Hii nayo kali kuwa Nyerere hakuwa na uelewa wa kutosha.
Ukisikiliza hotuba zake zinazotolewa ITV-hakuna ambalo hakuliona nna kulisema katika maendeleo yetu wenyewe na kujituma usingonjee taifa au serikali ikufanyie wewe umeifanyia nini? Kuhusu nchi zilizoendelea na maamuzi yao kwetu kutaka kuamua mpaka korosho za mzaramo; muungano na ukabila au race-mpembavs Muunguja, mzazibari, mzanzibara na masuala ya ,muungano; ubepari na ukabaila humu humu nchini walionacho na wasionacho mambo kibao ya uchumi, utanzania, muungano, utendaji kazi, ujamaa mila na desturi za muafrica. Alijitahidi kuweka katika uongozi wahindi, waarabu, wazungu waliobaki nchini hapa kama wabongoland; makabila madogo kutafuta uhisani kuwasomesha hadi ulaya na kumchagua Mar Sokoine kutoka wafugaji kuwa PMO. Mzee huyu ni mtakatifu, msomi, mwelewa speech zake hakuna alichobakiza.
Wakati ule wa Ujamaa ukitembelewa na mgeni unatoa taarifa kwa balozi. Akionekana mtu mgeni katika kaya-majirani watamwambia balozi tumeona mgeni jee una taarifa? Atafuatilia. Kwa sasa watu wanagarage za wizi wa magari ya watu ndani ya ua wao na kuna wafanyakazi wanapaka rangi, kubadili namba na kuna waliouawa kuporwa magari, bajaji, bodaboda na wanaozibadili rangi wanajua-hawasemi; kuna magari yanasafirisha wahamiaji haramu na majumba kuwaficha na tyunajua wanafamilia tunakula jiwe. Tunaficha majambazi tunashirikiana nao. Hakuna Utu hasa. Mwenzako anauawa wewe unanunua gari yake. Gafi inapinduka badala ya kusaidia waathirika-mnawapora na kubaki kuwapiga picha na kurusha ktk mitandao.
Ukabila aliupiga vita. Unapelekwa kusoma sekondari mbali kutoka chagaland kwenda Mtwara na kufanyakazi unatoka Morogoro kwenda Arusha huko ukikaa miaka kadhaa hutako tena kurudi kwenu umeoa, umejenga.
Kama Nyerere hakuwa na uelewa wa uchumi-wakati wake shule za msingi na sekondari zilikuwa na mashamba tukilima sana. Pamoja na kuletewa uji wa purenda kutoka marekani-tukilima mazao na kuuza tukijifunza kulima. Primary na Sekondari nyingine hata high school zilikuwa na mashamba ya pamba, mihogo, ufuta, korosho inategemea mlikuwa wilaya-ekolojia gani. Kulikuwa na masomo ya kufuma na kupika keki, useremala, kuchona kwa charahani (domestic science) na kutengeneza bustani inakujenga kujitegemea. Vijiji vya ujamaa na vijijini ulikaguliwa kama una shamba la chakula na mazao ya biashara na kuuza mazao ya biashara ktk maduka ya ushirika. Ushirika ukisaidia watu na tumeuua. KNCU na mashirika mengine yalitoka wapi wakati wake kama uchumi hakuujua. Uanzishaji wa vyuo vya ufundi, kilimo na ufugaji mpaka university level na kuwa na ranchi za sereikali za mifugo? Bado mashamba ya JKT na lazima ukiwa kijijini upitie mgambo, ukimaliza form 4 and 6 JKT kama hujakwenda chuoni au university. Huko sio kujifunza silaha tu, utaifa pia na kilimo na ufugaji inategemea mpo wapi na uchumi ni nini kama ni mashamba ya mpunga (Ruvu), korosho (nachingwea), mahindi na mifugo (Mufindi), Msalato Dodoma huko ni grapes-zabibu etc. Mnalimishwa na pia unakuwa na zamu ya kuchunga ng'ombe watu wakichinja mbuzi kuchoma njama porini wakijifanya na kutoa taarifa za uongo kuwa mbuzi kapotea. STD 7 walipelewa JKT Miaka miwili na walijifunza ujuzi mbali mbali-kushona magwanda ya wanajeshi, kushona viatu, useremala etc. Mtu anajengwa skills na sasa mambo hayo ni vyuo vya Veta. Magereza walikuwa wanatumia wafungwa kuzalisha mali-kilimo, ufugaji, useremala -furniture kababe, mang'ombe yao manene sana, wanatengeneza mashine za mkono mbalimbali na kuuza wakati wa sherehe za sabasaba, kushona na kuuza viatu, masanduku ya mbao na bati na siku ya maonyesho hayo tunakimbilia banda la magereza na JKT. Kama alikuwa si mchumi-hii ingekuwepo? Vijiji vikiwa na mashamba ya public kulima kwa kujitolea (Self-help)na ya watu binafsi na mashamba ya kijiji wamejichukulia watu binafsi.
