Friday 1 May 2020

Course Correction

Its been a while since I took the time to relax and convert/paint a few figures  for the pleasure of it although that had been part of "the plan".  So, on Sunday, I decided it was time to put rules and games aside and  complete a couple of long overdue Elastolin Prince Valiant conversions.  I didn't worry about my wonky eyes, twitchy hand and so on, just let myself relax and enjoy the time.

Elastolin conversions. Each figure is composed from parts of 2 or 3 different figures.
(I'm probably going to matte these to match the rest rather than semi-glossing the whole collection but the jury is still out.)

I've also started reviewing my collections with an eye to enforcing my rule that each must provide  "a different kind of game" with all game types of interest being included.  So it is that Prince Micheal has been returned to a  simple skirmish game focusing on narrative as opposed to the battle game it had been turning itself into since the massive reinforcement arrived a few years ago. Excess figures will be shunted to the pool of figures that the new late medieval/fantasy 40mm game will draw upon.

"The Prince sent scouts to watch the tower and seek out any weaknesses."

Now I'm ready for battle. Stay tuned!


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