Dear All,
Western economics has become so positivistic that it has lost sense of ethical values! It considers materiality more valuable than humanity! So much so that even the human being, let alone produced goods and services as we know them, has become a commodity! Think of the slave trade (human trade!). Think of human labour valued in terms of money (salary, wage, etc.). Why? Because 'greed' and 'selfishness' have been sanctified by the theory/concept of scarcity! The weak or have-nots are told that resources are scarce, so that they cannot claim them as rights, so that the haves can amass! If resources are scarce, why allow – by the hooks and crooks of laws and contracts – a few to amass wealth? Indeed, it is the law of greed at work.
Because of greed and selfishness being legalized through those who have the power of property, politics (which gives you power!) has also become a commodity. Indeed, in Africa the general elections have become giga-supermarkets where the electoral ballot has become the medium of exchange. Since the majority of the voters are very poor in their civic consciousness, they get conned! The politicians buy them off with the political menu traditionally known as 'election manifesto'! The most traditional political parties have become corporates, with their chairpersons as CEO's roaming from one constituency to another shopping for expectations of the electorates with the currency of promises!
We Africans, who have been duped into this game, the shopping game (with the deception 'where you always win'!) whose shelves are full of so-called 'democratic goodies', and we buy them with our African identity, as a result we (almost!) have become up-rooted! The best proof for this is the fact that we more often than not make reference to the wise or philosophers of the West, Greek or not, and not to our sagacious wise philosophers of the African ancestral schools, the like of Shaka Zulu, Mkwawa, Mirambo, Mangi Sina, Lusinde, Mazengo, Tambaza, Nyerere, Kaunda, Kenyatta, Mandela, Nkrumah, Haile Selassie, and many thousand more! We have been made to believe that Western wisdom was born in the West! The latest historical fundamental theories all point out that the ancient Greeks got the wisdom from ancient Egypt! Where science and technology were so advanced that pyramids could be built with architectural precision which has never been achieved, per square meter pro rata!!!
THE ONLY WAY OUT IS TO INAUGURATE AFRICA'S NEXT PHASE OF LIBERATION AFTER THE POLITICAL ONE, NAMELY AFRICAN ECONOMIC LIBERATION MOVEMENT (AFRELIMO). The spirit is now already in the making, it requires incarnation, whose climax will be the creation of African National Economic Liberation Committees in each of the 52 countries. The birth of these Committees should take place in 2017 in Arusha, the Golden Jubilee of the Arusha Declaration, a declaration not surpassed anywhere in Africa. A declaration which fired the political liberation of all countries in Southern Africa; and is now inspiring some countries in Latin America.
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