Tukiona pia wafungwa wakitumika kufanya ukarabati nyumba za serikali badala ya makampuni binafsi. Wakifika kwa RC, DC na kulima eneo lote kuzunguka nyumba na kukarabati mabanda. Wafanyakazi wa serikali wakikaa maeneo maalum (Staff quarters) ambazo utaziona hadi leo maeneo kunakopita reli, mahakama, wakuu wa mkoa wilaya na majengo hayo yalijengwa aidha kwa mawe au matofari ya tope chache sana tofari za kuchoma. Nyumba hizo zipo vituo vya police, railway hadi leo na baadhi ya shule za msingi. Walizojemnga wakandarasi wetu wa sasa zimekatika kuta zile za tope za mjerumani zipo hadi leo. Zipo Keko DSM, Ngerengere town na vijiji vya Tarafa hiyo kulikokuwa mashamba ya katani na nyumba zikikaa wafanyakazi; Kilosa railway station, magereza, godown zake railway staion, Mikumi Police station na kwenye nyumba za railway station ya kwenda Kilombero sugar plantation. Kote kwenye plantation economy na railwayline zipo. Aibu nyingine waheshimiwa wanakaa nzee wawe ya foundation yanachungulia ncje chokaa imekwisha. Kwa sasa hela za ukenzi wa nyumba za mahakama, viongozi, majengo ya shule-uchakachuaji. Nyumba ya milioni 20 inaangikwa bilioni moja.
Poverty-hatuwezi kuendelea kama tutaendelea kuingiza siasa katika shughuli zote za nchi. Tunashuhudia wananchi wana ardhi wanaiuza. Mashamba ya mamlaka mbali mbali imetoa ardhi kwa wana vijiji walime wao wamekwenda kuuza na kumejengwa bar za pombe, lodges. Walikosaidiwa kifedha na kimafunzo wakafanya land use planning na land registry zikawa established na paralegals wakapewa mafunzo na kamati za ardhi kijiji hadi kata-huko ndiko wanakopigana na mauaji ya kugombea ardhi. Wakijengewa soko waboreshe uchumi-wanakaa barabarani. Hilo la Ilala ghorofa, kariakoo wapo barabarani na gari kupita zinashindwa zitakanyaga nyanya na wamemuua mtu juzi gari imekanyaga nyanya. Serikali na viongozi wanaona uuzaji vyakula barabarani-hawachukui hatua endelevu. Hapo Mawasiliano Sm 2000 kuna soko ndani kituo cha basi-hawakai wapo barabarani kwenye mavumbi. Serikali ifanye nini kama sisi hatubadiliki kiakili na kimatendo? SACCOS an VICOBA-shida tupu mtu anachukua mkopo anasepa. Anapewa mkopo wa masomo-halipi, anapewa mtanzania ardhi ya kuweka kiwanda, anapewa na mkopo na hati miliki inamsaidia kupata mkopo-anajenga Hall la Arusi/sherehe. Anapewa kiwanda na mkopo anapangisha godown za kuwanda zinakarabatiwa zinakodishwa kama ofisi mbali mbali na kuwa karakana ya magari na hiyo inatakiwa iwe textile. Ikiwa ni mradi wa uchumi under PPP tunamfundisha partner kuiibia serikali uwekezaji unakuwa si wa manufaa kwa taifa bali wewe na familia yako mnafaidika watoto kusoma na kuishi ulaya!
Somo la siasa na maarifa ya nyumbani liliwekwa primary na secondary na ktk vyuo vya juu somo la lazima la political science na development studies ni masomo ya lazima ya kujenga utaifa, utu na kuelewa kijamii na kiuchumi. Lakini wahitimu tunategemea ajira kuliko kujiajiri na kujituma fursa zipo na kujitambua utata ukipata mkopo unajali gari ununue uonekane kuliko umasikini wa familia ulikotoka. Vijijini utakuta kuna kila kitu lakini tupo tumebweteka na tukivuna mahindi na nafaka nyingine-kupika pombe na kunywa ndio priority eti kitega uchumi; tukipewa maua ya choya tupande tuuze tunapika gongo; chai ni kiungo cha gongo hata kinyesi nacho ndio kiungo chenyewe. Hii ya kuondoa umasikini na resources zipo zikivunwa ni anasa. Mifugo mtu unayo mingi sana inaharibu ardhi pia lakini kuuza kwa maendeleo ya familia ni utata. Poverty alleviation hiyo itafanikiwa vipi hata kama viongozi wana elimu ya uchumi na maendeleo jamii-sisi walengwa hatupo tayari na kubadilika ni utata tutafika? Ukiambiwa ukweli hata uwe msomi unatunga kisasi. Ukiachishwa kazi kutokana na ufisadi-kisasi. Tayari ITV imeonyesha leo wafugaji Wamang'ati na Wamasai Arusha wameshauana kutokana na wizi wa mifugo na silaha za bunduki, mikuki, mishale ya sume imeandaliwa pande pili zipo ktk hatari ya kupigana-hii itaisha lini? Poverty alleviation ifuatane na kujituma, land use planning na hati miliki na kila mtu akae ktk ardhi yake aitumie sustainably. Mtanzania analalamika eti mfereji una majimachafu serikali ije kuondoa wakati ni yeye aliyeunganisha choo, anatupa taka ngumu humo-ana akili huyo? Hata mwanahabari anayemuhoji anamuuliza-unataka serikali ifanyeje, unaishauri nini? Sio amuulize maswali ya kumtia akili aone jibu ni yete na source ya tatizo la uchafu ni yeye ajirekebishe.
