JudyYou are not alone on these thoughts. Expect makobora na mangumi na mawe from Cord extremists on these forums. But lets look at the positive side. 1. Rao delivered the vitendawili he normally does deliver and did a good job on that area. In terms of policy, he delivered a big kinoti, zero, sufuri but he did entertain via vitendawili. He was only second to Kajuang on that arena. 2. The businessmen who will gain 3. The harlots in Nairobi who will be charging tonight and the men in Kisumu and Mackakos getting free nookie tonight which means that some of the harlots may get pregnant and so help in the anti tyranny of numbers move. So thereare lots of positive things about this meeting, mostly on business side.This is what others are saying:
by RV Heavy hitter! » Sat May 31, 2014 8:14 am
--On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Judy Miriga jbatec@yahoo.com [changemombasa2012] <changemombasa2012@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Good People,
All those at Uhuru park are mostly jobless and hungry people paraded as
slaves for paymasters. It is of no meaning to the people themselves and
is irrelevant. That is proof to the effect that pay-master have to witness
vulnerability of the population. It is what the co-business partners are
in deal aiming to displaced for Land Grabbing. The population confirms
the value for the deal for exchange. If anything, this is not a time for
show off. It is a time for uniting to build the Nation positively. The
show of might is of insignificant with no value after loosing election and
which has to wait for another day a few more years to come.
Compare the population with activities such like that of Owira performance
for example, uniting and building social cohesion through cultural heritage.
It is important that we compare notes. If people can unite to do more
positive things differently, Kenya shall be far off much better than being
paraded like cattle or sheep to be sent to the market-place.
Life is not about only one person, it becomes monotonous, and business too
is not just about a few.......Life is about bettering Nationhood with better
The Government must be MACHO and engage with the people positively for a
set of New Game-Plan focusing on the political promise according to the
peoples mandate and prove how things can be done better with good results.
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
Daniel Owira aka #Otonglotime makes a comeback at the National drama festivals gala
On Sat, 5/31/14, Cosmos Omondi <omondi.cosmos@gmail.com> wrote:
Subject: Re: [PK] Uhuru park today-welcome home Baba
To: "progressive-kenyans" <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>
Date: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 8:08 AM
Maurice Khaguli,
On 31 May 2014 15:06,
'khaguli maurice' via Progressive Kenyans <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>
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