweta" <omosweta@yahoo.com>, nechozb@yahoo.com, "WANAKENYA KENYA" <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>, wanabidii@googlegroups.com, wananchi@googlegroups.com, "morara nyakoe" <Nyakoem@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 2:47 PM
"You are now starting to sound like your clients"Cj Mutunga kwa kuwasuta mawakili:Nilihisi wakati mmoja mlibadilika na kuanza
kuongea kama wateja wenu.
Nyinyi ni maafisa wa mahakama.Hiki ni kivumbi kati ya ndugu zetu wawili na watabaki hivyo. Nyingi ni
--- On Thu, 3/28/13, Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Evans MACHERA <evansmachera@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Kiswahili] Who Said This?
To: "Kiswahili Yahoo" <kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>, "progressive-kenyans" <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>, "uchunguzi online" <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>, Kiswahili@yahoogroups.com, "BUNGE MWANACHI" <bungelamwanainchi@yahoo.com>, "MWANYAGETINGE NETWORK" <mwanyagetinge@yahoogroups.com>, "namba namba" <francisnamba@yahoo.com>, "Chambua uk" <mervynogoti@gmail.com>, onchonga7@aol.com, "chochi omosweta" <omosweta@yahoo.com>, nechozb@yahoo.com, "WANAKENYA KENYA" <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>, wanabidii@googlegroups.com, wananchi@googlegroups.com
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 12:30 PM
Hahahahaha Faiza,Instead of the defense team defending, or responding to specific allegations as per the petition,they either went personal or jumped to possible issues that will arise after the supreme court nulifies the UK win;-1).Compiling of a register ( not registers,special register).2).Who will conduct the fresh/re-run as Hassan and team wont be trusted after nullification!And by the way,according to special needs on physical challenges,apart from those that do not have hands,who else can be ranked to special cases to warrant a special register !Among theI.E.B.C adverts,nowhere did we here calls for special persons registrations of persons with certain challenges.The defence is quite fearful of the outcome that some are behaving like their clients!Evans MACHERA
From: Faiza Hassan <antihongo@gmail.com>
Subject: [Kiswahili] Who Said This?
To: "Kiswahili Yahoo" <kiswahili@yahoogroups.com>, "progressive-kenyans" <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>, "uchunguzi online" <uchunguzionline@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 12:14 PM
"You are now starting to sound like your clients"
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