Kwa nini inashindikana wakulima kwa mfano wa nyanya, kabishi, machungwa yanayooza kutokana na joto kujiunga kununua gari la chakula barafu kusafirisha mazao? Mboan bank za mikopo ya biashara zipo? Masoko Mijini yana uongozi. Inashindikana nini kuwa na cold storage facilities masoko ya Kariakoo, Temeke, Tandika, Mabibo, Buguruni, Mwenge etc? Uongozi unaacha soko la mabibo near TGNP na la mwenge yanavuja mvua ikinyesha mapaa hovyo vitu vyao vinanyeshewa na mvua vinalowa-why wakati NHC ipo kujenga majumba na masoko bora. Wanaona wanavyopoteza vitu vyao kuoza, wanaona mvua inavyowaathiri lakini akili zao-zipo jehanam! Mfereji unatupa takataka, nyingine zinakuja na maji ya mvua, kiangazi upo umekaa huusafishi, mvua ikija maji mpaka ndani ya nyumba unalalamikia GVT na kuwa kipato kimeathirika-poverty, una mkopo wa biashara utaulipaje? Una akili kweli wewe? Internal factors ndio zaidi zinatupa utata kwani akili zetu zina mtindio.
Hii Nchi inataka Dictator Kuliko Kagame ili tubadilike kiutendaji kuacha lelemama na kuchukua sheria mkononi kama ndio jinsi ya kuonyesha tunaonewa kumbe tumo pia kujionea wenyewe kujitia umasikini. Sasa waliobomolewa wasipewe fursa ya kujenga tena. Ondoa makorokoro kwa greda na waondoe. Hapakuwepo na majengo toka ukoloni hapo mtoni wala zilipojengwa za NHC hazikushuka bondeni umewaacha. Ukawaporeshea under SUDPF na CIUP donor funded-wakauza, wakashuka mtoni kwenye wetlands-Umewaacha ili usikose KURA za Chama na KULA. Masika yanakuja-matofari, mabati, zege vitasababisha mafuriko-kakokotoe hatuoni? Waondoe ama sivyo itajirudia rudia kubomoa kila wakati.
Na sasa hili suala la hapa kazi tu-linachukuliwa vibaya pia-vamia vamia, vyombo vya habari navyo vipo mbio nyuma na mbele ya viongozi kumtangaza huyu namfukuza, vamia hapa, vamia pale mtangaze yule! Tunakokwenda kubaya. Principles za Good Governance na effective work management tunazingatia? Hivi kila anayekaguliwa na kusimamishwa utafiti ufanyike lazima atangazwe ktk media na asutwe hapo mbele ya media? Mimi inaniogopesha.
Jee, huwezi ukampa warning unapomkagua mara ya kwanza na deadline akupe taarifa? Kukionekana utata kutoka evaluation na auditing ya team yako iliyotumwa na kuwa amehusika ndio mtangaze kumfukuza kazi. Unaongea hadharani-mpeni mshahara mmoja tu, nakusimamisha tukuchunguze kuanzia sasa! Watu wanashangilia na kuzomea! Supervision na inspectory management ya uwajibishaji namna hii unatisha.
Pia, bila ya budget allocation na uwezeshaji wa utendaji kazi kwa vitendea kazi-pamoja na fukuza, fukuza-tutarudi tulikotoka.
Kama Kawa
On Wed, 17/2/16, Chambi Chachage chambi78@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni] <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Subject: [Wanazuoni] Nyerere hakuwa na uelewa wa kutosha?
To: "Wanakavazi" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "Wanakavazi" <kavazi1@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Wednesday, 17 February, 2016, 14:45
Naomba hili suala lijadiliwe kwa kina. Kuna wakati
nilililosoma kwenye maandishi ya Profesa Shivji hasa
anapomlinganisha Nyerere na Nkrumah kwa kutumia hotuba ya
Nyerere kule Ghana mwaka 1997. Leo naona Mwalimu Sabatho
amelileta tena hapo chini katika muktadha wa hotuba yake ya
mwaka 1989.
