Hello wanabidiiplace.blogspot.com,
I thought you might like to know some reasons why you are not getting enough website hits/visitors and conversion.
Also your traffic flow is poor from the last couple of months due to some of the reasons. You might know about recent Google UPDATES like Phantom 3.0, Panda 4.2, and Penguin 4.0.
Google has completely dropped all authorship functionality from the search results and webmaster tools. So be careful of it and take the help of a SEO company to fix it.
Issues of wanabidiiplace.blogspot.com,
· Due to poor and unauthorized link sites.
· Relevant keyword phrases are not visible on the first page listing.
· Due to HTML validation errors and warnings present in the website.
· Your website is not search engine friendly.
· Website content quality is not high standard.
· Website is having on-page optimization issues.
Area of Improvement:
· We will give you First page ranking on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
· Improve your organic traffic and sales.
· Secure your website from Google penguin updates 4.0
· Increase your conversion rate.
· Target your local market to increase business.
Caution: This is our marketing strategy that we use Gmail. If you want to receive a detailed plan of action, please feel free to get in touch, we will get back to you with a Detail Report and Proposal.
Thanks & Regards,
Jones Lee
Sr. Business Development Manager
Note: If you are not interested, please email with the subject line "Remove" and I will be happy to update my database.