Dear Friends and Partners.
Listen up and kindly read this.
When we launched The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in September 2010 in Nairobi, we went against all the grain and we are happy with the success story we recorded for the 1st Circle of The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC.
We chose not to respond to any call for proposals and instead, opted to invite support and partnership from those who believed we were doing the right thing. And we got this beyond our imagination. Men, Women and Institutions came forward and we are happy we all jointly made The 1st Circle of The Clean Kenya Campaign a success.
We were also far more impressed by the voluntary response and participation from many Kenyans in the Towns that we visited- Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret, Kisii, Kisumu, Kakamega, Nyeri, Naivasha and Kiambu.
It was the same story everywhere we went; many people enthusiastically joining with us to help make some change. And the response from the Government and the Municipal Councils was equally great. They came with working tools and equipment besides their staff members also joining with us. The Corporates were not left behind- some donated working tools which we promptly gave to the Councils.
We must also appreciate the many political leaders who joined with us. We have noted that the Governors have energized the process and now, it is time to join up with them.
Even though The 1st Circle of The Clean Kenya Campaign was by and large a success story, we had our low moments when mercenaries on hire berated us. But we took those in our strides and soldiered on. We also had severe financial challenges to effectively run the Campaign the best way we wanted. But still, we must appreciate our Partners who ensured the work was done. We want to make special mention of The Public Service Transformation Department, Akiba Uhaki Foundation, A Better World/SOFDI, Phoenix Aviation and the many more who joined with us. You are our heroes.
We are launching The 2nd Circle of The Clean Kenya Campaign and it is going to be exciting, informative and educative. We want to roll out our experience with the 1st Campaign and work for results within 11 Months.
We want to also address those areas that did not give us structured strength. We are starting by forming an Organizing Committee that will be broad based. We will have our 1st meeting at the Nema Offices in Nairobi at Nyayo House on the 3rd Dec and the rest will follow in an organized manner.
Secondly, we are reaching out to all those who gave us support in the 1st Circle and to all new Partners so that we can structure our support and partnership for The 2nd Circle. This will help us plan for the 11 Monthly Campaigns we are going to organize for the next 11 Months.
We are motivated by the experience we have gathered from across the World. Such Campaigns are supported by a Team of Dedicated Friends who offer their Financial Support on a Structured Monthly Basis. We are hence inviting Two Categories of Structured Members;
a] Individuals
- Gold Members of TCKC- Those who will enroll at Kshs 2,000.00 and above per Month
- Silver Members of TCKC- Those who will enroll at between Kshs 1,000.00 and Kshs 1,999.00 PM
- Bronze Members of TCKC- Those who will enroll at between Kshs 5,00.00 and Kshs 999.00 PM
b] Corporate and Institutions- We will reach out to these Partners and work on some Structured Partnership/
All those who would like to support us can reach us through our Barclays Bank of Kenya Mpesa Pay Bill No. 303030 payable to our Account No. 082 152 5543. Or still, you may call the under signed for details.
The 2nd Circle of The Clean Kenya Campaign will be led by;
- Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- Executive Director
- Mr. Daniel Moi- Finance and Administration Manager,
- Ms Winnie Gikonyo- Project Manager- Mobilization and Registration
- Mr. Chris Sunday- Project Manager- Environmental Management, and
- Ms Anne Elizabeth Cook- Head- Strategy and Planning, and
- The Organizing Committee
Mmmmm. The Clean Kenya @ 50 is going to cover 11 Villages in Nairobi and it is going to be real transformative.
Odhiambo T Oketch,
Executive Director,
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC,
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel; +254 724 365 557,
Mailing List;
The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of KCDN Kenya
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