Sasa swali langu ni hili: Tunatumia kipimo gani
hasa kusema kwamba Mwalimu hakuwa na uelewa wa kutosha? Je,
ni kipimo chetu cha uelewa wa "uchumi wa kitaifa na
ulimbikizaji toka chini"? Au ni kwa kwa kutazama uelewa
wake ulivyobadilika na wakati badala ya kwa kumlinganisha na
watu wengine?
Haya maswali yananitatiza hasa
ninapokumbuka hotuba ya yake wa mwaka 1980 dhidi ya IMF
ambayo nimeitafuta sana leo kwenye makavazi yangu ila lo
sijaipata. Bahati nzuri nimepata hii ya mwaka 1979 nayodhani
inaonesha alielewa sana haya masuala kisomi ila kama
kiongozi alipata shida kuyatekeleza.NYERERE ON RURAL
DEVELOPMENTJuly 1, 1979 at
12:52 am · Filed under Issue
08, PoliticsSummary (Shortened version,
verbatim) On Rural
Development by Julius K. Nyerere: address to the Food and
Agricultural Organisation World Conference on Agrarian
Reform and Rural Development, Rome, 13th. July, 1979
Under the
economic, political and social systems at present operating,
the world's people are divided into two groups – those
with access to its resources and those without access. Those
with access to existing resources – the rich – can
afford to invest heavily in the production of greater
wealth, so they get richer. The poor have very little to
invest; their productivity consequently remains low and they
remain poor. Worse still, the market laws of supply and
demand mean that the wealth of the few diverts the world's
resources – including the labour of others – from
meeting the real but ineffective demand of the poor into
satisfying the luxury desires of the rich. Land and labour
are used to cultivate grapes instead of grain; palaces are
built instead of houses for the workers and
peasants.The automatic market tendency to favour the rich is
aggravated by the fact that political power also flows
naturally to the 'haves' of the world – the educated
and those persons or societies which have inherited public
or private capital. The result is that publicly produced
wealth also benefits the wealthy more than the poor, accrues
to the towns rather than to the rural areas and serves the
educated rather than those without academic opportunity or
ability. Until now we have in general been trying to tackle
the problem of poverty – including rural poverty – by
directing resources into the existing system and hoping that
it will 'trickle down' to the poor. Some of it does. But
the major benefit of the new investment stays where it began
– with the man who already has and in proportion to the
wealth which he already has. The poor benefit – or
sometimes suffer- from the side effects; or they receive the
crumbs left over.The lesson to be drawn is surely that fighting
poverty is not just a question of production techniques and
capital investment. It is a highly political topic. It
involves matters relating to the existing wealth
distribution and the present location of power within
nations and between nations. For the root of world poverty,
as well as the mass of it, lies in the rural areas. Urban
poverty is more obvious – the slums and degradation of
some towns in the developing countries force themselves upon
the notice of the richest citizen and upon the most casual
visitor from other states. But the bulk of the slum
inhabitants and the beggars on our streets have migrated to
towns because they are pushed out of the rural areas by
landlessness, joblessness and hopelessness . It is therefore
in the rural areas that we can most effectively tackle the
long-term problems of urban poverty, as well as dealing with
the mass misery which now exists unseen – hut not unfelt
by its sufferers. Trying to deal with mass poverty by
improving conditions and providing work in the towns simply
attracts more and more people from the depressed rural
areas.An effective attack on world poverty can only be
made by going direct to the rural areas and dealing with the
problems there. The objective is and must be the provision
of food, clothing, shelter, education, and health services,
for everyone, under conditions which provide for universal
human dignity. That objective can only be achieved if
certain basic facts are recognised and acted
on.First among these is that those who own land will
use it for their own benefit. If the land in a state is
owned by a small number of people, these can be relied upon
to maximise their own private income from that land by using
for whatever crop will bring most profit to themselves. If
the land is owned by the peasants, either individually or
collectively, it will be used to meet their needs. Actions
which transfer land to the people are an essential first
step in the fight against poverty.Even if effective land reform is carried out, that
is not enough. The poor who have gained land under it –
again whether privately or cooperatively – have to have
access to credit, to improved seeds and tools, and to new
knowledge, if the transfer of power over the land's
resources is to be permanent and to lay the basis for future
development. But 'Land to the Peop1e' is not a solution
on its own.If poverty is to be abolished in the rural areas,
farming activities must be efficient. Rural industries must
be established to process the farmers' crops and provide
many of their domestic and agricultural goods. Forestry and
animal husbandry must use land not suitable for arable
farming. Water control and land conservation measures must
be built to increase the productivity of the land at the
same time as they provide clean water and possibly power.
