Saturday, 26 December 2015

[wanabidii] Urgent: 3x the rhinos saved

Your gift will be TRIPLED until 12/31.
Triple Match Challenge
Have 3x the impact on poaching until 12/31
Wanabidii, I have BIG news: we have just secured a TRIPLE match through 12/31 – meaning every $1 you give will be worth $3.

I urge you to take action now while you have this incredible chance to triple our resources for African species in jeopardy.

A generous friend of AWF is so convinced we can reverse the poaching trend that she is raising the stakes to triple every dollar you give for Africa's wildlife. And with animals like the rhino teetering on the brink of extinction, I'll be frank – we really need you to step up today.
Triple Match Challenge
Take advantage of this brief opportunity to protect irreplaceable wildlife like the rhino.
Poaching of rhinos increased 3,000% between 2007 and 2011. When a mother rhino is killed, poachers will often even slaughter the calf because it refuses to leave its mother's side.

I realize how grim the outlook sounds – and it is a critical time – but AWF is leading the fight to protect these precious animals, and we are making headway.

Your support helps provide the necessary training and equipment to deter poachers and traffickers, as well as the resources to deploy public awareness campaigns where rhino horn is still coveted. We have had great success using PSAs in China, and are expanding our efforts in Vietnam.

Triple your impact on the fight against poaching with a tax-deductible gift today. Our success comes down to what we do together – not next month, or next year, but right now.
Patrick J. Bergin
Chief Executive Officer
P.S. This could be the last stand for the rhino, unless we take swift and bold action now. That's why this Triple Match Challenge is so critical. Gifts up to a total of $250,000 will be matched, but only through 12/31, so please make your tax-deductible donation today.
African Wildlife Foundation
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Photos courtesy of Beverly Joubert and Martin Harvey


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