Folks, What Raynard Jackson is complaining about resonates with many other case-situation noticed by many and which was recently cited by former Chief of Staff Mr. Colin Powell. I cannot blame them, I cannot doubt that the Republican ship is sinking deeper into racial hatred over-tone; which is not healthy to the Nation. Hating President Obama is the wrong way to go after so much he has done......Give Credit to Where Credit is due..... Human Rights dignity and empathy is most crucial responsibility people look for a leader. It is sad Mitt Romney was not able to join President Obama to console with those attacked by the mother nature. How sad Mitt Romney still would not stand with the President when the country is hit so severely, where is the unity of purpose that which brings people closer together to empathize as a Nation let alone being racial? Does this not simply confirm factors of the 47% which in actual sense is dividing the Nation between class ratio of the Rich against the Poor......????? This is not right and I cannot blame people from feeling abandoned and disowned by the GOP Republican Party. The 47% did not just come from nowhere.......It came from one's heart deeply rooted in one's belief. It is what Romney believe in......... President Obama deserves a second chance, it is because he has truely worked hard for it and it is just right that the President earn what he toiled for.......... Judy Miriga Diaspora Spokesperson Executive Director Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc., USA GEN Colin Powell Endorses President Obama!! Published on Oct 25, 2012 by armyveteran101st GEN Powell endorsed President Obama and said that he will be voting for him one more time on Election Day, and that is something that I expected. There is no valid reason why any intelligent and thoughtful American would support Mitt Romney. A good human being. The only one of G.W.'s cabinet members that I liked. A moderate that can think. I hope he runs for President in 2016! Colin Powell for president 2016! Colin of the few decent Republicans left in our country. Thanks for posting the entire video -- really important that people HERE what Gen. Powell said. LET'S MOVE IT FORWARD>>>>>> We are moving, it's time to stay on track, not be tricked into a new stream! I hope that former U.S. Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, would one day change his political party affiliation from Republican to either Democratic or simply, independent. After all, General Powell has never been a Republican to begin with, especially during modern times, in which the party that he is currently a member of, has been trying to purge out those who don't agree with its overall conservative platform, thus rendering it a "Party of Intolerance and Exclusion" as we know it! Why is my Republican party being called racist by staunch Republicans. Have they abandoned ship?Colin Powell's former chief of staff condemned the Republican Party on Friday night, telling MSNBC's Ed Schultz, "My party is full of racists." Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson made the comment in response to Mitt Romney campaign surrogate John Sununu's suggestion on Thursday that Powell's endorsement of President Barack Obama's re-election was motivated by race. Wilkerson, who served as Powell's chief of staff when the general was secretary of state during the first George W. Bush term, told Schultz that he respected Sununu "as a Republican, as a member of my party," but did not "have any respect for the integrity of the position that [Sununu] seemed to codify." Biden: Romney Has Abandoned His Republican PrinciplesSays Romney is beholden to the tea party. "That's not sketchy, that's etch-a-sketchy."
Posted Oct 20, 2012 10:33am EDT
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — Vice President Joe Biden escalated his criticism of Mitt Romney today in Florida, saying he's not only out of touch, but he's also out of touch with his own party. "He's out of touch where I think this country is," Biden told a fired-up crowd of hundreds in St. Augustine. And now—and now they're even abandoning the core organizing principle of this new Republican party...This is an alliance between the right in the Republican party and the Tea Party—people I saw coming in here." Referring to "4 or 5" tea party protesters outside his event, Biden said Romney has become beholden to the "new party — this morphed party" that he said is the Republican Party under the influence of the Tea Party. One of the protesters, dressed in a Revolutionary-era costume, was spotted holding a sign reading "Obama's a Communist." Biden borrowed President Obama's newly-coined term for Romney's multiple shifts in positon, "Romnesia," and, as has been his practice for the past few days, corrected him on calling the Republicans tax plan a "sketchy" deal. "That's not sketchy, that's etch-a-sketchy," Biden quipped. "And the man that the intellectual right was arguing as their standard bearer for talking straight about the need to make significant cuts," Biden said of Paul Ryan saying he has no plans to cut funding for Medicare. "That man. It's contagious." Again hitting Romney for his "binders full of women" comment in the last debate, Biden raised the binder containing the print version his remarks, as the crowd roared. Acknowledging the mathematical near-certainty of an Obama victory if he takes Florida, Biden encouraged supporters to vote early for the Democratic ticket. "With you, we can take Florida," Biden said. "If we take Florida, this election is over." The vice president attacked Romney's 47 percent line on the campaign trail with his oft-repeated phrase that it's never a good bet to bet against the American people. "America is coming back," he declared. "And we're not going back. We're moving Forward!" --- On Wed, 10/31/12, Raynard Jackson <> wrote: From: Raynard Jackson <> Subject: My Republican Party has abandoned me To: "Raynard Jackson" <> Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 11:57 AM Republican Party has Abandoned Me
During the past year, as my columns have been syndicated to more outlets throughout the world, I have been asked by many leaders in the Republican Party why I am so critical of our party. The short answer is that I am very concerned about the direction my party is taking. It has increasingly become the party of old, White, balding males. To those I have had these conversations with, my response was quite pointed, "Stop questioning my motives and address the issues that I write about." Last week, John Sununu made another racially incendiary comment towards a prominent Black. First, he called President Obama "lazy" and now accuses Colin Powell of supporting Obama only because Obama is Black. Sununu is national co-chair for Romney's presidential campaign. What has been Romney's response to Sununu's rhetoric? Absolutely nothing. Whether Obama and Powell are Black is not the issue; Sununu's use of race-baiting language is unacceptable. Romney's refusal to distance himself from the likes of Sununu, Richard Mourdock, Todd Akin, or Sarah Palin is repulsive to me. We are supposed to be a party of principles. Does Romney want to be president so bad that he is willing to forfeit these principles in order to win an election? Do Romney and the Republican Party not understand or care that Sununu has thoroughly offended Blacks specifically with his comments about Obama and Powell; but also Americans of good will in general? Why is my "party-loyalty" always called into question when I criticize a Republican who crosses the line into racially-charged language? Fortunately, there are a few White Republicans willing to stand up to Sununu. Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson told Ed Schultz on MSNBC, "Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable." It's too bad that Romney does not exemplify that same courage. I am a Child of God first, then an American, and then a Republican. I will not check my Blackness at the door because I am a Republican. The language coming from Sununu and my party is counter to the founding principles of the party that I am a proud member of. But, twice this year some of these same people have approached me about funding for some election year tricks that they (White Republicans) have conjured up and simply need a Black face to execute the plan. On these two separate occasions, these funders were willing to spend upwards of $20 million to have me organize a national campaign to identify Blacks who would be critical of President Obama. I was deeply offended by these approaches, but it's not the first time in my life that I have had similar conversations within the party. I joined the Republican Party upon graduating from Oral Roberts University because I believed in the principles the party espoused: lower taxes, especially for job creation for small businesses; equality of opportunity for all; a party based on Christian principles, to name a few. I was brought into the Republican Party by the likes of Bill White, Curtis Crawford, Art Fletcher, Ed Brooke, Bill Coleman, and Sam Cornelius. These are legendary Black Republicans who are responsible for me being where I am today. Some are still with us and some have moved on. Once in the party, I was further schooled on Republican principles by the likes of William H.T. "Bucky" Bush (brother to Bush 41), Bert Walker (cousin to Bush 41), George H.W. Bush, Robert Mosbacher (former Secretary of Commerce), James M. Baker (former Secretary of State), and Jack Kemp, just to name a few. These people are part of my political DNA and explain why I am the type of Republican that I am. Sununu could not have existed in the Republican Party that I joined in the 1980s. Donald Trump would not have been allowed to have a role in the party that I joined. "Ole man Bush" (my term of endearment for him) or Jim Baker would not have allowed this to happen because they and the party back then had principles that were non-negotiable. I will not vote for Obama because he has totally insulted the Black community at every opportunity (I refer you to his speech before the Congressional Black Caucus last year as exhibit A); and I cannot vote for Mitt Romney because he has basically, with his silence, endorsed the behavior of the likes of Sununu, Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. I take my stand based on my principles. Romney and the Republican Party, what are you basing your stand on? Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/government affairs firm. He can be reached through his Web site, Thu Aug 23, 2012 at 06:57 PM PDT
I abandoned the Republican Party!This is my first writing, but I have followed Kos for sometime. It was the writings at Kos that helped me form my decision to step away from the Right. I consider myself a "recovering Republican" who has abandoned the Right because the Republicans no longer stand for the level of truth and integrity that are vital to me. I am a mature women professional who has always prided myself in having a high level of moral values and honesty that no longer is representative with that party. As the Republican Party convention is coming up I thought it was time to let Democrats know that there are those who are joining your ranks. Below the scroll I have listed some talking points that validate my transition, and why it was imperative that for me and I pray others to turn to the Left. I abandoned the Republican Party because: * They have lost their moral compass * They have made Greed their god * They have turned their backs on the less fortunate * They are pandering only to the 1% ultra rich * They have abandoned the middle class and 99% of the American citizens * The support bigots and racists * They have lost sight of the true foundation of our country's Constitution * They are incapable of dealing in a bipartisan manner for the good of the country **I WOULD BE ASHAMED TO ADMIT I WAS A REPUBLICAN! So my Democratic friends we are listening and and we are turning our support to the party that What happened to Abraham's Republican Party?So,the Republican party has become nothing more than racial and religious, anti-abortion zealots, homophobes, gun nuts, jingoists and war hungry bigots.Abraham was the first Republican president,and his republicans would be disappointed with modern republicans.They have went from the party that ended slavery to the party that supports segregation.They have went from the party of liberty to the new far-right wing party of the US.They seem to have abandoned him and decided to join the party of Ronald Reagen.What ever happened to Abraham's Republican Party? Are there any Republicans who are still the party of Abraham Lincoln? by Yewhohohopia » Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:56 pm A world of lonely men, and no love, no God. I abandoned the Republican Party, "I consider myself a "recovering Republican" who has abandoned the Right because the Republicans no longer stand for the level of truth and integrity that are vital to me." ( submitted 2 months ago by Anomaly100 True - I don't think the words "small government" were spoken in either of those elections by either candidate. It's funny, because the neocons shot the GOP in the foot by ignoring these concerns. The outrageous federal spending pushed true small government believers into the arms of the Tea Party, who were all about ready to make a third party combined with the libertarians. But then the GOP realized they would be dead in the water without those votes, so they swung wildly back toward the Tea Party. They got most of the TPers back in the fold by saying "we're still better than the alternative", but the smartest ones - the ones who weren't there for bible-thumping and knew that the GOP still wouldn't address our terrible interventionist foreign policy, military spending, or civil rights - went libertarian. Now the GOP is scrambling to get everyone under the "big tent", but they can't because the middle hasn't moved anywhere. They have to appease the new, bible-based Tea Party with rhetoric, but still find a way to appeal to independents at the same time who are the fastest growing voting bloc. Their best hope is to keep up the specter of a double-dip or prolonged recession (which may happen either way) and blame the economy on Obama to scare the middle into voting their way permalink |
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