Schools, dispensaries, sports facilities, and so on, need to
be established. This kind of diversification of the rural
economy is an essential part of the struggle f0r human
development and human dignity. At least in the initin1
phases of our development our agriculture and our rural
service industries need to be labour intensive rather than
capital intensive.But to say that the rural areas must produce a
surplus to finance diversification is to beg the question.
Rural areas do produce a surplus now. The trouble is that it
is extracted and used to finance luxurious consumption
pattern of the rich and the kind of development in urban
areas which will support the present economic structures.
The surpluses are extracted by the comparative pricing of
primary products and manufactured goods. It is done also by
the combination of regressive taxation and the allocation of
Government expenditure to services needed by town dwellers
rather than those needed by the people in the villages.
Rural development and the diversification of the rural
economy which it involves will not take place without
fundamental changes in the present approach to development
and to government activities.This implies giving priority to universal primary
and technical education in preference to advanced studies in
the humanities, or indeed to much in the way of
post-graduate professional studies. It also implies that
rural dispensaries and health centres will have to be given
preference over sophisticated hospital services for the
few. Although internationally we are still at the stage
of regarding a transfer of resources from the rich to the
poor as being a matter for the voluntary decision of the
rich, there is no excuse for such an attitude within
nations. Giving land to the people and acting to ensure that
rural surpluses are retained in the rural areas is
essential; but it is only the first step. It has to be
combined with deliberate policies which transfer resources
from these wealth producing sectors to the financing of
social and productive capital in the rural areas. This can
be done either by government control and pricing policies,
or by the taxation structure, or by a judicious mixture of
the two.It is surely quite obvious that as rural
development has all these implications it will not occur
unless governments are absolutely committed to attacking
poverty at its roots in the rural areas. But that is not the
whole answer, Governments by themselves cannot achieve rural
development. They can only facilitate it and make it
possible. For rural development is people's development of
themselves, their lives end environment.If the people are to be able to develop they must
have power. They must be able to control their own
activities within the framework of their village
communities. The people must participate not just in the
physical labour involved in economic development, but also
in the planning of it and in the determination of
priorities. At present, the best intentioned governments –
my own included – too easily move from a conviction of the
need for rural development into acting as if people had no
ideas of their own. This is quite wrong. Both political and
economic power has to be held by the people within the
village, in the Region and in the nation, if development is
to be in the people's interests. It is through cooperation
that each of us develops his own potential and receives
personal identity.Within our developing countries there is a tendency
to think that if you have made a budgetary allocation for
something called 'rural development', then the rest or
government policies and expenditure patterns can go on as
before. Such attitudes defeat any hope of rural development,
or of implementing a 'basic needs approach'. Rural
development, for example, requires greater use of
fertilisers, with the consequential need for a fertiliser
plant, or a phosphate mine, or both. It needs a factory to
produce animal-drawn ploughs, harrows, seeders and another
producing tractors and bulldozers. It needs electrical
power, both for decent living in the rural areas and for
village industries. A rural development strategy thus
requires a whole industrial and communications development
policy, which is geared to the needs of the rural areas and
the masses who live in them. Every aspect of government and
public activity, in other words, has to be angled towards
promoting mass welfare in the rural areas, while yet
enabling the urban areas to service effectively the rural
areas from which their sustenance comes and which are their
justification for existing.Everything which I have said in relation to the
implications of a strategy of rural development within
nations can also be applied to international economic and
political relationships. Under the present world economic
order the rich and industrialised areas – regardless of
whether these are capitalist or socialist – automatically,
as well as by the exercise of naked power, extract from the
poor and rural areas even that little which they have. It is
done through the pricing mechanisms of primary products
relative to manufactured goods, by the virtual monopoly of
international transportation facilities, by the control of
world currency and credit which is exercised by the rich
nations – and by a hundred other so-called market
forces.The fundamental imbalance between the world's
rural and urban nations – between the industrial and the
primary producer areas – is not yet universally recognised
as the root causes of world economic problems and world
poverty. It is clear that a strategy for rural development
has two aspects. One is internal within the nations of the
Third World. The other, equally important, is external to
any single nation; it involves the whole world. The problem
of poverty cannot be effectively tackled unless there is
action on both fronts simultaneously.Re: http://www.tzaffairs.org/1979/07/Cf. http://www.gov.go.tz/egov_uploads/documents/unity_for_a_new_order_1979_sw.pdf
"sabatho nyamsenda sany7th@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]"
Sent: Wednesday,
February 17, 2016 10:36 AM
Subject: Re:
[Wanazuoni] Raia Mwema - Bado naitafuta dira ya Rais
Nukuu ya
Chambi ni ya 1989,
wakati Nyerere akiwa ameshatoka madarakani, na akiwa
mwenyekiti wa Tume ya
Kusini. Kwa mujibu wa Shivji, Nyerere hakuwa na uelewa wa
kutosha kuhusu dhana
ya uchumi wa kitaifa na ulimbikizaji toka chini wakati akiwa
Dhana hiyo
ilijengeka akiwa
Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Kusini. Wajamaa wengi (sio wote) wapo
tayari kushabikia
uchumi wa kitaifa unaondeshwa kibepari kuliko uchumi wa
unaoendeshwa kijamaa. Wa awali husemekana kuwa endelevu, na
kubadilishwa – kupitia mapambano ya kitabaka – kuwa wa
kijamaa. Wa kikompradori
hauna mustakabali wowote kwa sababu umejengwa katika msingi
mbovu, na
unaoendeleza uporaji na unyonyaji toka nje (Rejea katika
hotuba ya Nyerere ya
1989, yule "Mhindi" alipomwambia Nyerere kuwa
alifanikiwa kukata mirija lakini
haweza kukata bomba).
