Sunday, 11 May 2014

[wanabidii] 5 Simple Keys For Effortless Success + Details of 'Market With Confidence' Class

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Spotlight on Personal & Business Success | James Karundu
Dear Friend
In this edition:
  • A Note from James 
  • Game Changer Tip the Week: 5 Simple Keys For Effortless Success
  • Market With Confidence
  • Monthly FREE TALK  on Thursday  29th  May : Your Story, Your People and Your Income : How to Impact, Influence and Get Paid – details in upcoming emails
Welcome to this edition of Spotlight of Personal and Business Success.
(You are receiving this email because of a recommendation from one of your  friends or colleagues.)
Do you sometimes feel like this 'success' we are all pursuing is taking too much time and effort?
You are not alone – I feel that often and just staying on track with everything sometimes feels like a herculean task.
Today I share you what has worked for me time and time again. I hope you will find at least one key that resonates strongly with you. Grab it and apply it immediately.
Meanwhile: Market With Confidence – Season 5 class kicks off tomorrow Tuesday from 11 am. I have a few seats still available. See below for details.
Have a great and blessed week ahead.
MARKET WITH CONFIDENCE:  Learn how to get high paying clients FAST and generate a higher income NOW
  • Are you disappointed by your marketing results?
  • Are feeling tired of chasing clients who don't appreciate or value what you offer?
  • Are you starting out and want to get it right from the start?
  • Are you feeling stuck and not making progress in your career or in your business?
If you have said YES THAT'S ME to any of the above and you are truly ready to start or grow your business, get more clients and a consistent cash flow – like yesterday…. Then this class is for you.
Duration: 6 weeks, starting Tuesday 13th May 2014
Venue: Kasuku centre, Kileleshwa (1st floor at the Kumon centre)
Time:  11 am – 1 pm   (2 hours weekly for 6 weeks)
Investment: Ksh 30 000 payment plan available on request
OR: BRING A FRIEND OR COLLEAGUE AT 50% OFF i.e. your friend pays Ksh 15 000
NB: if you split the total payable each will pay ….

To book your seat call/text James on 0722 625 329 or reply to this email with subject: Market with Confidence.
You can pay by cash, cheque or Mpesa 
Here is what you can expect after completing the MARKET WITH CONFIDENCE class:
  1. Clarity around your marketing + Strategies to help you avoid the costly marketing mistakes that are costing you time, energy and money.
  2. Identify who EXACTLY you should be marketing to — your perfect, ideal clients who you love working with and who love working with you.
  3. The words to use that will effortlessly and easily attract them to you. These are words you will be able to easily add to all your marketing materials e.g. website, introduction letters, brochures, business cards, etc.
  4. Your very own personalized 90 day MAP – Marketing Action Plan so no more wondering what you should be doing to market yourself. With the plan in hand you will know exactly what to do next!

To book your seat call/text James on 0722 625 329 or reply to this email with subject: Market with Confidence.

1. Write a check list
A checklist is a simple tool with tremendous positive results. It is also an excellent tool for advance decision making.
It is so easy to use! Simply write down your desired outcomes in bullet point form or numbered list then – at the end of the day or week put a tick or crosses against each item.
Action point:
Write down your goals and top priorities for what remains of 2014.
Create a daily 'to do' list on the evening or night before. This will help you to hit the ground running the next day.
Create a 'to stop doing' list and a 'to start doing' list.
Your success to a large extent depends on what you stop doing and what you start doing instead.
Get a coach or mentor to help you get the takeoff you have desired.
2. Get Organized
Where do you have clutter, confusion and chaos? All this is evidence of disorganization and a haphazard approach.
Clutter and chaos is the invisible handbrake that slows many people.
Action point:
Clear clutter and get rid of stuff you don't need.
Increase the number of NOs and reduce the number of times you say YES to activities and requests. This will free up your time and energy.
3. Reminders
Many suffer from the twin challenges of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) when it comes to staying focused on what we want and Attention Surplus Disorder (ASD) towards what we don't want!
It's important to constantly remember to remember your top priorities.
The best place to put a reminder is in your mobile phone and computer.
 Put reminders to yourself on your phone and also online calendars. Most email services have a reminder /calendar feature that can be linked to your phone.
You can also create big colorful posters and them in strategic places in your house and office to catch your attention throughout the day.
4. Improve your habitual language and vocabulary
Start becoming aware of your habitual language and the words you use on a regular basis.
Your words have predictive powers! Especially be very careful about any words that follow the phrase I AM.
Do you find yourself regularly complaining about this and that using words such as: I am having a problem with…, life is so hard, things are sooo difficult, I am broke, that's impossible or
I AM sooo tired, broke, fat, and so on?
You just may find yourself experiencing exactly what you are proclaiming!
I once read somewhere: If you argue for your limitations, they are yours.
 Action point:
Learn to soften your attention to the things that less than pleasing and shift your attention to what you want, to how you want things to go. Energy flows where attention goes!
Use more empowering words .For example, instead of the word 'Problem' use 'Situation'
Start using positive affirmations on a daily basis .It can be a quote, a line from the scriptures or phrases that inspire and motivate you.
5. Quiet Time
Take time to refuel and recharge. The car must be refueled to keep moving and batteries need recharging to be effective.
Quiet time is really a gift to you.
Action point:
You must set aside regular quiet time to help you mentally refocus and also get balance.
Take time to reflect, pray, meditate, and contemplate, review and visualize your goals and priorities regularly.
Practice the 'Magical Minute Technique' - disconnect from everything for just one minute.
Create a gratitude ritual if you don't already have one. Practice uncommon gratitude by noticing what's working, the favor and blessings around you .Use a Gratitude Journal to record this.
 © James Karundu 2012
Bye for now.
James N. Karundu
Your Business and Success Mentor
Founder: PassionBiz Academy (coming up soon)
James is a Motivational Speaker, Author of '7 Keys for Success Beyond Chance' and GO FOR IT.
He specializes in teaching top achievers, entrepreneurs and service providers how to harness their passion, brilliance and expertise so that they can step out, help more people, make a bigger impact and a higher income in 90 days or less.
He is the only mathematician who is a motivational speaker!
His work has been featured in publications such as the Business Daily.
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Please share this important information with 5 friends or colleagues who can benefit
© 2014 James Karundu
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