nukuu ya kugeuka "nguzo ya chumvi" ipo kwenye kitabu cha
Mtei, From
Goatherd to Governor. Inasemekana Nyerere
aliitoa kauli hiyo mkoani Kigoma, wakati wananchi
walipoandamana kuyakataa masharti
ya IMF. Kwa hiyo isomwe katika muktadha huo: wa kupinga
masharti ya IMF, kuliko
kuuhuisha Ujamaa.
Maoni ya Lee
Kuan Yew kuhusu
Nyerere sikubaliani nayo. (Nyerere alisoma uchumi akiwa
Scotland, hivyo hawezi kuwa mbu mbu mbu wa uchumi sahili.
Siku makabrasha ya Kavazi yatakapokuwa huru kwa watafiti,
nashauri ukosome rough notes za Nyerere kuhusu uchumi,
ambazo hazijachapishwa kokote). Tunaweza kuyatofautisha
maoni ya Yew na yale ya Dk. Mahathir. Ikumbukwe kwamba Dk.
Mahathir ndiye aliyempendekeza
Nyerere kuwa mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Kusini, iliyoundwa
mahsusi kwa ajili ya
kupendekeza mfumo mbadala wa uchumi utakaoziongoza nchi za
Ulimwengu wa Tatu
toka wimbi la umaskini. Nashauri usome hotuba ya Dk.
Mahathir katika Mkutano wa
NAM (1986 au 1987??) akitoa pendekezo la Nyerere kuunda na
kuongoza Tume ya
"Charles Makakala Jr makakalajr@yahoo.com
[Wanazuoni]" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday,
February 17, 2016 11:05 AM
Subject: Re:
[Wanazuoni] Raia Mwema - Bado naitafuta dira ya Rais
Chambi: When did
Nyerere made that statement? Exactly. Nyerere made his
choice. He cannot have it both ways. He had between
independence and 1985 to choose a path for Tanzania. The
world knows what he chose. So, let us not try to muddle
history by portraying this image of Nyerere 'the
Pragmatist'. He will always remain 'Nyerere the
Does the Arusha Declaration still stand up today? (in
Julius Nyerere: I still travel around with
it. I read it over and over to see what I would change.
Maybe I would improve on the Kiswahili that was used but the
Declaration is still valid: I would not change a
thing. Tanzania had been independent for a short
time before we began to see a growing gap between the haves
and the have-nots in our country... So we articulated a new
national objective: we stressed that development is about
all our people and not just a small and
privileged minority.INTERVIEWER:
You've spoken about your experience in Tanzania under
President Nyerere. He was a
committed man who genuinely believed in
Lee Kuan
Yew: Oh, yes, Julius Nyerere is a good Christian. He
wanted to do good to his people. He's a great
Christian... But he
didn't understand the economics of growth, or just
simple economics. He thought if you gather people
together -- I think it's called "ujamaa," or
some form of communalized agriculture. So he had them all in
villages, and they would work their farms... It was a
terrible waste. I don't know; I've not been there
for many years. I used to speak to him. I said, "Why
don't you do it like the Ivory Coast?"
"Man-eat-man society," [Nyerere] told me. Well,
when I said that to [Daniel] Arap Moi.. he says, "The
other way man eat nothing." So you
have your choice.
tried to find that quote where Nyerere said that he resigned
because he did not want to change course and become a pillar
of salt, like 'Lot's wife'. Or something to that
effect. You are excellent at these Nyerere quotations
things. Care to produce that quote too for our
On Wednesday,
February 17, 2016 10:15 AM, "KombsedTz
kombsed@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]"
<Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Prof. Dr.
kinachofanyika sasa na JPM, ni correction ya mazoea na
umwinyi uliojengeka kwa baadhi ya wahudumu wa umma. Ilifika
mahali ukiteuliwa u-DG mahali utagonga bilauri na
'wajomba' kwamba umeula sasa, umaskini wako binafsi
basi sasa! Nafkiri hatua hii ya sasa ni muafaka kwa
'boga' lililooza moja ya tatu! Ni hatua ya mwanzo,
then tutajua na kukubaliana na focus yake baada ya hapo. Hii
tumbutumbu si ya kudumu. Ni kuwakumbsha waliojisahau kwamba
wanalimiliki hili 'boga' lakini pia kuonya!.
Tusubiri. Mwelekeo salama kabisa huu!
Kind Regards
Edward AureuseEconomist, MEAC -
Tanzania+255 713 209 989
"No Society That Hopes to Prosper, Can
Afford to Leave Large Parts of Its Population Stuck in the
Poverty Trap" - Jeffrey Sachs.
From: "Richard
Shukia richardshukia@gmail.com [Wanazuoni]"
Sent: Tuesday, February
16, 2016 11:01 PM
Subject: Re:
[Wanazuoni] Raia Mwema - Bado naitafuta dira ya Rais
macho ya kawaida yaliyogubikwa na ukungu aina ya ushabiki,
uhaba wa mafanikio na miwani za mbao ni ngumu kuyaona ya
On Wednesday, February 17, 2016, Kitila Mkumbo
[Wanazuoni] <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Bila dira ya kueleweka
utatumbua majipu hadi yageuke kansa! Hii confusion anayokuja
nayo Rais Magufuli ni nzuri sana kwa sababu inatusaidia
kujitafakari kama kitaasisi na kitaifa nchi yetu ni kitu
gani hasa. Muhimu tu ni kukumbuka kuwa nchi ni zaidi ya
mkusanyiko wa watu wenye mahitaji mbalimbali ya kimwili kama
ambavyo utawala wa Rais Magufuli unajaribu kutuaminisha.
Kingine kinachonishtua ni kujaribu kuaminishwa na hatimaye
kuamini kwamba watu waitwao Rais na mawaziri ndiyo wenye
majibu sahihi na wenye uwezo wa kufichua dhambi kwa kiwango
ambacho kila wamnyooshea kidole tunaamini kweli ni mtu
mbaya. Nadhani kuna mengi ambayo macho yetu hayajaona!
On 17
February 2016 at 07:59, Emmanuel Muganda emuganda@gmail.com [Wanazuoni] <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Chambi,You are a
On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at
11:13 PM, Chambi Chachage chambi78@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni] <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
"It can be argued that Mwl.
Nyerere's leadership decisions were purpose-driven and
people centred. The problem is they were restricted by his
ideologies. Therefore, while an outside observer could have
easily seen that the policies were not bearing fruits
Nyerere envisaged, he unwittingly decided to maintain
course. Ultimately, what I consider to be Africa's
greatest statesman was in essence derailed by his rigid
allegiance to leftist perspectives. We can only dream of
what he could have achieved had he allowed market policies.
He too was human" - Charles Makakala Junior.
maana sasa hivi tunasema waziwazi. Tujenge nchi yetu.
Hatutaji, katika hali ya kujaribu kuutoa uchumi wetu katika
hali hii ya ovyo, tutatumia uwezo wetu wa ndani kwa ajili ya
maendeleo, ubepari na ujamaa. Tutazichanganya zote hizi kwa
nguvu kabisa kabisa kujenga uchumi wa nchi yetu" -
From: "Charles
Makakala Jr makakalajr@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]"
To: "Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday,
February 13, 2016 10:45 AM
Subject: Re:
[Wanazuoni] Re: Raia Mwema - Bado naitafuta dira ya Rais
When leadership
decisions are guided by the right values then the confusion
you allude to will not occur, or will greatly be minimised.
But when results don't match expectations, Pragmatism
demands that the leader immediately change course. A
pragmatist will believe that mistakes in leadership and life
are inevitable. The point is to do due diligence to minimise
their likelyhood and when they occur to quickly correct
them. Hence, the relevance of Deng's idea of
''crossing the river by feeling the
stones''. There may be many false stones on the
It can be
argued that Mwl. Nyerere's leadership decisions were
purpose-driven and people centred. The problem is they were
restricted by his ideologies. Therefore, while an outside
observer could have easily seen that the policies were not
bearing fruits Nyerere envisaged, he unwittingly decided to
maintain course. Ultimately, what I consider to be
Africa's greatest statesman was in essence derailed by
his rigid allegiance to leftist perspectives. We can only
dream of what he could have achieved had he allowed market
policies. He too was human.
Once again,
Tanzanians should not care whether Magufuli is leaning on
the right or left. They should only care whether the
policies he pursues are people-centred and are PROVEN to
have worked elsewhere. While as a pragmatist I don't
mind experimenting - and indeed leaders should always tweak
policies to fit specific scenarios - but we don't like
people who waste our time by re-inventing the wheel. In many
decisions the President has been spot on: believe me I would
rather be governed by a far leftist if that was going to
guarantee that my life was going to be a bit easier. But
what is the likelyhood of that happening?
The absent-minded 'walimu' among us were
pointing to the glorious move towards the Socialist left in
many countries. But look at Venezuela (and Cuba) now! But
one can be sure that they will come again and shamelessly
regurgitate the same failed policies over and over with the
same vigour! These are what Monsieur Jose Mourinho would
call 'specialists in failure'!
On Friday, February
12, 2016 9:40 AM, "Chambi Chachage chambi78@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Charles, ni kweli. Kuna mstari
mwembamba kati ya 'pragmatism' na
'eclecticism'. Lakini pia kuna mstari mwembamba kati
ya 'eclecticism' na
'confusion'. Hapo sidhani kama
'sandwich theorem' inahusika
"Charles Makakala Jr makakalajr@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]"
To: "Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: tanzanet list
Thursday, February 11, 2016 7:43 PM
Subject: Re:
[Wanazuoni] Re: Raia Mwema - Bado naitafuta dira ya Rais
Sijui matumizi mapana ya dhana hiyo
ya 'eclecticism' kifalsafa.
Lakini hauoni kwamba pengine
'Pragmatism' inaelekeza kwenye
'eclecticism', yaani m-Pragmatist atajumuisha kanuni
zilizofanikiwa kutoka katika mifumo mbalimbali ya
kiuchumi/kisiasa bila kuzingatia ukinzani wa
kiitikadi? Charles.
On Thursday, February
11, 2016 6:24 PM, "Chambi Chachage chambi78@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Charles, hebu irejee (tena) hii aya ya Profu Kitila, je,
kuna 'pragmatism' hapo au 'eclecticism'
Aidha, katika
nyakati mbalimbali Rais Magufuli ametoa kauli za kuashiria
kwamba serikali yake inaweza kujiingiza katika ujenzi wa
viwanda, na wakati huo huo akajaribu kuonyesha kwamba ujenzi
wa viwanda utategemea uwekezaji katika sekta binafsi. Katika
mazingira haya, Rais Magufuli hajajipambanua kwamba anaamini
katika mfumo gani wa uzalishaji: uchumi wa dola, uchumi
unaoendeshwa na sekta binafsi au uchumi mchanganyiko. Kwa
kifupi, Rais Magufuli hajajipambanua kifalsafa. - See more
at: http://www.raiamwema.co.tz/bado-naitafuta-dira-ya-rais-magufuli#sthash.1eQyI3mO.dpuf
"Charles Makakala Jr makakalajr@yahoo.com [Wanazuoni]"
To: "Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com" <Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: tanzanet list
Thursday, February 11, 2016 5:10 PM
Subject: Re:
[Wanazuoni] Raia Mwema - Bado naitafuta dira ya Rais
ni lazima taifa liwe na falsafa fulani? Au ni lazima
kiongozi awe na dira binafsi? Nafikiri yatosha kwa taifa
kuwa na dira - vision - na wajibu wa viongozi ni kufanikisha
utekelezaji wa dira hiyo.
Msemo maarufu wa Deng
Xiaoping alipoulizwa kuhusu dira yake wafaa kutuelekeza:
''We are crossing the river by feeling the
stones''. Kwa kile kidogo ninachokijua kuhusu Deng
na LKY ni ngumu kusema walikuwa wanaamini nini. Nafikiri
vipaumbele vyao vilikuwa katika kufanya vyema yale waliyoona
ni ya lazima kwa maendeleo ya jamii zao. Huo ndio msingi wa
falsafa ya Pragmatism: kufanya kile tunachopaswa kufanya ili
kufikia kule tunakotaka kufika.
Hivyo haina maana
kuzingatia kama Magufuli ni muumini wa Ujamaa au Ubepari.
Kwa maneno mengine dhima ya makala ya Prof. Mkumbo ni
'moot'. Kukusanya kodi kwa umakini ni jambo sahihi.
Hilo haliitaji falsafa ya kulifanikisha. Vivyo hivyo vita
dhidi ya ufisadi. Au kutatua kero za wananchi. Au kulinda
maslahi na tunu za taifa. Hivyo pale Rais anaposema
tutaanzisha viwanda fulani kama sekta ya binafsi isipofanya
hivyo - la msingi hapo ni umuhimu wa kuanzishwa viwanda
hivyo na si nani anavimiliki. Ninamuunga mkono
Kwa kile nilichokisikia kwenye hotuba ya Magufuli
akizungumza na wafanyabiashara nashawishika kusema kwamba
yeye ni Pragmatist. Lakini CCM na Pragmatism ni dhana
zinazokinzana. Hivyo ni vyema
kusubiri. Charles.
On Thursday, February
11, 2016 2:53 PM, "George Fumbuka fumbuka1953@gmail.com [Wanazuoni]"
<Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Namba si tayari ushaisoma
kwi? First things first, mate.
On 11 Feb 2016 12:24, "Dan babakulu@HOTMAIL.COM [Wanazuoni]"
<Wanazuoni@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Sent from my iPhone
Posted by: Chambi Chachage
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